Friday, February 26, 2010

*Cafe Talks……Obama’s Middle Jamil Shawwa

Cafes, Bars, Restaurants have been through history the place where people mix eating, drinking, smoking- though it is getting harder and harder for the smokers to find a safe heaven- with talking. Strangers setting together in one place, either individuals or groups, and just venting. Accordingly, the places that I just mentioned have been a great source of news, gossips, information, conspirators, dating, and love making- stop it, I'm just stretching it- or just as everywhere else in the world the daily hangout place for the retired. So you can, if you want and have the skills- I am not good at it- listen and record all types of stuff that people do. It is amazing the information that you can get hanging in a popular place like Starbucks, for example. I know some people might say but who has the time for all these observations besides you, and the answer is that there are few that are interested in poking in other people’s lives and business if for nothing but just to amuse or entertain themselves. The other day, I went to one of my breakfast places near work and as I was standing outside for a quick cigarette before entering the place that is by the way in Virginia- which used to be the cigarettes capital of the United States before our wise politicians banned it altogether, I mentioned it in another blog here- Any way, I was standing there smoking by few news stands, those machines that dispense papers, as I used to smoke by the toilets in planes, and I came across two gentlemen looking at the cover stories from behind the glass window of the box that has the papers, you have to insert coins to get a copy but these two were not interested in buying a paper per say but just reading for free the headlines. I am not going to mention their ethnicity as I really trying hard to live up to what I write**. One man looked at the other and asked; do you know Obama's Middle name. The other man kept looking at the paper display without answering, so the first one continued- as if the point he needs to make must be made whether that person answered or not- his middle name is Hussein. The man kept looking at the display, maybe he did not know what to answer or maybe he was thinking of how relevant Obama's middle name to the headlines in the few papers on display. All the headlines that morning were talking about Obama's health plan.

* I will start having a series titled Cafe Talks
**Check my article here, America's Obsession with Color.

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