Tuesday, October 19, 2010

*A Station in a Journey…..Midnight thoughts to Her…by Jamil Shawwa

She: you had to ruin it by asking all these questions, by putting me on the spot.

He: I cannot help it, I have to ask questions that I think of, I have to share what is in my mind, with those that I care about…

She: I told you indirectly to play the game and see how it goes

He: and I told you before, indirectly, that I am not good at it, I am new to it

She: here we are at a deadlock, I will not answer and you will not budge

He: I care, that is why I will not budge

She: what do you mean by that

He: I could have played the game, probably, and probably it could have led to something but it would have been against my nature

She: what is your nature

He: I am not a politician, I cannot filter my thoughts, although when talking politics or pretending that I know something about the political game, I do filter my thoughts, but I do that for the sake of the ultimate goal, objectivity.

She: why then you could not do the same, why you could not pretend that you know the game of conversation and continued on it; we had a ball, it was so amusing. You are just not clever

He: my point exactly, it was not amusing to me, and it was not a race to prove if I were clever or not; it was about the real thing, I cannot deal with just words, or abstracts for long, I have to deal with real feelings and real persons.

She: I am real

He: I am too

She: what is next for us

He: not sure, maybe the silence and watching each other from far, from a distance, will bring us back together again…


Any resemblance with real persons or situations is a mere coincidence. For entertainment purposes only.

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