Monday, August 05, 2019

A Message to Jackass: Identify Texas and Ohio Murderers as Domestic Terrorists

(Undated photo shows President Donald Trump).(Kyodo via AP Images)
Are we still under an illusion; do we still believe President Trump can change or willing to change and if so, change to what; are we or some of us still so naive, that we continue to ask the same rhetorical questions over and over again hoping for different answers or answers more tuned in to what we used to see in other Presidents; Presidents who probably, if not all, at least some or most, harbored privately same "vicious" feelings and sentiments Trump publicly blurs out.

Trump attacks all except for "the base": A population in the US consisted in 2016 of angry people from across ethnic groups but mostly from disgruntled, angry, working class and even some elite whites panicking that America changing so fast that the "white privilege" disappeared or disappearing. 

They are, the disgruntled whites, correct though, America will be a no ethnic majority country and no one can do anything to stop it including Trump idiotic anti-immigrants, anti-illegal immigrants, half way measures like a fake Mexico Wall, he promised deluded base to build to protect their nests and have Mexico pays for it which never happened nor will it ever happen; Trump ended up having the Pentagon obliged to pay for sections of the "promised" wall to make a point for thirsty base. 

So in actuality, no other reason for base to panic except for racism, wrong stereotypical upbringings, privileges in actuality and historically provided based on skin color or shade and meant to  automatically grant people special status, a front row seat, an A-list, or a bathroom seat.

But again the "coalition" that elected Trump in 2016 to the White House consisted of other than just "angry" whites; it consisted of all other "angry" Americans otherwise Trump would have never been able to get elected.

Americans were in an angry mode,for some reason, again,  angry about traffic, high bills, anything, while the economy has been doing well. Trump Americans were rejecting a Supreme Court that could have become too liberal; angry that Hillary Clinton who many including hard core Democrats did not want to see her husband better known as "Slick Willie" back in the White House ever again regardless of Bill Clinton surged popularity. 

So in reality anger was the motivation for change; rejecting elitism that Hillary exemplifies, rejecting having a third term, Hillary, for a black President that we elected twice.

Trump demagoguery against everything that was "non-white" rallied even non-white people; blacks, Asians, Hispanics, and others who historically either believe whites should have privileges or thought like Mike Tyson (we gave Obama a chance, why not giving Trump the same chance). Trump however was so vicious in his rhetoric, words, attacks, style that even some ardent Republicans could not tolerate or could no longer accept and tolerate. Mitt Romney and John McCain represent the best of those Republicans. But again Trump attacked and attack Republicans who oppose him or shed light on his politically motivated stupidity. 

Again, the role of an angry vehicle fits Trump; he loves to entertain, he will gladly tolerate to be called all the names in the book including a documented jackass for the role of President which millions believe is the ultimate privilege in the US or the ultimate American success story. Trump was raised to focus on that one goal; the ultimate goal, to be President; for Trump it does not matter at all what means to use or if you look or sound like a jackass, you still have a base that will fly you to the "moon", in this case to the White House. so before the angry base disappears go ahead and run and become President and let the chips fall where they may.

Again, there was no better timing for Trump to become president  other than that 2016 time with "unpopular" Hillary running after President Obama concluded his second term.

However, the hate Trump incites, promotes, as demagoguery as it is, since took office, against American media, against American institutions like the FBI, CIA, Federal Reserve, Congress, American female lawmakers telling them to leave America, blacks, Latinos, whites who oppose him, his "Russia elections collusion", refusing to stand up against white nationalists killing American people, killing fellow Americans, out of hate, and arguably as a direct response to Trump's rhetoric like what we have seen few days ago in Texas, Ohio, California, is making Americans realize that his rhetoric is hitting home, his style destroying schools and families, killing children, families, women, elderly, whites, blacks, Latinos, Asians, Jewish, Muslims, Christians; basically hitting and touching and hurting every American across the US.

The price is too high even for a base that likes Trump.

Trump rhetoric is making Americans scared to go out, to movies, to parks, to festivals, to malls; basically affecting every American everyday life.  Americans realizing Trump making vicious fanatics ready to act, creating criminals or helping ready minded criminals eager to act and attack; attack and kill their children, the base children, and others; no one anymore safe or immune with Trump in the White House. 

Americans now across the board including some "Base" ranting about everything that is "non-white" under the sun no longer finds Trump the "entertainer"; the "apprentice"" but a person if reelected, things will only get worse; Americans  angry at Trump and Ohio and Texas massacres committed by allegedly Trump supporters, extremist white nationalists, could be the huge turning point for an entertainer who thinks he makes "base" happy and energized no matter what he says and that base will reelect him back to the White House no matter what because there is no other choice or alternative for them but to have Trump as the last "white hope". Trump act finally caught up with him and base now is as scared as the rest of America.

So can an intentionally acting jackass change act now: The answer is too late in the game besides it is not something Trump finds entertaining or wants to do; Trump cannot be other than Trump; he cannot be serious, dignified, discuss serious things, talk compassionately; Trump cannot project himself as a father figure or someone with high moral standards; it is simply not Trump. 

Trump,  however,  will continue to go back and forth up and down but will never be anything else but Trump that a "base" of American voters, no longer exactly exists, in 2016, elected him as President of  United States succeeding the first black American President.

But Trump is and has been a much needed wake-up call for America and Americans  however 4 years of a Trump wake up call is and has been more than sufficient to get the message through.


What's next for this different kind of American: Everything points to one term in office but again weird things happen in America and they happened in 2016

9 killed in Dayton, Ohio in second US mass shooting within 24 hours; killer killed

Who's the terrorist in America; Who incites hate in America; who writes manifests against immigrants in America; who murders Americans in America; who loves America more: Texan Murderer Patrick Crusius or the four American female lawmakers Trump attacks and calls to "send them back to their countries"

Murderer, a 22 year-old- white male, homegrown terrorist,Patrick Crucius, kills people at Walmart in El Paso; deranged beast in police custody; 18 reported murdered in cold blood; Trump violent rhetoric the root cause?

California Garlic Festival Killer, killed: 3 killed in shooting, including 6-year-old

Trump from the banks of the Ohio River builds a 2020 case for aggressive base: President says “The Democrats spent more time attacking Barack Obama than they did attacking me”, avoids racial controversies

Mr. Trump Borders: Immigration and Immigrants between Politics and Morality

As Trump dives into racial politics, suburban women recoil

She is mad at Trump but will black America follow; will black America show and display anger at the ballot boxes November 2020

Trump broadens attack on black America, says, Baltimore majority-black district represented by civil rights leader Elijah Cummings “disgusting, rat and rodent infested mess”, calling Cummings “brutal bully”

Hey, You, Yes You, Wake Up, Trump President

How do you like it?


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