Wednesday, December 26, 2007

The Egyption-Gaza Tunnels

Background on the following article: Abed Atwan the owner of an Arabic newspaper, Al-Quds Al- Arabi, published in London wrote an article on 12/27/2007 talking about a needed support to Egypt in the face of news reported Israeli pressure on the Egypt ion government to stop the smuggling of weapons from Egypt to Gaza through tunnels underneath the borders.

My reply:

Abed is an, no doubt about it, artist in what I call the demagoguery journalism. Abed for years has been attacking the Egyptian regime of Hosni Mubarak and accusing it with all what Abed calls the disasters that took place in The Middle East. Now, Abed is turning the tables upside down and started to give Egypt's regime support and cheers. Maybe because Abed pretends and wants us to believe in this case in the popular saying, Ana Wa Akhoya, Egypt, like any other country, must stop the export of terrorism, that is if does, to it’s neighboring states through the so called tunnels. As for Israel, Abed said that it is a corrupt society, I personally do not believe in that for a simple reason, a corrupt society can not be a dominant and progressed society. Of course like any other country from time to time corruption arises but it is not a social phenomenon; otherwise Israel would not have survived. As for Gaza, poor Gaza, it is under the famous hypocrisy, Hamas, after it was under the famous corrupts, Fateh. Abed was right though in one point and that is his description of the Egyptian soldiers at the border. They are poor and they want to serve well but the means are scare and not organized and it was just such a painful view to see the difference between the Israel side of the border and the Egyptian side. The Israelis were clean, upbeat, and civil. The Egyptians were poor; the facility was old, and dirty. The real problem is not in Israel but it is in the Image the Arabs have across the board. Abed Atwan reminds me of the famous Ahmad Said of Sout Al Arab radio during Nasser’s rein of Egypt. He, Said, among others was a cheerleader for a fake victory.

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