Monday, July 30, 2012

America America..Gun Control is Out of Jamil Shawwa

On Friday 07/20/2012, a masked man in a Batman movie character costume, went to a movie theater in Aurora Colorado at the midnight premiere of the new Batman movie, not carrying a movie ticket to watch the show but an AK-47 to kill people, moviegoers, innocent spectators.

He went through the ticket line, I'm assuming that he bought a ticket, and went through the doors, no security and no metal detectors, just young boys or girls clipping tickets, or elderly senior citizens doing the same thing, nothing in between except for greedy theater owners that have no regard or sense for minimum security to provide their patrons, or city and state and country that are not aware of the need to monitor, minimum monitoring- no freedom infringement- places where thousands of people attend to enjoy and not attend to be killed.

In the same night, hours laters, Michael Bloomberg, the Republican Mayor of New York City confronted in frank way the politicians running for offices and especially the presidential candidates, The Democrat Obama and the Republican Romney, to start to do something about this issues, gun control, and to stop sidestepping what is, according to millions of Americans, detrimental to them to feel safe in malls, movie theaters, schools and streets.

Today, 07/30/2012, Reuters released a poll, a survey, showing that almost half of Americans asked, support some sort of gun control and purchasing. We are no longer talking about a hobby to hunt, but  sickening minds that want to kill.

On 07/22/2012, president Obama interrupted his campaign, and flew to Aurora to offer his condolences and support to the families of the victims. There, Obama said, "AK-47s belong on battlefield, not streets" .The following Thursday Time had the gun control matter and the Aurora murders on the cover with a cover story title of " How Guns Won" stating from Time’s perspective that Americans are not for gun control and basically it is an issue that will not be resolved in favour for  the advocates of gun control.

The US Constitution Second amendment grants Americans "the right to bear arms" and the Supreme Court largely and historically has uphold this amendment but has interpreted it with variations ,occasionally, based on lawsuits and challenges to it.

After the failed assassination attempt of president Reagan in 1981, the Brady Law was introduced to require background check before purchasing guns. But it did not factually prevent crime, most murders that were in the style and magnitude of the Aurora killings and killer were by individuals with no criminal record, mostly people who "suddenly" decided to act.

Now, what is the solution, we have a constitution that grants the right but it does not say what type of weapons and for what. I mean what if someone decide to purchase a canon, can they just claim that the constitution grants that to them.

Today it was reported that James Holmes, the alleged killer, of the Aurora movie theater purchased 6000 round of ammunition online;ammunition that he used to kill people and not hunt birds and dears.

What about the online gun purchasing and ammunition being delivered to killers and psychopaths doorsteps. Can advocates and politicians and even regular citizens through their elected officials, if the politicians dare to challenge the strongest lobby in America, the Gun lobby, the NRA, raise the issue, and try if not to redefine the gun laws and second amendment, but limit the types, the means and ways that people can purchase guns and ammunitions.

Do people need battlefield guns to feel safe in their homes and use if needed for self defense , or do they purchase battlefield guns to substitute and supplement a dangerous and deadly inferiority complex and a mind that is ready to snap at any provocation or to imitate any movie villains.

We are basically giving people a licence to kill and not license of self protection. Same applies to our laws that provide people a licence to kill such as “ Stand your Ground law” that allowed a killer in Florida back in February of this year to track an innocent teeanger, an unarmed walking person and  kill him in cold blood.

Does killing other humans became so easy and so simple that societies cheer to a certain extend killers with licensed guns, or say at least the killer did not steal the gun, but bought it legally like any commodity.

Are we having killers treated like movie stars, with protection and entourage wherever they move and bunch of lawyers on their side complaining  about how “harsh” society was on them.

Few months ago, in Norway, a deranged, hateful person, went on a killing spree and “eliminated” over seventy souls claiming that he is doing it to “clean” his country from foreigners changing the lifestyle of his country. That killer is now so close to run for office with all this media frenzy around him, saluting the press Corp, and making statements that news publish as if coming from an “authority” in human relations.

The time is now for a new contract that does not depend on the goodwill of humans, but on laws and regulations that do not eliminate the US constitution’s Second amendment, but makes it human and fair and just and competent and finally proactive and preventive.

Check updates and related since first published:

Chris Kyle

A Profile of a Terrorist; a homegrown terrorist: The South Carolina Black Church Murderer

Sandy Hook Elementary School

Umpqua Community College

The Lafayette

Sandy Hook Elementary School 2

Republicans and Democrats

South Carolina Black Church 2

Norway Killer Anders Behring Breivik

Norway Killer Anders Behring Breivik 2

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