Sunday, February 06, 2011

“The West Bank and The Gaza Strip…..Rise”….detour by Jamil Shawwa

The Palestinian people in the West Bank and the Gaza Strip need to revolt as the Egyptians and the Tunisians. But they need to revolt not against the State of Israel; Israel is not part of the problem and Israel is not the oppressor. They need to revolt against the historic dictatorship of the PLO and the emerging dictatorship of the famous hypocrisy, Hamas. They need to demand the elections in the West Bank and Gaza of reliable and credible leaders that can set side by side with the State of Israel and work a final, realistic, and practical solution for the establishment of a Palestinian State in the West Bank and the Gaza Strip. The Palestinian and Arab leaders so far and by large and in general have manipulated the Palestinians to serve their own narrow and selfish needs. The Palestinian question has fed into creating excuses for the oppressive regimes in the Arab countries to stay in power. In the name of Palestine, The Arab leaders have caused millions of their people to live like subhumans, no more, let the Palestinians learn the lesson of the Egyptians, and just rise, go to the streets and demand elections and demand leaders who can negotiate without pretentious and hypocrisy the final solution. Oh, one more thing, and they, the Palestinians, need to send a message, a strong one, to Iran, to butt out of their business.

Go to   and type Israel and Palestine in the search tool for more information and articles.

"A Word To the Wise Guy"….Another Detour by Jamil Shawwa

 The Grand and Supreme Idiot of Iran, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, is trying to get credit for something that is going on in Egypt that has nothing to do with what took place in Iran in 1979. After 32 years of the clerics revolution in Iran, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, is saying that finally, Iran is getting some traction and people in the Arab countries are learning from it. Those Iraninas never stop to amaze me, you have though to admire their thick skin, I wish I have thick skin, they do not give a damn how retarded they sound, and they keep going like that battery ad, keeps going and going and if we are lucky….they will be gone…gone soon:)

Go to  and type Iran in the search tool for a history of articles about it.

Mubarak's Last Hurrah...Part II The Muslim Brotherhood is On The Line

by Jamil M. Shawwa on Thursday, February 3, 2011 at 1:52pm
 It is very interesting to watch how Mubarak’s departure evolves; in his style to say the least. Check my posts below. Now, he basically divided the Egyptian street, and playing the Muslim Brotherhood card. When the uprising started, the Muslim Brotherhood were nothing or nowhere to be found.  Mubarak is giving them a momentum they only dreamed of….. Will continue with  Mubarak’s Last Hurrahs.

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