Tuesday, July 13, 2010

*FIFA South Africa........... by Jamil Shawwa

The first time I watched- rather comprehended what was going on-  was the world cup in 1974 and it was both Germany and Holland-The Netherlands- that captured the lights and the attention- It is amazing how certain things stick in mind, like the first game you watch, or the first book you read or the first girl you love or think you love until the next one comes along or until the girl you really love comes along, It seems that love has to present itself in every conversation- It was also the temporary end of Brazil’s rein over the cup during Pele, Brazil legendary player.

Brazil won the 1970 cup, Pele retired after that game, and Brazil played in 1974 and lost. The final game was between Holland lead by Johan Cruyff and West Germany- as it used to be called at the time- lead by Franz Beckenbauer. West Germany won after an exciting game.

This year we had Spain and The Netherlands- Holland- competing over the most important sports title on earth and Spain won. It was historic for couple of reasons, it was the first time that both finalists’ teams have never won it before and it was played and organized by an African country, South Africa. The organization was fantastic, and the host country was so gracious and luckily, it took place while South Africa historic leader Nelson Mandela is alive.

In reviewing the winners and the losers, the criteria was based on patterns and performance. For example, Argentina to me was one of the biggest if not the biggest loser for a simple reason, when you go on a winning streak and all of a sudden, you lose 4-1 as they did to Germany in the Semi final, then there must be something structurally wrong. Brazil on the other hand was not a big loser per say although it did lose and did not continue beyond the 16th round but it's performance was mediocre all along, so no surprises.

The US continued its pattern of reaching the second round and leave so it is not a loser. As for Germany -the contender always to win the cup- it had a predictable and normal pattern of performance, won most games, lost to Serbia in the first round, and again to Spain but continued and got the third place. Spain and The Netherlands had also a predictable pattern although no one including all the experts expected them to reach the final game.

People watched and put politics aside-maybe- and just enjoyed the sportsmanship of the game, the clean competition- some were not but still- and the winner Spain who in this year also won the Cup of Europe and its teams Real Madrid and Barcelona have been among of the best in the world for generations. Nevertheless, Spain never won a world cup until this year.

Netherlands is the same although it had other opportunities to reach the final game and stopped short from winning. Yesterday, The Netherlands did not need to give us any excuse for not winning nor did it have our sympathy; Spain had exceptional performance in both sportsmanship and delivery. Spain was the better team in the final game all along; they deserved it fair and square. Netherlands needs to lick its wounds, review itself, and reform its behavior. You do not have to be very aggressive to win. But you always have to be very skilful to win.

That was the story of the Netherlands today and the story of Spain the winner of the South Africa 2010 world cup. Football as all competitive sports is about manners and sportsmanship but it is also about winning. Africa right now is on the map as maybe every country that played in the finals and maybe every country on earth, Technology more than ever made it possible for every human being on earth – if they choose to- to watch the game, hear about it or be part of the celebration. People through different social engines on the internet were connected in a way that has never existed before with live conversations around the globe about the final game and every game.

We  were experts as usual, we all had opinions, and we all posted and talked about it. What a celebration of human connectivity it was.

*Trademark of: Fédération Internationale de Football Association

The International Federation of Football.

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