I'm writing this article while looking at the internet and reading huge headline news stating that Barack Obama has won the Iowa Caucus. I will go further... much further and say and predict that Barack Obama is in his way to win the presidency of the United Sates comes November of 2008. Short of a huge surprise such as the arrest, capture or killing of Osama Bin Laden which if it happens will carry the republican ticket back to the white house, Barack Obama will win the presidency. America’s challenge in the coming twenty years will be taming the shrewd and that shrewd is the Middle East, Africa and Latin America, America needs a voice, put simply, that can relate and be related to all these areas. Obama's heritage will help. This might sound and look over simplifying the huge historic significance of electing a black to the white house but it is the reality. Obama will lay the foundation for all these changes and his election will ensure

Jamil Shawwa's Wire will focus on analyzing the news and the news behind the news, from all over the world and on any topic. Politics, peace, democracy and human rights will always be the headlines. Arts, books, human relations and human dimensions will also be present. The site is positioned to be a bridge that connects events and people. Objectivity, though in the eyes of the beholder, will always be paramount.
Thursday, January 03, 2008
Go ahead ..America, Make History. By Jamil Shawwa
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