Tuesday, April 13, 2010

*A Journey in a Woman's mind...by Jamil Shawwa

She is confused,

She is angry

She does not know what to do

She thinks that she is in love

Nevertheless, she does not know how to handle

He is different,

He is stubborn

He is strong, or maybe he thinks he is

She is weak, or maybe she thinks that she is weak

She thinks that he is strong

She might have misunderstood his kindness as a sign of

She has someone that she does not love

Or she thinks that she does not love

She is bored with her life or thinks that she is

She is confused, but not desperate, she fluctuates and
changes her mind faster than a bird switching or flying from tree to tree, or a crazy driver swaying from lane to lane, not knowing where to go or how to go...

She is not willing to enjoy the ride or the Journey. She is only looking for the destination.

She does not know that in order to reach the destination, you must go through the Journey

She might have finally realized that she is best if she is left to the way she is, no change needed, change is difficult, and sometimes it is just not needed. She prefers security to happiness.

He wishes her the best, and wishes her love and stability; she deserves them, every human does.


For entertainment purposes only. Any resemblance with any real life situations or people is just a mere coincidence. These conversations are not related to any specific person or persons. They are general human observations from life.

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