Sunday, April 10, 2011

The Cowards of Gaza, the Cowards of Damascus, The Cowards of Tehran and the Cowards of Hezbollah…..…An X-ray by Jamil Shawwa

In the Middle East, right now, there are four "groups" that to call them human would be an insult and humiliation to humanity, to call them political groups, would be an insult to politics, already an insulting word, so we cannot add insult to injury. To call them parties, would be an insult to all the legitimate political and social parties around the world, to call them leaders, would be an insult to the word and meaning of the word leader which usually points out to those that inspire and those that motivate. So let us call them with a word they love, a word they respect, and a word that belongs to them, that is attached to them, and that is identified for them, Cowards.  Let us start with the Cowards of Gaza, Hamas, they are firing rockets, why, and now they are begging and kissing the feet and the behinds for restraint, but this is how cowards live and operate. They are lowlifes, no respect, although they won an election, but they won it because the other alternative, the PLO, was arguably, worse, politely putting it, corrupt. Again, the people of Gaza should rise against the terror of Hamas and the rest of the TV and multimedia terrorists groups, they are the occupier, not Israel, Israel withdrew from Gaza, was ready to withdraw from the West Bank and was ready to talk about Jerusalem and the Golan, but the cowards disappeared, they prefer to live in the dark, they are the night bats, they cannot survive the light, they prefer to fire rockets, and dig tunnels, and live like animals. They have taken the Palestinian people, who have been as complacent as anyone can be through out their history in this crime, as hostages. The Palestinians can drop all this trash, and can start anew, and can bring respect to people that have never had respect, the Palestinian people.  Throw out Hamas, now.

In Syria, we have worse situation, maybe, See, it is a competition as who the worst is, who is the most criminal and who is the most terrorist, and who is the most hypocrite and who is the most demagogue; this is an x-ray of the garbage of the Middle East. The Alawis, a fraction, less than 5% of the population, a gang, a mafia, a group of suicidal maniacs, they commit suicide if the party decides so, hijacked a country that matches the Palestinians in hypocrisy, and a country that has a reputation of having ill reputed merchants and politicians and a country where the majority Muslim Sunnis are weak, and where the grand Syrian Sunni families were unrealistic, naive and idiots, basically. The Ba'ath mafia rules Syria, but a group of Syrians are fighting back now; those are the freedom fighters that Syria never had or known, they do not want to be anymore attached to that garbage. Throw out the Alawis and Al-Ba’ath and that helpless, poor, irrelevant, disillusioned, Al-Assad, now.

Finally, so far, I am going to combine two trashcans in one, Hezbollah and Iran that is the lowlifes, the Mullahs, the Rasputins that run Iran. The two are interconnected and intertwined and they are the cousins of another sect, the Alawis in Syria, so you can see the connection, the three feed into each other, and the three live through each other. The Shia power has already risen in the Arab countries, and why not, but it is a twofold problem, first is  a Sunni majority that are so tyrant and ignorant that it never treated the Shia well- Check the Gulf countries, and the other is  Iran and the powers of the political hypocrisy, they are really are guns for hire, not sure how to explain it though, basically, I know that they act pursuant to political agendas and not ideology; yes, I think this is a good explanation. Hezbollah and Iran, again, pursuant to certain political agendas, as it seems or turned to be, might drag a semi country-Lebanon- into chaos as they did in 2006. See, if you look around, you see that once the Arab countries start cleaning up their trash, peace is here, Israel has no problem, the US, the EU, Russia, China, no one has a problem in granting the Palestinians their rightful place among the civilized nations, and grant them a state in the West Bank and Gaza side by side with the State of Israel, no one, except for the cowards, Hamas, Hezbollah, Al-Ba’ath and Alawis and the ultimate losers, the ultimate hypocrites and the ultimate joke and the ultimate clowns, the Mullahs of Iran, they do not want to see a Palestinian state in Gaza and the West Bank, they want to see destruction. The Mullahs enemies, their only enemies, are the Arab Muslim Sunnis. That is Iran, nothing more and nothing less and that concludes our X-ray for the day.

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