Monday, September 03, 2012

Desmond Tutu...The Loss of Jamil Shawwa

Desmond Tutu, the former Archbishop of Cape town, South Africa, came up a day or two ago with an idea that it seems hit his aging brain all of a sudden, and out of the blues and after almost ten of years from the inception of the event that he is protesting now. He is calling for bringing Tony Blair, the former British prime minister and George W.  Bush , the former US president, to trial before the International Criminal Court for the war in Iraq. Wow, The Archbishop  is losing sight and losing focus and eroding the respect he earned over the years fighting apartheid in Africa. He thinks that for him to come again on world stage, he needs to find something big, international, huge, that of course has to involve the US, otherwise, no one, in his mind, would pay attention. He is talking about Iraq after almost 10 years of the end of the tyrant there and leaving his own backyard suffering under the dictatorship of his comrades at the ANC. Tutu feels that defending the poor, black miners, of *Marikana is not worthy of his stellar name and stellar reputation. Desmund Tutu needs to take a turn, a sharp turn, if he wants to earn back the respect he once had and he needs to focus on the atrocities of the ANC inside South Africa, on the miners that got killed in Marikana South Africa, on the injustice that the majority cries every day, some even say that the days of the apartheid were better than the days of independence and the rule of the majority.


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