Wednesday, September 07, 2011

A Message to the Turkish Erdogan...A Jackass Maybe is needed…by Jamil Shawwa

To those who either pretend or actually naive enough- I’m not that savvy by the way, most of the time far from it- I say that Erdogan’s theatrical behavior with Israel is nothing but that; theatrical. It is so normal and expected in the Middle East only, unfortunately, to act that way.

Obviously the Turks and politics believe that the path to an influence in the Arab countries, and the Palestinians is through blasting the Israeli politics, and act the way they act- The Egyptians are doing it now. I personally believe in classy politics, I know that I might sound like a Jack, but it is ok.... I think that you can of course, politically, be very influential and savvy but come across as classy.

Those who are the most clever, those who are the ultimate politicians, cannot see that they are acting like Jacks, even if they were. On the other hand, this "Erdoganian" theatrical behavior could have positive repercussions. It will increase and improve the Turkish- Israeli relations, believe it or not, and in getting both countries closer- sometimes you get closer when you kick each other’s diplomats. Also it will bring Turkey towards the EU full integration, believe it or not, and will minimize or marginalize or even civilize Iran’s influence in the Middle East.

Turkey is, arguably, the most-politically- important Sunni Muslim country or the most important Muslim country altogether right now.

Iran of course is the most influential and important, I do not like to use important and Iran next to each other, but I have to, Shiite Muslim country. The way, business is conducted, with the Arab countries rising, show the rebirth of major regional countries in the Middle East, The State of Israel and Turkey. Israel and Turkey will be in the heart of a new Middle East.

The State of Palestine in the Gaza Strip and The West Bank, will rise too, but will focus on the domestic relations for the people there, their daily living. The word Struggle that the Arabs lived with and by for hundreds of years will be substituted with the words of Living and Building and bridging the wide spectrum to civility and cooperation.

So let the Turks have their moments, in the past they were the worst, during the Ottoman Empire. During the era of Ataturk, they lost their identity, and now that the era of Ataturk and its symbol, the military, is done, Turkey’s new path is integration in the Middle East and the EU, so in the process if Erdogan needs to act like a jackass, why not, let him be…

Saturday, September 03, 2011

The world According to Norm: A Political Model For Jerusalem, by Jamil Shawwa

Norm before starting the bus tour gave us an overview of the world according to him. He said that he was a school principle and before that a teacher until retirement. Before turning on the engine, Norm took a poll on how many Americans, from the US, are on board. Norm would adjust his tour lecture depends on the nationalities of the majority of the tourists; after all, Norm depends on the 15% tip off the ticket price, that is expected and suggested from each family, or individual taking the tour.  The majorities were Americans; we were in Niagara Falls- Ontario, Canada, across the border from Buffalo, New York in the US and an hour and a half drive from Canada’s premier commercial city and the capital of the Ontario province, Toronto.  Norm started talking about the special relations between America and Canada, and how Canada managed to have healthy relations with its mega super power neighbor, as he described it. Norm proceeded to tell us that other parts of the world should look at this example as a benchmark for their relations. Norm is right, America and Canada are unique, the relations are so close, so friendly, and as strong as the steel and concrete that makes up the huge and powerful electricity generating dams on the Niagara Falls. Canada does not have an inferiority complex towards America, the Canadians love America. This unique bond is also based on mutual respect, interests, geography, history, and of course the Niagara Falls, nothing comes closer to that. The Niagara Falls has two parts, no, three parts or falls, in the US and in Canada and the third stands alone separating the two. The grand Falls are in Canada and the beautiful hotels and restaurants and theme parks are also on the Canadian side; the US likes it that way, well, the terrain in big part dictates the choices, but the US was smart, it allowed Canada to have the big parts, the grandeur views and allowed Canada to request that no US hotels be built on the US side directly overlooking the Falls. Canada rules the Falls, tourist wise, but the US rules it electricity wise, that generating electricity, the biggest, I believe, west of the Mississippi river. The Falls are governed by both countries, but you see clearly the flags of both countries on their respective and agreed upon borders markation. There is an Authority called the Falls authority which consists of both Americans and Canadians that take care of the daily business, long term plans and developments and all related issues of the Niagara Falls. There are, I believe, only two bridges that connect Canada with the US through the Niagara Falls, the Peace Bridge and the Rainbow bridge- the one I crossed, and both are organized, civilized, clean, and streamlined. I think the Peace Bridge is used more commercially. When on board of the “Maid of The Mist”. My second time, it crossed my mind, why not Jerusalem, and why not now. Both the Israelis and the Palestinians claim Jerusalem to be their beloved and eternal capital, and Jerusalem is unique as the falls, as there is only one Jerusalem, and two people that need to share. Why not creating an authority that will govern the city, the holey and beautiful Jerusalem, and let it be the political symbolic capital of both countries, but in actuality an open, international and cosmopolitan city; it is a gold mine that will never stop producing gold to all its residents. According to Norm and to research, over 12 million people visit the tiny yet magical Niagara Falls every year. Imagine, the benefits for all the people there, and imagine Jerusalem in the same time. The time is now for the Palestinians to drop the old, consumed, tired and tried politicians and the families behind them, if there are any, and elect new, modern, business like leadership, and talk now with the State of Israel and demand now, an authority to govern and regulate and manage the holy and the very touristy city of Jerusalem, and let the gold flows in the hands of the people of Israel and Palestine, in the West Bank and Gaza…Do it now. Oh, the tour ended, and it was fabulous, but I felt terrible, until now, I only had 5% tip for Norm and not the 15% suggested and recommended tip. I slipped it in his hands and I ran away. I will make it up next time.

How do you like it?


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