Sunday, January 31, 2016

The Joker: A Temporary Detour in American Politics Called Trump

Having a Trump in American politics is not something new. America's path to be the number one nation on earth, the strongest military in modern times,the place to live and start new beginnings for tens of  millions of people from around the world, from all backgrounds, has periodically been interrupted by temporary detours, roadblocks, potholes like Donald Trump and others.

But America has always managed to rise above and around the blocks and has always went back and forth and leveled fields and the roads and has always tried, sometimes not completely successfully, to correct the wrong and advance the right or what it considers as right.

America's path into greatness has never been easy and has never been dictatorial and has never been imperialistic; America believes in win-win situations, American wants to be a partner not a foe; America invites you to come to America not because it is easy but because there is hope for all if they work hard to advance and have a chance to advance and a chance to be part of the great nation that is a composition of nations and of all ethnic groups and of all religions and faiths humanity ever known.

America started as bunch of colonies that found common grounds, kicked out the occupiers who did not understand the New World,  and created a pragmatic federal system and genuinely expanded south and west and created what is known now as the United States of America.

America while trying to find its path, committed atrocities when it enslaved  Africans and segregated the country and dehumanised the humans but at the same time, the same America, corrected the path, freed the slaves, forced the south to retreat and join the Union of the brave and the free; America topped its corrective path by electing a black president in 2008 and reaffirmed it's choice and reelected the same man in 2012 giving him a mandate and confirming its willingness to do whatever it takes and brings whoever it needs regardless of background to govern and bring results and correct the path and eliminate the detours.

In the 1950s a demagogue was elected senator and created a detour of destruction and hate; Eugene Macarthy did not last long, was defeated and America went back to politics the American way: We debate, we argue, we calibrate and then we vote. We play politics and we wear different hats but we are not ideologues and we are not stubborn unless as a nation confronted with a common enemy and clear and present danger. And even in such dire circumstances we will still argue, delibrate and debate and reject and approve but majority at the end of the day we will move forward and never backward.


When Wolves Cry Foul; Ted Cruz and Eugene McCarthy

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