Thursday, October 04, 2018

Rage, Rage Kavanaugh: Everybody Rides Kavanaugh

Supreme Court nominee Judge Brett Kavanaugh speaks at the Senate Judiciary Committee, Thursday, Sept. 27, 2018 on Capitol Hill in Washington. (Michael Reynolds/Pool Image via AP)

Rule of law, due process and fairness require the accuser in a court of law to show proof of misconduct; same rules put the burden of proof on the accuser not the accused if the state on behalf of the accuser moves to file a lawsuit before a court of law.

In Kavanaugh's case, Trump's Supreme Court Nominee, the evidence of sexual misconduct or a pattern of sexual misconduct brought up in public by few accusers and witnesses and primarily by Dr. Christine Blasey Ford- now looks like not completely conclusive while at the same time strong enough to cast numerous doubts on the judge judicial temperament, heavy drinking he bragged about during the September 27, 2018 hearing  and possible blackouts happened to him as the result of heavy drinking and partying which possibly confirm the accusers accusations and at the same make them almost impossible to confirm especially after over 36 years and no solid recollection of the events.

The FBI report into Kavanaugh's alleged sexual misconduct released today, Thursday October 4, 2018- the Senate has a copy and the White House has a copy- the report cannot be shared publicly and for understandable reasons as people who testified and interviewed by the FBI need their confidentiality and privacy to be protected- so far again it looks like there is no conclusive conclusion to damn or "convict" Kavanaugh; Chuck Grassley, Republican Senate Judiciary Committee Chief-  according to the Associated Press said  ' No hint of misconduct in FBI report on Kavanaugh's sexual misconduct'

However the rage and anger Kavanaugh's showed at everything Democratic and the partisan outburst he displayed against the Democrats and the Clintons while defending his record and life could make it easier to doubter senators especially female Republican senators and red state Democratic senators to say no; don't confirm Kavanaugh.   

Regardless whether Kavanaugh was fed the rage he obviously and highly emotionally showed on September 27th, 2018 and was pushed to act the way he acted- by Trump and his lawyers; Trump and his Fox News supporters felt Kavanaugh in the night before the senate testimony Fox interview acted like a choir boy- or he did it out of deep anger and resentment towards a process he portrays as so unfair to him and untrue or because of his bias against everything not Republican and at everyone who's Democratic- the display is so troublesome that seriously would or should again make undecided women Republican senators and male red state Democratic senators in the Senate think few times before voting him into the Supreme Court. 

Another troublesome behaviour Kavanaugh displayed is the mental belief that he has the undisputed right to be on the Supreme Court and that he earned the credentials; he said he served George W. Bush and that he served the US Government at highest levels and that he earned multiple FBI clearances and that he 'worked his tale off' at Yale and that he was the top of his class in addition to saying he did not have sex for 'years and years'- as if not having sex is by itself a proof of innocence from the alleged sexual misconduct; actually on the contrary such claim could show opporessed desires- and he never had blackouts at parties in which  almost all related persons including him confirmed he was fond and active planner and participant: Basically Kavanaugh believes he is so clean, so polished, so educated, so "perfect" and fits a "picture" or an image,  that no way he should be denied what he worked for all his life-to be a United States Supreme Court Associate Justice.

But again the process is so political and politicized and really it has been like this for the longest time.  The bottom line: Everyone rides now Kavanaugh to achieve something; Trump and his supporters have Kavanaugh as a dark horse or trojan horse to rally the base to win the midterm elections or at least keep the senate Republican as it looks like the House is already lost; Democrats need now as well a big victory and nothing would cement such victory in the upcoming midterm elections more than keeping Kavanagh out of the Supreme Court. Kavanaugh himself needs to ride Kavanaugh to get his dream job fulfilled.

The senate will vote Friday and Saturday October 5th and 6th, 2018 to either confirm or reject Kavanaugh.

The Accuser: Christine Blasey Ford
Angry Kavanaugh
Matt Damon Portraying Kavanaugh's Rage
Kavanaugh Senate Incident and Behaviour
Women Against Kavanaugh
America and Trump and the Battle of Kavanaugh
Trump attacks Christine Blasey Ford in Ultra Red Southaven, Mississippi
Democrats and Republicans Ride Kavanaugh
Chuck Grassley

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