She: I am not sure which one to put
He: which do you like more
She: I like both
He: you know, you do not have to put anything if you do not want
She: yeah, you wish, I have to protect my assets
He: from whom
She: from you
He: why
She: because....
He: I understand, you have to keep them intact
She: yes
He I'm not that stupid, I understand their function and importance
She: do you
He: I think so
She: ok, if you say so
He: what does that mean
She: nothing, sorry, I did not mean to hurt your feelings, it was just a talk
He: it is ok you did not.
She: so what do you think shall I go with the black and the hiphunger, or the burgundy and the thong.
He: hiphugger, thong, laces, not sure I am following.
She: oh, you are so ignorant when it comes to women underwear.
He: no, I am not.
She: you even do not know their names.
He: well, I tried to look at Victoria Secret catalogue but they have now ten million names for the lingerie, it is so confusing.
She: only to you.
He: well, what happened to the good old straight forward two piece lingerie.
She: still there, got polished, and you are still the same.
He: oh, now you are comparing me with your lingerie
She: yes, both are attached to me.
For entertainment purposes only
These conversations are not related to any specific person or persons. They are general human conversations from life.
He: which do you like more
She: I like both
He: you know, you do not have to put anything if you do not want
She: yeah, you wish, I have to protect my assets
He: from whom
She: from you
He: why
She: because....
He: I understand, you have to keep them intact
She: yes
He I'm not that stupid, I understand their function and importance
She: do you
He: I think so
She: ok, if you say so
He: what does that mean
She: nothing, sorry, I did not mean to hurt your feelings, it was just a talk
He: it is ok you did not.
She: so what do you think shall I go with the black and the hiphunger, or the burgundy and the thong.
He: hiphugger, thong, laces, not sure I am following.
She: oh, you are so ignorant when it comes to women underwear.
He: no, I am not.
She: you even do not know their names.
He: well, I tried to look at Victoria Secret catalogue but they have now ten million names for the lingerie, it is so confusing.
She: only to you.
He: well, what happened to the good old straight forward two piece lingerie.
She: still there, got polished, and you are still the same.
He: oh, now you are comparing me with your lingerie
She: yes, both are attached to me.
For entertainment purposes only
These conversations are not related to any specific person or persons. They are general human conversations from life.