Friday, November 19, 2010

The Ten Years Old Boy, An Invitation or two to the Jamil Shawwa

The ten years old boy, young man in actuality does not recall the exact dates of these memorable visits to the halls of power in Israel. Distinguished family friends, who happened to be leading members of the Likud party graciously, extended an invitation to the ten years old boy to the Knesset, a second one followed afterward. He knows that they must have taken place during the period of 1983 and 1986. The most interesting thing about these visits, of course besides meeting the Israeli politicians, was that in both cases, the ten years old boy coming from Gaza did not have to go through the regular vigorous security check at the gates of the Knesset, just the name and he was whisked inside. Amazing, a young man from Gaza, going inside the lion's den with the most gracious welcome and the most gracious reception that he ever had in his life. No security concerns here, He went there and the secretary of that man took him for a tour, attended part of a session from the guests’ balcony with members of the Knesset having their famous debates and then to the grand office of that man who at the time chaired the most important committee in the Knesset. Talked a little, he, the boy, was shy or even timid. He really did not open his mouth much except to eat the biscuits that came with the Nescafe, say thanks, and nod his head, so lame. In the next visit same thing happened, passed through security very gracefully, a security guard looked inside the car that carried the boy and family members, looked at him, and mentioned his name and that was it. They all went to the restaurant with that friend and his wife and had the famous Israeli dish, shishlik, grilled cubes of chicken, so delicious. During lunch, subjects were discussed briefly, the Six Days War of 1967, the difference between Labor and Likud and the future of the Holy Land. What the boy heard was classy, he heard from the Israeli right wing leaders the sincere wish of peace with the Palestinians and he heard about their wish to have the *Palestinian leader that can make peace with Israel. The Ten years old boy and family members toured the Knesset, one more time for the ten years old boy, and left. At the Knesset and during both visits, he saw famous politicians, former prime ministers, ministers, and retired army generals that he used to see on TV and read about in the newspapers. He came face to face with historic Israeli politicians just walking the halls of Israel’s parliament. He also as mentioned above witnessed the famous Israeli debate in the chamber where members talk and interrupt each other; it is the Israeli way to show free political vitality. He personally prefers one member at a time talking freely but Israel is happy with that style and the ten years old boy had no problem there. The Knesset is not just a parliament; it is home for the Israelis, maybe like major democracies, for their people, the parliaments are their home. The ten years old boy saw the Israeli Arabs, Druze and Bedouins represented there, Hadash, the communist party, was the leading Israeli Arab party; it seems the Arabs in Israel at that time felt that being under the communist party would make a statement of some sort. To deal with Israel, you have to read and understand history, psychology, heritage, and you must look at the big picture; you must look at the world map daily, then narrow your perspective and lens to the Middle East, and see where is Israel and where the new state of Palestine in the West Bank and Gaza will be and look at the overall Arab and Muslim countries. The situation right now requires the twenty-four Arab countries to establish and recognize the state of the Israel and requires them to recognize the state of Palestine in the West Bank and Gaza. No preconditions for negotiations with Israel, no need to, otherwise, you will drag the problem for another fifty years. Do not worry about the **settlements in the West Bank and do not worry about the right of return, both will be resolved where the settlers would either stay under Palestinian sovereignty or move to the state of Israel, the return would be symbolic and only in the West Bank and Gaza. Jerusalem will be the capital of both states. The Arabs need to talk with Israel with an open heart and open mind. No tricky politics, their famous hypocrisy, pretension and childish maneuvers; they will not bring results, at least not with Israel. Egypt, Jordan and the Palestinians got results from talking and making peace, the Syrians are an exception because Syria is not a normal country with normal political system, it is the regime that is there on a need to do basis and accordingly, once time arrives, ***Syria will oblige. You have to understand the Israelis and be gracious with them, they will reciprocate, no doubt about it.


* Later on and in 1993, Yasser Arafat was the Palestinian leader that made peace with Israel; it is the peace that is still in the making.

** Search blog for Settlements, Israel, Palestine

*** Search blog for Syria

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