Jamil Shawwa's Wire will focus on analyzing the news and the news behind the news, from all over the world and on any topic. Politics, peace, democracy and human rights will always be the headlines. Arts, books, human relations and human dimensions will also be present. The site is positioned to be a bridge that connects events and people. Objectivity, though in the eyes of the beholder, will always be paramount.
Tuesday, February 09, 2010
Niqab, burqa and Extremism, النقاب والبرقع والتطرف by Jamil Shawwa
There is another subject that I am sure that I am not qualified to discuss, religions. To me religion is a private matter between a person and God or whomever this person believes in. I am and no other human on earth has the right or the qualifications to tell another human whom to believe or worship. Wars erupted through history and until now when groups of people or individuals have hijacked religions for their own purposes and agendas. In that process, those hijackers have used innocent and sometimes not so innocent humans to advance their usually political accords. Religion is a magic word all over the world that-if manipulated- make people sometimes listen with deaf ears and see with blind eyes, and follow without any logic or reason. People sometimes escape their daily frustrations or desperations into surrendering themselves to their saviors, usually manipulative people- who claim that they will in the name of God left them from their misery into a different world, an imaginary world. We are witnessing great divine religions being restructured by organizations that aim towards destructions and terror not for any purpose except for claiming that they are in the name of God sent to spread peace and justice on earth, by destruction, by terror. What compelled me to write now about this subject is the debate going on in places around the world regarding women covering their faces especially in open societies. As far as I am concern, there is no religion on earth that requires women to cover their faces, it is a choice to cover the hair or the head, a scarf or Hijab, or head cover but not the face. Covering the face or the whole face except for the eyes or even cover the eyes and have a little window for the woman so she can open her mouth and eat and breath has nothing to do with Islam or any other religion, it is brought by fanatics whose job is to spread ambiguity and whose job is to demean women in the name of God. We must in the Middle East start a new way of thinking- the majority of people are moderates but as usual, the voice of terror and destruction is louder- towards having responsible religious people that interpret the religions as religions and not as political documents. The place of religions is in the heart, in the worship places. Countries should refrain from using religions to identify themselves, fight others or just declare who is right or wrong. In our United States of America, freedom of religion is guaranteed in the constitution; we all can and do worship whomever we want. We still have here in the US as any country those fanatics that as in the Middle East tries to impose a political agenda in the name of religion, who kill doctors that perform abortion on women in legally abortion clinics- The constitution of the United States granted the right of women to choose, either to keep unborn or perform abortion, we have religious leaders who blast other religions. Therefore, the phenomenon again is universal because it relates to human behavior and human behavior is universal. We humans are the same in the very basics. I know that I am naive if I think this religion manipulation will ever seize to exist but I think it can be fought and it can be put under control. It will continue to exist as humans exist but again it can be managed and it can be less destructive. I do not drink- just an example- but my wife does and she has a wine cellar, I am exaggerating, just a cabinet, in the house. Is it my business, not really, do I care, not at all, except when I beg her to give me a bottle or two as presents to friends and she -as usual- refuses.
Negotiations....... المفاوضات by Jamil Shawwa
I have to admit that I have always dreamed to be a good negotiator; I do not think I am though. I am more into do this and do that rather than what do you think and how do you feel. Still I -depend on the situation and the issue- like to have a common ground with the people I am talking with, as long as at the end they follow my lead or at least do not push too much into this negotiations thing- notice that I said talking With rather than To, which indicates equality. The arts of diplomacy, political science, and business teach us that the best negotiations is the one that result in a win-win situation, meaning that all parties, or two parties get something or leave the table with minimum satisfaction. I can go back through history and learn that no negotiations that resulted in a win-lose situation has ever lasted. No negotiations that do not at the end or that do not at the beginning provide a platform for equal opportunities to present each case and argument would last and if it lasts, would not fly or get traction. When I used to travel- it has been few years- I have always read those magazines you find in the back seat of the seat in front of you on the plane- I fly coach, used to set next to the toilets at the end of the plane, it was fun- and I almost always used to find an ad for one of these business coaches that teach business people the art of negotiations or he used to claim that he knows. The title of that ad was and I quote" In life you do not get what you deserve but what you negotiate". I know there are variations to that quote but I have no doubt in mind that in general it is right. Whenever we approach negotiations, any negotiations, with the premise that I am right and you are wrong, then I do not think that anyone can win. In business as in politics, I really think that we have to come to the table with an open mind and heart. It is 100% ok to have demands, to have ideas, to believe that you have this right and that right, but it is not ok, it is not productive and it is not permissible, to come to the table thinking that you have an inherit right to something, that you are above the other and that other must obey and agree to your demands, otherwise - in your mind or action- you would think that person or persons are not peace loving people or that they are not as savvy in business as you are. Having claimed the above, I must say too, that if you are not smart enough, clever enough, just stay at home, do not cry foul if you lose the argument or the negotiations due to your own stupidity, forgive my Chinese. See, I told you that I am a bad negotiator; I have been saying or dictating what negotiations should be rather than leaving the definition to all of us to decide. Who do I think I am. For sure not clever.
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