Saturday, July 03, 2010

America and Rania 07/04/2010.... By Jamil Shawwa

Today, 07/04/2010, Rania turns eight years old, and America turns two hundred and thirty four years young, what do they have in common,

You both are young in age and in spirit

You both are looking to the future

You both are strong and stubborn

You both are resolved and resilient

You both are kind and generous

You both like to be treated well

You do not tolerate injustice, the way you both see it

You like to play fair, though sometimes you like to make sure that you are well heard and listened to

America at two hundred and thirty four years young is looking forward, America does not look back, America still likes to learn; It prefers humility with strength over pride with weakness.

America knows that peace cannot be protected with well wishes only, it knows that to spread peace, you need to make sure that you are watching your surroundings as a hawk, as it's symbol, the bald eagle.

America is for all and it consists of all, so there is no way for anyone or anybody or any creed or religion to claim exclusivity over America; it does not exist.

Some call America the melting pot and some call it the salad ball, different stuff, colors, shapes in one ball, area, or country. I just call it the good old USA.

In protecting itself, America protects the world, and in what might seems and looks as selfishness to its people or over protecting its people, is actually the ultimate generosity, America does not discriminate between domestic and foreign, a peaceful Japan, or Korea, or Nigeria, or Israel or Palestine, or England is a peaceful United States.

America invented the modern business practices, it reinvented the modern diplomacy and it created new meanings to the word empire or the sole superpower on earth. America does not colonize, it does not occupy, and America wants the people of other countries to run their affairs. America believes truly in win- win situations in business and politics, it does not believe in win- lose, because America knows that it's ultimate interest is to have winners around it, to be surrounded with prosperous nations and countries. See the genius, if you are prosper, then I am prosper, if you are rich, then you will enrich me; it is the supreme rule that will continue to carry America through future generations and generations as the sole super power.

Happy birthday America, today is your day and tomorrow too...

How do you like it?


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