Hillary Clinton’s statement which was a confession more than an answer to a question about the circumstances surrounding the attack and the murder of the US ambassador to Libya, Chris Stevens, showed a rise in the seriousness and the tension of the debate going on in the US now about how the US failed to provide any serious protection to a place that everyone who knows anything about Libya and Benghazi knew it was so unpredictable. Hillary Clinton in an interview today while visiting Peru took full responsibility for the attack, she said that she is the top person at the State Department and takes responsibility for what happened to the ambassador. Hillary’s confession came 24 hours before the second debate of president Obama with the Republican challenger, Mitt Romney which will take place today. The ambassador's murder has been touted among Republicans and the Republican nominee and was expected that Mitt Romney would bring it up in the debate today although the murdered ambassador's father pled to the candidates not to make the murder of his son a campaign issue.. The confession also took place while Darrell Issa, the House Oversight Committee is preparing to initiate an investigation into the circumstances surrounding the killings. So Hillary needed to step in for the boss, Obama, and the least to do was to say; I Confess....

Jamil Shawwa's Wire will focus on analyzing the news and the news behind the news, from all over the world and on any topic. Politics, peace, democracy and human rights will always be the headlines. Arts, books, human relations and human dimensions will also be present. The site is positioned to be a bridge that connects events and people. Objectivity, though in the eyes of the beholder, will always be paramount.
Tuesday, October 16, 2012
Egypt’s Muslim Brotherhood and the peace with the State of Israel by Jamil Shawwa
The Muslim Brotherhood leader in Egypt, Mohamed Badie. equivalent-more or less- to Iran’s Supreme leader, declared today with no provocation or reason, That Israel only knows the language of force and attacked verbally Israel and the Jewish people. The Egyptian president, Morsi, who belongs to the Muslim Brotherhood, whose leader technically is the president’s boss, has been facing multiple domestic issues pertaining to what many Egyptians believe, his broken promises that in the first 100 days of his tenure, he would move Egypt forward on all levels. But instead, the Egyptian president and the group he belongs to, the Muslim Brotherhood, have been moving Egypt backward.
First, couple of days ago, he fired the Attorney general, then later he found out that under the current Egyptian constitution he cannot do the firing and retracted today after demonstration in El Tahrir square, and now his boss at the Muslim Brotherhood, to divert attention, came to the rescue, and of course could not find any issue to tackle and solve inside Egypt, that he directed his attention, the wrong direction as usual, towards Israel, hoping that the simple people, that he believes, the majority of the Egyptians belong to, would give him some “credibility”.
Now, it is obvious that he is using a language that only brought disastrous consequences on Egypt. Egypt should move beyond Nasser’s 1950s and the 1960s demagoguery slogans that made Egypt lose its dignity before losing its assets, to the 2012, to today. Meaning, Egyptian politicians and so called religious/political leaders, who inject maliciously and intentionally the peace with the State of Israel which is the way of now and in the future, in any campaign and domestic problems, should be exposed and dropped, it is as easy as dropping an empty plastic cup, in the recycle bin, I do not want to say the trash can.
The path to building Sinai and keeping it clean from terrorists and infiltrators and smugglers, does not pass through Israel, it passes through a democratic, transparent and credible government in Cairo. In the same token, a Palestinian State in the West Bank and the Gaza Strip is now the responsibility of the Israelis and the Palestinians and no one else.
Egypt’s grand movement towards peace is a not a campaign slogan, but it is the normal and the only way for every and any country in the Middle East. The New Middle East will witness a Palestinian State in The West Bank and Gaza and will witness a Jerusalem, the city of peace, as an open city for all and a capital for both the State of Israel and the State of Palestine, in the West Bank and Gaza.
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