Friday, March 23, 2012

The World This Morning 03/23/2012; Three killers in Kandahar , Afghanistan; Toulouse , France; Sanford, Florida ; by Jamil Shawwa

In the last couple of weeks three individuals in different parts of the world decided to go "shopping", to kill people, other humans, other innocent civilian humans. In Afghanistan, a US soldier, with mounting troubles at home, with allegedly corrupt financial dealings and running away from court orders, decided to kill the same people, we, the US,decided to send him there to protect from Taliban and Al Qaida; instead, the soldier by the name of Army Staff Sgt, Robert Bales, decided to emulate Al-Qaida and Taliban and be as they are; a killer, he killed 17 Afghanis, and a grand jury in the US charged him with 17 counts of murders, the number of  people he killed, of course the "title" killer is formally "bestowed" upon him once a court of law rules and convicts.

On Monday 03/19/2012, one day before the Zimmerman story about killing the black teenager, Trayvon Martin, broke, another deranged, unstable, based on reports, Algerian French by the name of Mohammad Merah, "dropped" by a religious children school and decided to pour all his mental troubles, and all his frustrations with his life, on them. Of course his mental capacity was not completely incapacitated because he had to add flavor  to his murders and he had to add the usual cause of his killings; the Palestinian cause. The Palestinians, the only humans on earth that have been bought and sold politically by their own. Reports today confirmed that this killer did not have any affiliation with Al Qaida. This Merah is done, he was killed when police raided his "bunker".

On Tuesday of this week, a story from Sanford, Florida became a breaking news when a neighborhood watch captain last month decided to show his residents that he is up to the job,and decided to practice and show his credentials  by cornering an unarmed, harmless,17 years old teenager that his only crime was that he was born Black. The perpetrator by the name of George Zimmerman, shot and killed the kid, even after the police told him not to pursue him, and wait for them, the police, to arrive to handle; after all, Zimmerman, the alleged killer, called the police to report. But in Florida there is a dilemma, the corrupt police and government of the State of Florida did not arrest Zimmerman, at least to investigate and let a court of law decides if a convection is warranted. Nothing was done; the African American kid was killed, the killer is out and the law is struggling on a law called " Stand your ground" which, to translate  into understandable  English, would mean ,maybe to give the police an excuse for not arresting the killer. Basically, if in the same circumstances, it gives the pursuer the excuse to pursue the alleged suspect. But, it is for the court of law to decide and accordingly, the police should have arrested and let a judge decides. The killing is snowballing within America and the African American community as it should be. President Obama few moments ago said in a conference with the new World Bank appointee-Jim Yong Kim- that  'If I had a son, he'd look like Trayvon'.*

Three killers, and the victims were, based on reports, Muslims ,Jewish, and Christians, also they were French, Americans and Afghanis.   Three killers shaked our world this week and deprived and uprooted innocent lives. The time is now for action in Kandahar, in Sanford and in Toulouse.


Sunday, March 11, 2012

Gaza Sporting Club, YMCA and Maccabi Tel-Aviv by Jamil Shawwa

Sunday, 1977-1982-Gaza, the West Bank and the State of Israel:

It was almost 2:30 PM and there is just enough time to either grab a cab or run to the Gaza Sporting Club for the daily Ping Pong training. What a beautiful game, until now, whenever there is a chance, I chase my first and probably favorite sporting exercise; Table Tennis, Ping pong. I did boxing for a while but it was a scandal so I quit in my prime. The trainer is a good person that had his days during the Olympics in Tokyo of 1964 where he and others represented Gaza, which then was under the Egyptians, but represented it I believe under the name Palestine. During Egypt, Palestine consisted of the Gaza Strip, while the West Bank was part of the Hashemite kingdom of Jordan, under King Hussein, the late father of the current king. Egypt on the other hand was under an Egyptian army officer who threw out the royal family in 1952, established with his comrades a republic and started another royal family but under the pretentious auspices of socialism and nationalism. I arrived there and started the training, it was fantastic, after that, went to the buffet as we used to call it, a small canteen for snacks, and then back home. The Gaza Sporting Club was and I think still the main club in Gaza, its Soccer- Football team- was one of the best in Gaza and the West Bank. Its rival in popularity in the West Bank was the YMCA in Jerusalem, on Nablus Street, few meters away from my elementary school, in the same street, the St. George School. When the two teams used to play, it used to be a fiesta, like Manchester United playing Liverpool in the English football premier league or Maccabi Tel-Aviv playing Hapoel Tel-Aviv in the Israeli premier league. The main stadium for soccer was and again still is, I believe, the Yarmouk stadium on Al-Wehda Street, al Wehda means Union or unity, something the Arabs dreamed of and never figured out what it really means. Abdel Nasser of Egypt since 1952, and until his death in 1970, kept igniting the Arabs emotions with demagoguery slogans that only brought slavery to the soul and the mind of every human being in the Arab Countries, those of course that believed the biggest liar in the history of the Arab countries; at least not since the Turks occupied the Middle East and enslaved the Arabs for hundreds of years. Now some Arabs go running to Turkey asking for some sort of support for something, but in actuality it is not support but self-humiliation. See, the Arabs never believed that they can take care of themselves on their own; always someone else to go to, someone else has to adopt them or speak on their behalf. Everything changed in Gaza in the late 1970s and the beginning of the 1980s when new people started to appear in the streets of Gaza, bearded people, strange faces and sometimes names. First they started a sport club by the name of The Islamic Association, and then the Islamic compound. They attracted big names players to play with them, had Ping-Pong team, that competed with ours, the Gaza Sporting Club. I remember with school friends visiting their location, it was very simple, the head of that association, the sporting association, was on a wheel chair, by the name of Ahmad Yassin, the person that established Hamas, the organization, that took over Gaza Strip few years later, kicked and humiliated the PLO and threw them out of Gaza. Very interesting was that organization, on occasions, it beat the Gaza Sporting Club in soccer, but then it evolved to charity, and social help, and it started to gain a mysterious reputation in Gaza. But not only that, the beaches changed in Gaza, bearded men started to walk the beaches, looking and inspecting girls and women in bathing suits enjoying the Mediterranean beach, with the soft clear silky sand, not developed though, it was nothing to compare with the beaches next door in the State of Israel, but for Gaza and under the circumstances and with no political solution, it was the best it can be probably, maybe it could have been better, who knows. The Israelis- who took over Gaza after defeating Abdel Nasser in 1967, I do not think, had any issues, if the people of Gaza wanted to develop the beach area, but there were restrictions, Gaza at the time was under the military rule of the Israelis. The restrictions were related completely to security concerns. Still the restaurants there and the fish market were phenomenal, Visitors from Israel and the West Bank used to come all the way to enjoy a nice meal of fish, roam the markets, and play around with Gaza Stock market, downtown, dealers, illegally trading foreign currency, mainly the Jordanian Dinar, and the US dollar. In that same period, 1977-1982, the Gaza local branch of the YMCS opened its doors for business, and attracted the Gazans from all walks, had the usual ping pong tables, the Canteen, a playground and a basketball field. It was not as fancy and glamorous as the Jerusalem YMCA but it did the job for Gaza, it also brought the main two populations of Gaza, the Christians and the Muslims closer. The population in Gaza had never had issues with religion except for the usual prejudices that could be found more or less in any society in regard to majority and minority residents, but I do not recall any issues, fights or any of such. They, the Christians, were successful, mainly in the fields of selling and manufacturing Gold and among them were successful doctors, engineers, teachers- I still recall a sweet and talented English teacher and her family, city administrators; just regular productive population of their city. In that same period, 1977-1982, Maccabi Tel Aviv of the State of Israel was and is probably until now, the premier sporting club and organization in Israel. It captured our- many of the youth in Gaza and others in the West Bank- imagination with is performance in soccer, but mostly with its Basketball team that competed in Europe and was champion for multiple years, as the top basketball team in Europe. I have always questioned, then, why Israel competes in Europe, Israel is a Middle Eastern, Asian country, why not competing within its geographic sphere, of course, that was an ideal analysis, true though geographically, but not politically. The Arabs and the State of Israel were in a state of war since 1948 when the Arabs rejected the UN resolution 181 to divide the historic pre 1948 Palestine among both the Israelis and the Arabs. Israel accepted the resolution, and built a world class country, the Arabs, until now, are trying to figure out what happened, do not know how and why, or pretend to not know. The Arabs are more interested in songs- watch the Jordanian TV right before the 8:00 PM Evening news to see what I'm talking about- patriotic songs showing the king riding horses and tanks and planes, same in Egypt before the afternoon 2:30 PM News, showing the president as someone with unbelievable, above human abilities and strength. Of course not to mention the usual whining and crying, and complaining and playing politics-not in a smart way, but in conspiracy theories style and of course in believing populist demagogues like Abdel Nasser who sold them the Sun in bottles- as our friends in Egypt would say. Egypt later on under one of the 1952 officers, Anwar El-Sadat, broke away, internationally, not internally, not inside Egypt, and took the initiative and with the State of Israel Menahim Begin changed history- the history of the Muslim, Arabs and the Israelis, in making or starting a peace process that is going on until now and will continue to go on until a Palestinian state in the West Bank and Gaza Strip is established; regardless if the Palestinians like it or not, and regardless if the Palestinians continue to act like mentally retarded and fire rockets across the border into Israeli territories, and regardless of the naked beards that govern Gaza now, and regardless of the beards that will govern, democratically, the Arab countries under the flag of the Muslim Brotherhood. See, the politics in the Middle East is not local, it is an international process, it could have been local, and maybe it can be local, or the locals can still have influence, but it is not completely local and it will never be completely local. To be fair, politics in general now and ever since the end of the Second World War, has become very interactive, very collaborative among nations, especially super powers to ensure that criminals like the Nazis of Germany do not surface again.

Today, Sunday, March 11, 2012…….Gaza, the West Bank and The State of Israel

The Israelis couple of days ago fired a rocket that killed what Israel described as a terrorist; he, the assassinated, belonged to an organization called Jihad or something, I think they called it the Front for something, on record as he said, was actively trying to launch rockets and commit terrorist operations within the borders of Israel and already did operations and I believe was involved, based on news, in the abduction of Israeli soldiers. So based on record he was a terrorist or to his people- not the Palestinian people, a freedom fighter, but if you were an Israeli, then you would take action against those that harm your country and people. As a response to that operation in Gaza, Hamas started the usual rocket firing across borders into towns and cities in the State of Israel. Israel responded back, and started to bomb Hamas, not Gaza. Gaza as a city has nothing to do with Hamas, and its political games- Hamas claim of virtues is the claim of  a virtuous prostitute- I cannot come up with a better and more precise description to describe it. But it is like the remaining Arab tyrants, not better, and not worse, just different style. Gaza throughout history has been a passive witness to those that took over her across the decades, nothing more. *The families of the Gaza strip; the traditional well known families, have never really had any stand to represent Gaza, they have always been tools for others, which is fine, they are merchants, historically, so now Hamas and before that the PLO represented Gaza through people who are not necessarily part of Gaza or even the West Bank; it happens, nothing so abnormal about it. But it is strange when you think it over, the original population of Gaza never had a say, never won an election, never in fact was credible within and among its own population; weird. The majority of the population now are those Palestinians that came over from lands in the State of Israel- **the Historic pre 1948 Palestine- and the West Bank, and were treated by their brethren, the Arabs in general, and their governments, with the worst kind of treatment, and they, the Palestinian refugees looked around and found an original population in Gaza and the West Bank, and Jordan, and Syria and Lebanon that are full of hatred toward them or at least indifferent, and  manipulated them to gain political ground and leverage; that is the story of the Palestinians in a nutshell; people who have been manipulated by their own, no one else. Again, Israel has nothing to do with the plight of the Palestinian people; the Palestinians themselves are the ones responsible and now they have a choice, more than any other time in their history, to change things around, to revolt against ***Hamas and the PLO, throw them out, go to the streets and demand change like those in Egypt, Libya, Yemen, Iraq, Tunisia, and Syria; it is the only way. Of course again, the other way is to wait for the international community to establish the Palestinian state in Gaza and the West Bank, but again, then, no guarantees that the criminals that govern the Palestinians now do not stop governing them. As for the State of Israel; it is flourishing every day, and succeeding every day, and establishing itself as a regional, credible power, every day; look at the smart Iron dome that is protecting the population of the State of Israel from the rockets launchers in Gaza. Hamas is giving The State of Israel the best opportunity to show the Israeli people how their country and elected government take care of them, how their country, the State of Israel, through perseverance, knowledge, skill, and determination, is creating a fantastic way to protect its population from rockets; I have no doubt about it that other countries will learn this method; it is the way of the future, how to protect your people and take care of every Israeli anywhere within the State of Israel. And Hamas, what is Hamas doing, I tell you, it is killing the Palestinians every day, it is humiliating them, it is delaying the establishment of a Palestinian state in Gaza and the West Bank, it is butchering the Palestinian dream to live in dignity and peace. Unfortunately, it is a game that Hamas is playing with families and population within the West Bank and Gaza. The choice is clear, and the comparison is so obvious between the Israelis and the Palestinians now. A government in Israel that protects its people and a government in Gaza that kills its people.

· For writing integrity purposes, my family, The Shawwa or Shawa- as some write it- is one of the families of the Gaza Strip from Gaza.

** The West Bank and The Gaza Strip…Rise….Part III- No historical or Religious Claims- Ongoing by Jamil Shawwa

*** Second Reconciliation; Hamas and The West Bank Takeover, by Jamil Shawwa”

Wednesday, March 07, 2012

Mosque in America; Urination and Quran Burning in Jamil Shawwa

Background Information from my posts on Facebook, and ArabAmericanWire:

 1.       01/12/2012

The president and defense secretary Panetta need to immediately initiate an investigation into these allegations; we must know for sure whether or not this incident actually took place and then take action. The issue was about a picture that was circulated in the media showing US soldiers in Afghanistan urinating on Afghani Corpses. Actually, Panetta mentioned in another report that he will investigate and he condemned what he described as "utterly deplorable" behavior. We need to take action now, not tomorrow.

2.       02/21/2012

The News from, picture through AP: “Afghan protesters in front of Bagram Air Base during an anti-U.S. demonstration, Feb. 21, 2012” protesting allegations that the US and Allies burned copies of the Quran.

My Note:

Let us not lose our heads here and also let us not ignore it, or judge it before having all the facts cleared. Now, the problem is not the incident itself; as serious as it is if it actually did take place, we do not know yet.  Anyone could incite such feelings, burn the holy books. The easiest thing is to tap into people’s religious feelings, sentiments and create huge manipulation and demagoguery to bring the results they are seeking; I mean those that are running an agenda, and they are tons, especially in that part of the world, just ask the Iranians, they are the best in no class, demagoguery, manipulation, and hypocritical politics. The problem we are facing is not the Afghans, I know them, it is ok, the problem is us, America, we are not doing a good PR job, we are not communicating, and we are just reacting and not engaging. We need people there to have Quality Control and Damage Control, people who understand and appreciate the psychology and the culture; I know we have many CIA and other national security operatives and handlers who speak the language and who are locals, but still, something is missing; the talent in handling and preventing; that is what missing. Check, The Khost Incident,  from 01/12/2010.

3.       02/23/2012

***Obama apologized on the Quran burning.  Good job that Obama apologized. The case would have been the same if the burned object had been any of the other holy books.

4.       02/26/2012

Our US ambassador in Afghanistan, Ryan Crocker, is asking to "stay the course "after the Quran burning.

Two US advisers were killed yesterday in Kabul by an Afghani colleague at the interior minister in Kabul because according to various news reports including this one from USA Today, were making fun of the burning of the Quran. The Afghani could not handle it and shot them dead. One was a colonel. The picture is for a protest by Afghanis against the burning of the Quran or maybe I should say about the handling of the burning of the Quran.

Again, check my posts on Jamil Shawwa’s Report on Facebook  from 02/21 and 02/23/2012 about how to handle the situation with the Quran burning; it seems that we, the US, still do not get it, or some of us do not. Do not play or joke with religions, do not make fun of religions, play it smart and fake it if you do not have it. The situation is snow bowling in a way that could force Obama although he apologized to see if we need to change our intelligence and military leadership in Afghanistan. It is not difficult to handle but it seems that we still have those that prefer to utilize their Behinds rather than what remained of what previously used to be called their brains.

5.     03/06/2012

In a field interview with **ABC, General Allen, our top commander in Afghanistan said that the US does not regret apologizing to  Afghanistan for the Quran burning, he continued to say that he believes that it was not intentional.

Update 03/07/2012

And the evolution of Islam continues in America. America, despite the above and the previous incidents that I mentioned in the **** Mosque in America series- on ArabAmericanWire, show and contrary to what some believe, an upward climb and inclusion to the third tier of the divine religions to America’s culture; Islam. It is not easy for some, and it is so hard for others especially that the religion has been engraved in the American mind by some Americans, Arabs, Muslims and others, as a religion that its followers are blood thirsty and a religion that its followers are not part of the civilized world and cannot believe in the democratic values that some think or preach are only found in other divine religions and faiths but not Islam. This is the best time in America for Islam. Again, the expose, although through incidents that are appalling on both sides, the Arab terrorists that attacked America on 09/11/2001 and through the actions of some soldiers urinating on corpses and burning Qurans.
America is looking at Islam now, the same way it is looking at Judaism and Christianity and other faiths and the trends continue to climb to separate between the religions in Books and those that claim that they are acting on behalf of the Books.

How do you like it?


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