Friday, December 04, 2009

Intruders, Fence Jumpers and Just Up To No Good Trespassers, By Jamil Shawwa

The couple that crashed the state dinner that was hosted by the Obamas to the Indian Prime Minister should be prosecuted as trespassers. They were not clever, but intruders. To me they are the same as those that tries and tried in the past to climb the fences of the White house. The difference between this couple and the other fence climbers is that this couple climbed to the invitation-wearing tuxedo and soirée dress and not in some sort of suspicious outfits. The Secret Service confirmed that this wise couple was not on the guest list. This is a serious offence and this matter should be taken very seriously, and the law should be applied. The second part of what could have been a tragic incident is the immediate need for a serious review of the Secret Service Personnel and procedures in our country. The guilty party or parties should be fired at once and the prestige of the presidency and security should be restored.

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