Thursday, February 09, 2012

The Second Reconciliation; Hamas and The West Bank Takeover, by Jamil Shawwa

The first reconciliation between the PLO and Hamas resulted in the humiliating defeat of Fateh- the PLO main faction- in Gaza in the summer of 2007, and the Hamas takeover of that little, yet naughty, Mediterranean city. 

The first agreement was in Saudi Arabia and the second, now, in Qatar; both countries have dubious tribal political systems, of course. Qatar is a country in a news station, which is fine. Al-Jazeera, no one can deny, has changed the Arabs in their respective countries in fundamental and profound ways and became a world class, will, maybe, I should not use Class when describing Al-Jazeera, but still a worldwide best known Arabic news channel. Now they (Al-Jazeera) have an English one. 

Money can do few things, of course, but politics is the bottom line- A US approved and blessed role for Qatar in regard to missions or On-demand tasks in the Middle East. 

Back to Hamas and the PLO, both inherited and contributed to the Palestinian headaches and pain- to say the very least. Two years ago I mentioned that the only Palestinian right now that has Yasser Arafat deviousness and shrewdness, not like him though, is Marwan Barghouti,  currently serving a jail sentence for committing, as an Israeli court ruled, terrorist acts against the State of Israel.  In other words, sometimes, in that part of the world leaders or potential future leaders get "Preserved" in jail until their  moment arrives-South Africa did the same for over 24 years with Nelson Mandela and Turkey is doing now with the Kurdish leader/terrorist Abdullah Ă–calan. 

So a scenario would be to release Barghouti, or electing him while in jail as a Palestinian authority president, and then releasing him, or let him “govern" from Jail. News reports continue to indicate that Barghouti is the only one that can defeat any Hamas contender. Defeating Hamas does not mean eliminating Hamas; eliminating Hamas has never, so far, been on the agenda, not by The State of Israel, or The PLO- the PLO does not have a choice probably- or The United States, but on the agenda have been maneuvers and playing politics and the give and take, and all the other stuff that make the Middle East a "very special place". 

Now, back to politics, if we have drifted, the way things are moving right now, and if history is any indication to us, it looks like, I mentioned it on Facebook, in a post from 12/22/2011, main page, Jamil M Shawwa, that Hamas will join the PLO, take over, and finalize the deal with the State of Israel. In that case, if this Scenario takes place, it would mean that the conservatives in the State of Israel will be negotiating with the so called, arbitrarily speaking, conservatives in the West Bank and Gaza, both hard in their positions about each other, and both will agree eventually to compromise with each other. 

The whole political trend in every country in the Middle East right now is moving towards so called Religious political parties winning popular elections and forming popular governments. Politics will move toward those that can muster popular support, are clever enough to reach the people; we are not talking clean politics here, if there is anything called clean politics and we are not including those that falsely claim a right to govern because they falsely think that they deserve it, or falsely believe that their families should run it- I'm in particular addressing the Arab countries and the West Bank and Gaza. We are on the verge of huge changes; this could mean that Hamas, an unprincipled, demagogue and some say smart organization will take over, the Muslim Brotherhood style, and run the Palestinian State in Gaza and the West Bank.

How do you like it?


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