Sunday, February 05, 2012

Mosque in America and The NYPD tape; Revisted..... By Jamil Shawwa

In an **Expose by the New York Times that needs to be looked at from much larger picture and from much clearer lenses, it is well known and customary for security, intelligence and police departments all over the world to motivate their individuals against potential terror from potential groups by showing real and propaganda- not real- materials. Nothing out of the ordinary here. However, as the Expose reported, this particular video was a complete fabrication and targeted not terrorists or potential terrorists or threats to America, but targeted a population of The United States, a religion that almost 2 billion of humans believe in. Here it needs a review, and it is being reviewed and it has been pulled out as I understood it. America again does not like to and it is not bigot- there are of course individuals, but they are on the fringes, even across different sectors of the society, in companies, towns, cities and they could be found prejudiced against anything, could be against those that believe in Christianity or sects within it, or Judaism or Hindus, anything or because someone wears a skirt, or have a beard- it is human, unfortunately by nature to be prejudice. Having said that, the vast majority of humans either keep their prejudices to themselves, are clever enough not to show it, or pretend not to be prejudice, or spread them legally through freedom of speech; another legal venue until courts decide if a particular bigotry or prejudice cross the line to actually violate existing laws, and an entity or individual or individuals claim and say so and bring them to the attention of the courts system. Those individuals throughout history; very few, but unfortunate, choose terror to claim a message, are the ones that you target; those that claim religions to spread a message of hate violently. The danger of these individuals resides in the fact that for the vast majority of people, just the mention of religion makes them jump. I'm not jumping though; I'm sharing as the New York Times, a perspective, something that could help America become smarter and forceful and on target regarding individuals that seek to harm it. In 2001, America was a target of individuals from Arab countries that said or claimed, before committing their crimes and terror, on tape or somewhere, that they have attacked America in the name of Islam. Now, any human being, again, with any active brain cell, unless they are running an agenda, would know that logically and practically this cannot be; religions do no kill or terrorize; individuals with agendas do. Those individuals are everywhere, and smart intelligence would use smart methods to identify. To repeat, these propaganda methods are used everywhere. Historically, in Europe, the Middle East, there are bigots as well that spread propaganda about people of Christian faith or Jewish faith; amazingly unfortunate, but it exists and it needs to be fought, period. America takes on its part to be more sensitive to prejudice, more forceful, maybe, in trying to be right and smart and practical. This video and similar propaganda charge the emotions but it blinds the brains, it clouds judgment and it creates mini isolated societies within the same country. Continue to fight those that in the name of security and safety and national security use methods that to say the least not smart and not true or about true, not helpful, to be practical here, to spread a message that is so important which is that the country will fight terrorism and terrorists regardless of their claim falsely of religious back ground that made them do what they do. History proves that those that have claimed religious motives or religious inspirations have almost always been motivated by political agendas far from the religion, that the religion if it can talk, it would scream so loud...Foul play. But things will continue, there is no utopia on earth, and accordingly, we, normal and law abiding citizens, need to continue to think and expose those that claim falsely claims and allegations that they cannot substantiate, scale or quantify.

** White House Image in this blog and background information is from the New York Times in an article by Michael Powell with the title “In Police Training, a Dark Film on U.S. Muslims “from 01/23/2012,link:

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