Thursday, June 18, 2015

A Profile of a Terrorist; a homegrown terrorist: The South Carolina Black Church Murderer

A creature walks into a place of worship, sits in the corner, watch humans praying and then kill them; The South Carolina terrorist said that he went to the black church to kill black people; the line is drawn here between a crime and a terror act.

When a creature says they are on a mission to kill other people because of who they are or who they believe in or how they look, then we are facing a terror act that should be dealt with exactly like we deal with ISIS and al-Qaida and Al Shabab and the rest of  the creatures that their life is dedicated to kill other people.

A 21-year old person with such hatred, why, why he hates black people, why he hates American people like him, why this homegrown terrorist hates his countrymen and his countrywomen- those that are black.

This hateful person's hate must be rooted deep and the law and now that he is arrested  must try to uncover it and must try to analyze it.

Crime and criminals are part of life and life unfortunately will never be without crime. Ironically, where humans exist, crime and criminals exist too.

America's enemies are within as well, homegrown American  terrorists, and militias that hate the US and hate the federal government and hate having an African-American as President of the United States.

It is time now for the federal government, state and local officials and community leaders and average humans to watch out for those terrorists among us, those time bombs, those hateful people and we need to analyze the bahviour wherver and wherever possible to ry to prevent and protect.

Although we can never completely eliminate terror and evil, we can be ready and proactively we can minimize them.

Guns in America is a big subject, politicians are too cautious and some are too coward to touch the issue. The time is now for president Obama and Congress  not to relax but to get to work, to roll their sleeves and try hard to put the vast powers of the US government to help communities across America to heal and to prevent and to bring to justice those who only know one language, those who were raised to hate and use their devilish upbringing to kill other people. The time to act is now.

In the picture is  Charleston, S.C., shooting suspect Dylann Storm Roof is escorted from the Cleveland County Courthouse in Shelby, N.C., Thursday, June 18, 2015. Roof is a suspect in the shooting of several people Wednesday night at the historic The Emanuel African Methodist Episcopal Church in Charleston. (AP Photo/Chuck Burton)

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