Monday, February 28, 2011

The civility of a Revolution…Passing Thought by Jamil Shawwa

Are revolutions supposed to be civil, by the name itself, it means and indicates chaos or uprisings against a system or governments or tyrants or to seek independence, so how can they be civil. The historic facts though contradict that contrast. All revolutions in the past two hundred and fifty years starting with the mother of modern revolutions, The American Revolution, in 1779, have debuted peacefully. The American was peaceful and turned confrontational when they the Americans did not have any other choice. The French revolution followed in 1789, and in the beginning it was a civil- kind of, the French had deep-rooted hatred against a rigid rotten class system in France at that time- but not until the bloodthirsty, Robespierre and his mates took over that the French became extremely violent. Same during the Russian revolution in 1917, not until the Bolshevik took over that the revolution became bloody. The Indians led by Gandhi gained their independence through peaceful revolution, and they sat an example for people around the world that a universally considered just cause could have a chance to flourish peacefully. The Iranians in 1979 revolted peacefully against a naive and an idiot Shah, the clerics took over and they started executing everyone that was not in line with there menacing motives and hypocritical goals. In the pre 1948 historic Palestine, both the Jewish people and the Arab people resorted to violence to achieve their goals of independent state when the politics at that time did not support the demands, and when politics agreed with the demands, the Arabs in Palestine did not agree with the United Nations resolution 181 to form two independent countries, the Jewish agreed, and since then, they- the Jewish people- have had a flourishing country; the State of Israel, and the Palestinians are still trying- since then- to get their act together and build a state in the West Bank and the Gaza Strip. The problem in the West Bank and Gaza is that the politics there has been connected and chained to a political system that has been and still corrupt- The Arab political system- so their- the Palestinians- only hope is that they look inward and focuses on them and decide regardless of what the other Arabs decide and regardless of what Iran wants. I think the new country based Arab political system- in formation right now- will result in normal democratic countries that no longer feel the need to adopt the Palestinians as a cause, or no longer need to manipulate, this is a better description, the Palestinians to justify their own dictatorships. The bottom line is this; democratic Arab countries will make peace with the State of Israel, will help with Israel, the United States, and the world community in transitioning the Palestinians in the West Bank and Gaza into a democratic and civil country that lives in peace with all its neighbors including the State of Israel. Finally, the peaceful revolutions in the Arab countries will prove to be the best barrier against the ultimate terrorist’s organizations led by Al-Qaeda and other mini wannabes, hypocritical, showy, extremist fractions, like Hezbollah and Hamas.

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

A Deranged Beast….Updates From Jamil Shawwa

He is no longer just a joke, a sick joke,

He is no longer just a clown, a terrible clown,

He is no longer just a “mad dog” as Reagan once described him and he is no longer just the “crazy boy of Libya” as Sadat of Egypt many times called him,

He is no longer just a Jackass and a psychopath as your obedient servant here honored him with such titles- I got a call from “The Iraqi Donkeys Association” protesting him calling him a donkey; they are right, they felt insulted.

He is a criminal, a terrorist, a deranged beast, an animal that is spreading havoc and death all over Libya.

The Libyans probably will be paying the highest price humanity has not paid for a long time, and they have the noblest task to get rid the human race from such a crazed person, but the Libyans feel that it is worth paying; they are doing the world a great favor and we are returning the favor by writing about this saga of triumph.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

A View From America…and a View from the Middle East.....Jamil Shawwa

*What! A Web site blocked, here in America! Check my post below from Saturday. The demonstrations are spreading through out Wisconsin, Ohio and the Midwest. It seems that we in America are getting some vibes from The Middle East. But America is the grand democracy and when people go to the streets, they protest against programs and against elected politicians and not tyrants and they know that they can change them in the coming elections. In America, there are already programs to remove governors through due process, referendum, impeachments, and even presidents through impeachment by both Chambers of congress. Nixon was going to be impeached and Bill Clinton was impeached in the House but got away in the Senate. America does not usually protest persons per se, but protest laws and programs as it is happening right now. In America, there is hope and this is what America preaches all over the world, hope. The republicans are playing the same game they played with Bill Clinton in 1995 when they shut down the federal government over budget. They lost then, and they might lose again with Barack Obama. The republicans love to lose, it seems. It happens in politics when you do not have leadership or when you do not have smart leadership. What do you expect from a party that adores a pinhead by the name of Sarah Palin, Rush Limbaugh, Ron Paul and others.

* From CNN: “A left-leaning website that union supporters used to rally protesters in Wisconsin was partially blocked as demonstrators gathered in the state Capitol over a controversial budget bill.”

Monday, February 21, 2011

From Sigmund Freud to the Arab Heads of State and Iran…by Jamil Shawwa

I am sure that Sigmund Freud was foreseeing and thinking of the future when he wrote his famous cycle of grief, Denial, Anger, Bargaining, Depression and then Acceptance. He must have been thinking of that part of the world that would have bunch of dictators that believe that they were given divine authority to suppress and oppress their people and enslave them. Sigmund Freud was genius not only in foreseeing the tragedy of the Arab leaders or should I say the tragedy of the Arabs and the Iranians for having such tyrants running their affairs but also in providing those leaders with the Elixir, psychoanalysis that will help once time comes, and it came, to handle the situation of being kicked out of office, out of their palaces of fear and out of their golden cages. Sigmund Freud was probably thinking mostly of the new Nero, Qazzafi, and his sons and he knew that the Middle East would have someday psychopaths like Qazzafi that could benefit from his landmark analysis. The signs then were there, the Turks were in the Arab countries so the puzzle is solved and the signals were clear as to who would succeed them. I have a question for Sigmund Freud, is it possible for someone like Qazzafi to recognize this cycle of grief on his own and will the Libyan people give him the chance to get through it, or will they take a short cut and kick him before he gets into the fifth part, Acceptance.

Sunday, February 20, 2011

A Psychopath in Libya….by Jamil Shawwa

The psychopath is killing his people left and right and the world is watching, but what can the world do, the psychopath has been in power there since 1969. He has been torturing, abusing, and kidnapping people since then, many of whom were not Libyans. Fortunately, the world can do something and it is doing right now. The smart communication, the technologies are exposing the tyrants all over the world. The cell phones and the text messaging are flowing like the ocean waves and like the rivers running deep. Technology is the tyrants’ worst nightmare and Qazzafi of Libya is one of humanities worst nightmares. He is the butcher of Libya- new title added to his cartoonish titles- and he is the new Nero that burned Rome. Mubarak, Bin Ali, and Kim Jung IL are angels in comparison to him; ok, maybe Kim Jung IL is an exaggeration here but still. A low life and a sick joke, Qazzafi, a piece of political trash that societies could have from time to time through out history. The Libyans are on their own, but the whole world is supporting through what we are doing right now, writing, exposing, and showing and stripping the human animals like Qazzafi from the last tiny piece of leaf that they are behind, hiding.

Friday, February 18, 2011

Help Yourself and America will Be there For You, Part II, "The Palestinians and The Veto Game” by Jamil Shawwa

The United States- I am pretending that I know something about the US policies- cannot go along every time the mood strikes the Arabs or the Palestinians and decide to send a request to the UN Security Council for a resolution on a situation in the Gaza Strip and The West Bank. Since 1947, there has been numerous resolutions and hundreds of requests from all parties, especially the Arab countries and the Palestinians, and sometimes, be amused, by the big wannabes like Iran, for resolutions to handle either the overall problem and the establishment of a Palestinian state in the West Bank and Gaza or for “baby resolutions” for issues relate either directly or indirectly to the Palestinian-Israeli issues, such as the *settlements in the West Bank. Again, all the permanent members of the Security Council including The United States adopted all the main resolutions such as 181,242, and 338. America however cannot  slice it’s polices according to the moods of this group or that, or according to an event that took place somewhere else or for the purpose of rescuing or saving the face of Abbas or other people. The Palestinian authority as the news reported is sending to the Security Council a resolution about the settlements in the West Bank. Ok, they and any other entity can do that, but do not except the United States policy to be at the service of your moods and internal political situations or to settle internal accords within your own country. So continue to do what you are doing if you wish and America will continue to act according to its established policies. The policy of the United States, I claim again to know, is for the establishment of a Palestinian State in the West Bank and Gaza Strip, and for the continuation of either direct or indirect, secret or open communications among all the parties to reach that goal.

Read related:

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Moammar Qazzafi--------The Cartoonish Leader...a note by Jamil Shawwa

Someone has to do something with this jackass, Moammar Qazzafi of Libya. I hate it when I use this term, Jackass, but I am really by doing so, honoring Qazzafi and insulting the donkeys all over t...he world. He has humiliated his people and the human race by just attaching his name to his country and by considering himself a president and a leader. I am sure that the Libyans will wake up one day, soon, and realize that they have a donkey as their president. It is no longer a laughable matter to have this person as head of state in the era of smart democracy and smart communications.

Libya’s demography Is tribal, so it might be difficult to topple him, however he, in 1969, imagine, he has been a brutal, tyrant since 1969, toppled a weak king, so it is feasible that something could happen and end this sick joke. Qazzafi can take to exile with him his cute Ukrainian nurses; I do not see a problem in that.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

"A Word To the Wise Guy"….Another Detour by Jamil Shawwa

The Grand and Supreme Idiot of Iran, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, is trying to get credit for something that is going on in Egypt that has nothing to do with what took place in Iran in 1979. After 32 years of the clerics revolution in Iran, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, is saying that finally, Iran is getting some traction and people in the Arab countries are learning from it. Those Iraninas never stop to amaze me, you have though to admire their thick skin, I wish I have thick skin, they do not give a damn how retarded they sound, and they keep going like that battery ad, keeps going and going and if we are lucky….they will be gone…gone soon:)

Go to  and type Iran in the search tool for a history of articles about it.

Sunday, February 13, 2011

No more, دي بلدهم* Jamil Shawwa

No more, دي بلدهم*

The Egyptians have dropped this one and dropped other stigmas that have been attached to the Egyptians reputation for thousands of years. The Egyptians however continued to have two things that they have maintained for thousands of years, civility and peace. They uprooted the dictator with class, and tact.

* Translation: “their country” always referred to the ruling class.

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Mubarak’s Last Hurrah, Part III, The Last Jamil Shawwa

President Mubarak is playing it as he planned it and is working according to the plan; basically he is going to drive the Egyptians nuts before he leaves, he is gone, again, he is done, and he is out, but the formal announcement has not been yet delivered. Its‘s ok, let the Egyptians and Mubarak dance the last dance, let Mubarak work his way and his style and let the army announce their prepackaged declarations and announcements, and let Suleiman, the VP, continues to show the respect to his president. The bottom line, let everyone continue to do what they are doing, it is a  political symphony, watch and learn. 

Check the previous Mubarak’s Hurrahs here and on

Monday, February 07, 2011

"Morality, Purity and Virginity"..An Afterthought by Jamil Shawwa

Where, we, humans, can start when talking about morality, maybe the Ten Commandments is a good place, also the same teachings that are found in Al-Quran and The Bible and other religions and beliefs and philosophies. But what if we do not want to use or cite the divine religions and others, where should we go and is it that important, I mean we already have established teachings as to what is considered moral or not and these principles more or less are found in every nation on earth and embodied in every political system imagined, regardless of course if these teachings are applied always or not. So where else would we go, the laws is a good place, the constitutions of the countries, again, even if they are there for decoration  and façade purposes or not. The big question I have after that long ambiguous introduction, to me at least, is why do we equate morality with virginity and why do we equate purity with it. I do not think they are related and if there is any relation, I do not think it should be mentioned because there is no direct connectivity or link or an unbroken process or experiences that can establish without any reasonable doubt that there is such connection. The obvious answer is virginity equals not touched but is a virgin better than a “tested person”, and if it is the case, who is qualified to decide. Maybe personal experience, probably, a good start, but most dangerously, we equate the three, morality, purity and virginity because we are raised to believe this way, we were raised, all humans, these are human trends and not related to any particular culture, that virginity is purity. It could be but why do we just pinpoint to that part in the human body, the reproduction area, and make it equal to either good or evil, why that human function is equated with virtues. I think one might say that I just answered myself, because it tied the area that keeps the human race going. What about other behaviors, or not, what if I meet a wonderful woman who has few experiences in life, same of course applies to the male, meaning a woman meeting a man who has few experiences in life, does it mean that these persons are not virtuous. Now, I am not going to involve the religions directly here although they are in the conscious and subconscious of most humans on earth. However, even the divine religions, they, and I am so scared to venture here, equate virginity with purity but they did not ignore other virtues. Therefore, the man or the woman, the girl or the boy, could be virgins until married, as religions require, but in the same time, they could be as far from purity and morality as the sun from the earth. I can meet a divorced woman for example or a single woman; this woman, same can be applied to a man, can have the strength of solid steel to resist anything that she considers immoral or not appealing. See, to her, if she loves someone, then she can practice what she feels a moral thing to do; she is not hurting anyone, she is not breaking a law, and she is not committing a crime- take into account that certain places in the world could criminalize what is considered in other places as personal freedom. I also could meet a topless woman in a topless beach or regular beach, it depends on the country and the laws, that woman could have more morality than a woman that is covered from head to toe. See, the bottom line here is that we can have many sets of morals and virtues and we can have all kinds of people, and we can have all kinds of behaviors, and accordingly it is not up to us, humans, to just set back and render that this person is virtuous or not, it is not up to us, unless we are in a position of judicious nature or law enforcement, in a democratic society, to decide on a case that is presented before us, we are not qualified, no one is. Even then, courts, depends on the society might not apply these human virtues to the case, it will or should apply the law, which is sometimes has nothing to do with the definition of virtues, there is a difference between legal and moral, they can be the same but also they might not be related. To conclude, the above are general statements and thoughts, if you represent a certain political or religious or social domination or party or agendas, then your views of morality, purity and virginity would for sure differes and usually, you would apply that scope to your views, some people nevertheless could be part of an agenda, but they still can have broader views of things. Those are the pragmatic, the practical and usually the leaders in their societies.

Sunday, February 06, 2011

“The West Bank and The Gaza Strip…..Rise”….detour by Jamil Shawwa

The Palestinian people in the West Bank and the Gaza Strip need to revolt as the Egyptians and the Tunisians. But they need to revolt not against the State of Israel; Israel is not part of the problem and Israel is not the oppressor. They need to revolt against the historic dictatorship of the PLO and the emerging dictatorship of the famous hypocrisy, Hamas. They need to demand the elections in the West Bank and Gaza of reliable and credible leaders that can set side by side with the State of Israel and work a final, realistic, and practical solution for the establishment of a Palestinian State in the West Bank and the Gaza Strip. The Palestinian and Arab leaders so far and by large and in general have manipulated the Palestinians to serve their own narrow and selfish needs. The Palestinian question has fed into creating excuses for the oppressive regimes in the Arab countries to stay in power. In the name of Palestine, The Arab leaders have caused millions of their people to live like subhumans, no more, let the Palestinians learn the lesson of the Egyptians, and just rise, go to the streets and demand elections and demand leaders who can negotiate without pretentious and hypocrisy the final solution. Oh, one more thing, and they, the Palestinians, need to send a message, a strong one, to Iran, to butt out of their business.

Go to   and type Israel and Palestine in the search tool for more information and articles.

"A Word To the Wise Guy"….Another Detour by Jamil Shawwa

 The Grand and Supreme Idiot of Iran, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, is trying to get credit for something that is going on in Egypt that has nothing to do with what took place in Iran in 1979. After 32 years of the clerics revolution in Iran, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, is saying that finally, Iran is getting some traction and people in the Arab countries are learning from it. Those Iraninas never stop to amaze me, you have though to admire their thick skin, I wish I have thick skin, they do not give a damn how retarded they sound, and they keep going like that battery ad, keeps going and going and if we are lucky….they will be gone…gone soon:)

Go to  and type Iran in the search tool for a history of articles about it.

Mubarak's Last Hurrah...Part II The Muslim Brotherhood is On The Line

by Jamil M. Shawwa on Thursday, February 3, 2011 at 1:52pm
 It is very interesting to watch how Mubarak’s departure evolves; in his style to say the least. Check my posts below. Now, he basically divided the Egyptian street, and playing the Muslim Brotherhood card. When the uprising started, the Muslim Brotherhood were nothing or nowhere to be found.  Mubarak is giving them a momentum they only dreamed of….. Will continue with  Mubarak’s Last Hurrahs.

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