Saturday, January 09, 2016

Trump and Bundy and America

Both billionaire Donald Trump and rancher Bundy think that by themselves they can reshape America and retake America and change history; both cannot be more wrong and both cannot be more deceiving and both cannot be more dangerous and both need to be confronted and defeated. A forgone conclusion, Trump will be defeated at the ballot boxes, but Bundy the rancher, the cows raiser, must be defeated legally and by law enforcement. Bundy is an occupier, an aggressor, an intruder while Trump is playing the role of the fascist.

Most Americans know that Mr. Trump will never be President of the United States but he can influence things and make the political arena more tense and even, ironically, to many more exciting; before Trump got in, America had a Republican presidential field that was so dull and Hillary as the only thing going; imagine. Through stupid but calculated and deliberate remarks about Mexicans and American Republican politicians- he called Texan Perry stupid which is true by the way and called John McCain a loser- and Muslims, Trump got America again jumping and interested in politics and that I tell you is not an easy thing to do.

Until Donald Trump took center stage, the Jack of the Republican Party was none but the famous Texan Ted Cruz

People need to understand at the end of the day Trump is part of a big circus and show that is called US presidential elections; a show that will produce a president who will never ever have the name of Donald Trump

The job of Donald Trump is not to elevate Americans but to entertain blue collar America, to play the joker, the jackass in a suit; American presidential elections is the biggest political circus on earth, it is the biggest commercial enterprise in history, it is the largest fair and show in the universe; Americans from east to east celebrate democracy in unique ways; Trump is part of the show, someone has to play to the tunes of the times we are in, someone must play ugly the role.

But people can choose to get radicalized by demagogues who spread hate like the American Trump and the French Le Pen , or people car reject demagoguery because demagoguery at the end of the day will bring and contribute to hate and crime and terrorism; in the first half of the 20th century, Germans and Italians and Japanese fell to demagoguery and the results were crimes against humanity

But will naive and deceived southern Republicans wake up and realize that Trump is nothing but a "Jack"with a mic who will make Hillary president

However, again,  at the end of the day, the two clowns and entertainers on the Republican side - Donald the Trump and  the Very Wrong Ben Carson could end up setting the stage for Jeb the Son of Bush to be the Republican nominee for President of the United States and with his Mexican wife and his bilingual skills beat Hillary and become our 45th President

Majority of Americans made up their mind earlier, before “Jack” Trump Appeared, not to bring slick willie to the White House again, but now, the chips are down

The other ‘Un-American’ is rancher Bundy and his family; and the questions that keep keep coming up are:  What is the difference between the Iranians who took American hostages in Tehran in 1979 and the Bundays in Oregon who are holding the US Government and the American people hostages to their greed and hostility towards America and what it stands for

What is the difference between ISIS and Donald Trump and the Bundy family who is now attacking US properties and challenging US government in Oregon

What is the difference between the thugs of Hizbulla and Lebanon's Rasputin Nassralla and the Bundy thugs in Oregon

Is there any difference between Lebanese Hizbula or Hamas in Gaza and the Bundy family in Oregon who is now attacking US government in Oregon

The Bundy cowboys of Oregon have a history of challenging the authority of the US government and the time is now to use legal means to apprehend lawless militias

Oregon where the Bundy ranchers occupy federal land starts to look like Beirut where thugs and warlords rule the streets

Those in Oregon and elsewhere that carry arms and occupy federal lands and challenge the authority of the United States are enemies of the United States and law and order must be restored

We as Americans need to do two things simultaneously if we decide to do things: Clean the garbage outside the US and clean and collect the garbage inside the US as well to have picture complete

The big question today goes to our man in the White House: What is Obama going to do to restore the prestige of the federal government in Oregon where the Bundy ranchers are showing the feds the middle finger...

We have to show empathy with President Obama in his goal to build a legacy away from just being the first African-American president but at the same time we as Americans need to see action; we need as Americans to see effective gun control; background checks and also we need as Americans to get the Bundys out of federal land and property in Oregon and into the courtroom where they belong.

Click on attached links for more information:

Donald Trump

Americans Reacting to Trump Demagoguery

Americans Reacting to Trump Demagoguery

Americans Reacting to Trump Demagoguery

Trump and China

Jeb Bush Struggles


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