Sunday, October 08, 2017

America Obama and Trump No Racist Country

Hey, let's get serious and try even for a moment to stay away from divisive politics, stupid but usual and consumed rhetorics, and say things as they actually are on the ground, on America's grounds, in its cities  towns and on it's streets, on its hills and mountains, and in its valleys and rivers, and in its south and north and west and east; America is not now a racist country. 

America had  very dark periods of it's history- and tiny pockets of racism still exist sporadically- it kidnapped and enslaved humans and it did wrong and at home preached completely a different message than it did abroad; abroad, the message was freedom and human rights for all, but in America the message was freedom and humans rights only for some, the privileged some but not others: Not blacks, or Asians or Hispanics, those were considered subhumans who, very wrongly so of course - cannot rise to the occasion and achieve or actively participate in the  'American Dream'.

Americans themselves- and this is the genius of evolving and pragmatic America- proved  America was on a wrong path; we didn't really need anyone from outside to correct our wrongs and make us more human and more correct. 

We in fact have become so politically correct that we've got sick of it, that in 2016 we revolted-correctly or wrongly- and brought a completely and utterly a politically incorrect-according to current or at that time standards-sounds far yet so close- President to the White House; we got sick of being too polite, too liberal, too tolerant and we needed to vent and we  brought Trump. America vents through ballot boxes and not through bullets or violence as a country-we tried the civil war following independence, we liberated the slaves, the humans we kidnapped from their motherlands and we learned a grand lesson. 

Trump, who on the surface appears to be racist but he is not, is just a clever operative, a cheerleader, a venting machine or vacuum if you will to suck off anger and frustration that people feel from time to time and needs to release but in a democracy like ours, we bring people like Trump to peacefully vacuum off anger and frustration and then we go back on the straight path- not assuming though that Trump was a wrong path-  but we have not done so probably since Lincoln the slavery abolisher and liberator waged a war to unite the country under the federal flag and then an assassin killer's bullet silenced his path but did not end it. 

America will not go backward but only forward-America cannot afford to go backward even if some longs to certain periods of uncertainties; we are about business and pragmatism and are not slaves to our emotions and sentiments. However the same America likes to go back and forth, elects liberals and conservatives, put limitations here and there but at the end of the day as it has been since the independence of the Republic and the formation of the union, always moving ahead and moving forward even if at times looks like moving backward.

Again, the white-black issue in America is very complicated and the sentiments on both sides run high but silence does not mean acceptance or condoning-and it (silence) applies to both whites and blacks. However, this is the same America that elected the first black President: Whites, Blacks, Asians, Hispanics, Jewish, Muslims, Christians, Hindus, Buddhists, elected Obama twice-Such country cannot be called racist however the road still needs to be leveled, but perfection will never be achieved and does not anyway anywhere exist

In this picture, President Barack Obama (R) and Michelle Obama (L) greet President-elect Donald Trump and wife Melania at the White House for tea before the inauguration on January 20, 2017 in Washington, D.C. Trump becomes the 45th President of the United States. (Photo by Kevin Dietsch/UPI (AP Images)

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America in Black and White

America in Black and White

America Black and White

Saturday, October 07, 2017

The Unmaking and Making of a State Called Palestine November 19, 2012

Almost a year ago, at the UN General Assembly in New York, the Palestinian authority president, president in waiting, declared the independence of a Palestinian state in the West Bank and the Gaza Strip. Couple of weeks after, Hamas and the State of Israel declared an agreement to free thousands of Palestinian prisoners in exchange for an Israeli soldier that Hamas held in captivity as a hostage/prisoner since 2006. After that the UNESCO declared that it accepted “Palestine” as a full member, and the rest of the UN organizations are in line to follow suit.

Couple of weeks ago, during an interview with Israel’s Channel 2 TV, Mahmoud Abbas, the Palestinian leader who took over the PLO and the Palestinian Authority after the death of Arafat, declared that the refugees who left after the 1948 should not expect and logically cannot go back to the lands that are the State of Israel. It was a historic announcement, but as usual, it was met by the regular skepticism and condemnation from powers within the PLO and of course Hamas. Couple of days ago, Hamas started a war against the State of Israel. By firing rockets, it forced Israel to respond and retaliate and the show is still on. The Palestinians thought that they were on a verge of a breakthrough, but Hamas had other plans for them.

The momentum to build a Palestinian State started in 1948 when at the same time the State of Israel declared independence and accepted the UN resolution 181 but the Palestinians did not.

They- the Palestinians- did not have anyone to represent them except for group of local leaders and Arab leaders that did not have the courage, the resources, the independent thinking and political will to do the same. The State of Israel followed the UN resolution and moved on, the Palestinians did not, the Arabs did not, and since then a blame game started and a tragedy after tragedy took place not because of Israel, but because of a Palestinian leadership that never had a declared project of a state in the West Bank and Gaza, after 1967, and the acceptance of a two state Solution which the Palestinian leadership accepted later on.

In every war between Israel and the Arabs, the world got closer to the final solution, got closer to each other. After every war episode- it is a like a book- there were peace negotiations and then war again, 1948,1956,1967,1970 with the Rogers’s project which Nasser of Egypt accepted and Sadat built on.

Then came the 1973 war, when the Arabs did a moral advancement for the first time, Israel turned things around later on, and the US and the USSR- the former Soviet Union- ordered the game to stop and back to the ceasefire and the negotiations and small wars here and there to keep things exciting and keep the Palestinians people aware that they have a state waiting for them; basically the world has been telling the Palestinians, you.. Need to wake up, build a state, focus on Gaza and the West Bank, it is there.

In the 1982 war, the PLO got the message loud and clear, back to the table and with the 1987 Intifada and the rise of Hamas, we started to see new players in the arena, that basically marked the end of the traditional families in the West Bank and Gaza, although their role has always been a supporting role and never the star leading role, but with the rise of the so called religious/political organizations like Hamas, their role virtually ended.

In the 1950s, and the 1960s, Nasser of Egypt fooled the Arabs but in the process created the seeds for long term negotiations, not sure if he meant it or not, by losing war after war, by destroying his country Egypt and other countries like Syria.

Well, Syria was a corrupt political entity that really did not need Nasser to add to it, but he helped making it worse. Nasser cemented the State of Israel’s bargaining powers for the final solution, and granted Israel the best chips to ensure that the Palestinians realize that you cannot say yes or no whenever you want, that the world will not accommodate, will not accept you and give you a state just by saying, I recognize Israel and then all will go back to the UN resolution and just implement; it does not work this way.

Up to 1970s- Hamas and the PLO took over after that- traditional families within the West Bank and Gaza failed their societies and were agents and mouthpieces to Nasser, king Hussein of Jordan, and the PLO which after Arafat took over, created a Palestinian momentum that no other leader ever created before and until now. He was only matched on the Arab side by the Egyptian leader Anwar El-Sadat. But Arafat was the ultimate, some say, political animal, he read it right and he had the courage and the shrewdness and the pragmatism that even Anwar El-Sadat did not have, Sadat wanted to be above politics, he could not, the game of politics in the Middle East was so strong, that Sadat could not keep up. Mubarak after him did match the game, but by then, the game got softer, the glass ceiling has already been shattered by Anwar El-Sadat.

There has never been in Gaza or the West Bank real political movement with real focus that Palestine is nothing but the West Bank and Gaza, and accordingly, creates an initiative that would speak for that. Not until the Sadat visit to the State of Israel in 1977, that the whole politics shifted towards the inevitable which made it clear that Palestine is only and once and forever the West Bank and Gaza.

Of course there are those that are pursuing political agendas or believe that their religious beliefs- on both sides, the Israeli and the Palestinians- that talk about the whole stuff, the historic Palestine before 1948; which does not exist and will never exist.

The State of Israel is here as any other country in the world, vibrant, smart, and original and a principal part of the New Middle East, the State of Palestine will be the same. It is coming, it has to, history will not allow it not to happen, the Arabs rising in their respective Arab countries is helping the Palestinians to overcome one important thing; the class of leaders that they thought that they can never live without, the families, the PLO, Hamas, and it could very well encourage free spirited, motivated, educated, pragmatic, Professional leaders to rise.

We might witness a change in the Palestinians society which is moving away from “Struggle” to work and build and live normal life. The people in Gaza and I’m originally from there, used to visit Tel-Aviv, Haifa, even the little town of Ashkelon, few miles away from Gaza, and we used to compare them with Gaza and ask why cannot we live like the Israelis, and the answers have always been the same, from certain circles, blame the Israelis, blame the Americans, blame this or that, always someone else, always not us, not the people that in fact created the tragedy of the Palestinian people.

Again, The State of Israel has nothing to do with the plight and tragedy of the Palestinians, it is the Palestine’s who created the tragedy, lived it and loved it, and wanted to always be victims to someone else, always looking for sympathy, and the empty slogans. The Palestinians and the Arabs, always looking for a Nasser, to keep fooling them and lead them from defeat to defeat, and this way they would never confront their failures and they would never confront their shattered baseless, unrealistic, dreams.

The time is now, but the Palestinians this time are lucky, because if they choose to continue to weep, cry , scream, accuse and listen to songs moaning their illusive losses and read and listen to Nizar Qabani- the Syrian poet talking about the lost palace of the Arabs- the world will not anymore allows it. The world, including the State of Israel, wants to create a Palestinian State in the West bank and Gaza, whether the Palestinians like it or not; the Palestinians- someone else again is speaking for them, but this time not to lead to defeat but to a State in the West Bank and Gaza. (Link not active as of now)

Sunday, September 10, 2017

A Chief Entertainer and a Chief Commander: Trump Saturday 09/09/2017 Radio Address

During the weekly traditional Presidential radio address Saturday September 9, 2017, President Trump said everything right, he actually said everything of which no American could disagree.  But almost every American agrees after short yet vast experience with Trump, that the President is the ultimate cheerleader. the ultimate salesman, the ultimate talker and the ultimate no action President-talk the talk but stay far away and do not walk the walk.

During his weekly address, President Trump said the sweetest things almost every American wants to hear: He wants to correct the tax code and makes filing a single sheet, he wants to lower taxes especially on middle class America, the same middle class that across it's mosaic elected him President back in 2016. He wants to bring 'all' jobs and American companies abroad back to the motherland, he wants to create jobs, he wants to protect America. And the list goes on and on.

Trump on this weekly address, this Saturday the 9th of September 2017, said things that if actually get translated into actionable items and happen and take place, he with no doubt whatsoever will be in 2020 re-elected. But again, the experience with Mr. Trump, the ultimate sweet talker to his loyal base, proved to be much harder to believe and much harder to accept at face value.

However, not delivering on campaign promises proved to be valuable, not walking the walk in Trump's case- and he is a unique case in American politics of which will not be repeated for a long long time- proved again that Trump is as we believed here in this page a pragmatic and no ideologue; couple of days ago he made a deal to keep the government open with Democrat Senate leader Chuck Schumer of which puzzled some naive Republicans who think Trump actually means every word he say.

As a matter of fact, during the same radio address, Trump did not attack anyone, struck a conciliatory tone, sounded as an American values defender and not a huckster who caters to a narrow and  angry and sometimes fanatical and extremist base across America and not only in the south, west or the midwest.

Mr. Trump started his address affirming and confirming the federal government commitment to 'rebuild America' following hurricanes that devastated Houston and could do the same to Tampa and Miami and other parts of the coastal and Caribbean USA then he without pause or hesitation shifted gears and back to campaign themes of making 'America Great again' by implementing reforms across the board focusing on his only catchy slogans of which to bring jobs and companies from overseas back to the homeland and he said so and brought numbers to make his point that things are getting 'better' according to his calculations and his numbers. But do numbers lie, can numbers be manipulated and who is fact checking those things; the answer is soundly yes, numbers can be manipulated and numbers can lie and politicians can say virtually anything to catch attention and prove the unproved and make groundless points.

During his first month of office Trump moved quickly to issue executive orders to show his loyal base that he is acting on his campaign pledges but the experience so far proved that Mr. Trump will always act on his pledges but always and at the same time act half ways and he will always cater to his loyal base on Twitter and elsewhere. America to Trump is his loyal base but he is willing from time to time to work with others and give the base as needed the boot and at the same time tell them how much he loves them.

Trump in the first few months in office hired and fired like no other President and that is by itself is not necessarily a bad thing or a sign of incompetence and confusion, though it still could be.  And it also could indicate courageous trial and error and to a degree dynamic approaches but again Trump's style has been a cheerleader, an entertainer more than your typical calculated politican which again could indicate good things down the road or maybe out of chaos a solid administration could start to appear and emerge. The time will show how far or close to reality this analysis. A forgone conclusion is the following: At the end of the day, America will grow and benefit from Trump's presidency.

President Donald Trump waves during his arrival at Bismarck Municipal Airport, Wednesday, Sept. 6, 2017 in Bismarck, N.D. Trump is in North Dakota to promote his tax overhaul plan. (AP Photo/Pablo Martinez Monsivais)

Check and Click on Trump's highlights and related news:

Sunday, July 02, 2017

مصر السيسي و كلمه لمصر المصرية و مصر اللي كانت إخوانية ...بقلم جميل محمد الشوا July 5, 2013

والسيسي ركب دماغه

و قالها لمرسي والإخوان كلمه

مش انا يا مرسي و مش مصر يا بديع و الشاطر و العريان،

خدوتنا بدوكه و دقن و سبحه

و آيات و صراخ و زيت و سمنه

و مصر ياخوانا أمرت و الشعب يوم تلاتين قال انا كسلان و مش رايح الانتخاب،

خدها من قصيرها يا سيسي، و هات الإخوان في ساعة، و قلهم المحروسة، الدلوعه الاموره، غيرت رأيها و عايزه الإخوان بره بره، عل بيتهم روحه السعادي من غير رجعه..

السيسي قالها يا غاليه تعظيم سلام، بس علشاني يم عيون في الليل تلالي، روحي لما أقول للانتخابات روحي، و الإخوان خدوا درس و زمبه بس مش كل مره يا مصر تسلم 

Click on the following links

Thursday, June 01, 2017

His Stage and His America: Trump scraps Paris and Berlin for Pittsburgh and Youngstown

Today, this evening, Thursday June 1, 2017, President Trump scrapped Paris climate deal and said he is doing it for America's presence and America's future and that he cannot and will not allow America's future to be mortgaged by foreigners-not exactly his words but that was the essence of the speech in the Rose Garden of the White House today.

Mr. Trump was entertaining more than ever, he brought up numbers, examples, cities, figures, most cannot even verify-maybe true and maybe not, depends on who you ask and if they know or pretend to know or not or if they represent an agenda or not.

Again, President Trump climate announcement was entertaining more than anything else but at least he relates to the average and above average Americans in a way Democrats fail to do; However his focus continues to be the base that elected him president of which was a surprising melange of all types of Americans and not only blue-collar frustrated(for whatever reason) and angry Americans.

Trump will continue to go back and forth, do things halfway but will not abandon his base; Mr. Trump will follow-up on all campaign pledges but always half way

But in reality we need to balance between exploring America's potential and understanding the impact it has on the environment if any; America cannot afford Al Gore extreme  environmental vision and at the same time needs to have true and impartial scientists- (or we need to learn more on our own to formulate opinions and then elect those we believe will give us the best of both worlds to office)- tell us what is the bottom line.

What is next is not clear, the impact of today's announcement might not even be felt until after the next presidential elections and if a new president is elected, he or she might scrap Trump's dramatic climate announcement show and creates a new thing.

But the bottom line we need to try things, we need to see if there are impacts or not, we need to hear the real thing and not the politics of the things; we need to learn and get smart and elect those who represent our educated choices and not our emotional choices; we have a long way to go as Americans to balance between the fact that we cannot withdraw from world affairs, we tried it before and the world went through horrific devastating two world wars; we cannot only embrace America only, we must embrace the world around us, be part of it, maintains military and economic supremacy, however, if we fully embrace Mr. Trump's vision-if there is a vision- will we be able to continue to influence world affairs and maintain much needed for world peace and humanity America's supremacy.

President Donald Trump stands next to the podium after speaking about the U.S. role in the Paris climate change accord, Thursday, June 1, 2017, in the Rose Garden of the White House in Washington. (AP Photo/Pablo Martinez Monsivais)

Sunday, May 28, 2017

مصر السيسي اليوم: ترمب مصر مجاشي والطلاق من المدام أخر حلاوة وماشي بقلم: جميل محمد الشوا

المدام في الحمام بتتورنش و محتاسة وبتندة وبتقول يا شٓكٓل: سيسي تعال أنا في الحمام محتاسة وعايزاك

السيسي في سرة: يا ساتر، انا مش ناقص وعل البيادة رايح، رد وقال: يا حبي حاضر،أنا جاهز

المدام: تعال دلوقتي، وحالاً

السيسي رد: چاييي حااااااضر، من عينيا جاي، يا مدام المدامات بالخطوة السريعة جاي

المدام: ايوة كدة إتعدل ،أة، إتعدل ، ترمب, قريب, لأشكيك لية، ويايا يا أمير ٥٢ والبيادة، إتعدل

المدام: خد الفوطة، سقعانة، قولي، تروح السعودية لية ،ترمب ماجاش مصر لية

السيسي: أهو أكل عيش والسلام، والسعودية إنتي عارفة، كنز إسود،وبلايين على دماغ إلي خلفوهم متحدفة ومتنطرة

المدام: برضك يعني أهو راح إسرائيل وفلسطين ومصر برضة يا مشير لأة،إشمعنى

السيسي: إنتي حتخوشيلي قافية، لا لا لا، دول الإتنين حاجة تانية وسلام وبتاع وعباس وبيبي وحاجات باينة ومستخبية
بس ماتزعليشي، عليا الطلاق بالتلاتة اذا ترمب قريب مازارش مصر ومجاشي،

المدام: على طول كدة، إخص ياسيسي،انت بتتلكك، طلاق مافيش، أنا حكلم "ميلانيا و ايفانكا",وحجيب "ترمب"وحطلع المطار وَيَا بيادة ٥٢ والهلمة

...السيسي نط و على التليفون ويا ترمب على طول

ترمب حبيبنا وتاج راسنا أبوس الجزمة ماتيجيش، أنا على المدام رميت اليمين و حتفرج، أجل شوية وأنا أعملك من شعب مصر زيطة وهلمة وطابور بتسعين مليون أولة الأقصر وأسوان وأخرتة العريش وسينا.


Friday, May 26, 2017

مصر السيسي اليوم: يا أفا فين يوجعك، البوليس والجيش بقوا للإرهاب أفا بقلم: جميل محمد الشوا

و طاخ و طيخ و اضرب عل آلافا 

المصريين في سينا بقوا للإرهاب أفا

و في كل حته في مصر العسكري اتقلب ضحكة و مسخرة

والحكاية ابتدت من مدة و سنيين عدة

بس زادت و شاطت من يوم ما سلموا المسكين الاخوانجي مرسي عابدين و القبه

 و أهي حجة علشان المصري يتخمد و ينام بدري و يقول حرم عليا اثور تاني

المصري المسالم الطيب الفهلوي المماين اتبهدل في سينا و غيرها من حتت مصر الضايعة

المصري يا سيسي بيتقتل يوماتي، و انت بتقول سماح تاني، المصري يا سيسي خد بالك اذا رفع رأسه تاني، والمصرية الجدعة يا سيسي خد بالك اذا للصوت رقعت من تاني

Originally 10/24/2014

Saturday, April 08, 2017

الكواكبي في الشام يبتسم بقلم: جميل محمد الشوا

فجاة ظهر الكواكبي بعد طول غياب و ليس نسيان
وابتسم و فكر و نظر و مسك كتابة و كلم كتابة
وقال لكتابة اللي بيصبر بينول
وانا صبرت, اذا بتتذكر الرهان اللي قبل مية سنة تراهنا علية

..كتابه رد علية وقال له, يا مصلح, انا بتزكر بس لسه القمر ما طلع و لا هل..
رد الكواكبي و قال,ما تتهرب يا كتاب
القمر قبل ما يكون قمر, بيكون هلال
اطلع فوق, الهلال نور و طلع,
و قول يا كتاب, هل ممكن يطلع قمر من غيرهلال....


Sunday, March 26, 2017

مصر السيسي اليوم: ولاد مصر من أكل الحكومة تسمموا بقلم: جميل محمد الشوا

الولاد يا سيسي من أكل الحكومة تسمموا

ولاد المدارس يا سيسي من اكل الجيش تسمموا

مصر يا سيسي من تموين الحكومة تسممت

فين مصر ياسيسي، فين

دة شعب ياكل الزلط يابا، ياسيسي،قالوها في الأفلام من زمان، وفي زمان الجيش وشلة التأميم و ٥٢

 فين مصر يا سيسي فين

الجيش وبرلمان عبعال بيكلوا إية يا سيسي

وفي عابدين والاتحادية وراس التين بيكلوا إية يا مشير البيادة وولي عهد ٥٢؛

 ما ياكلوا اكل المدارس يا سيسي

ولاد وبنات مستقبل بلد ياسيسي عايشين
خايفين من اكل الحكومة المصرية وجيش ٥٢ مرعوبين 

فين مصر يا سيسي


Friday, February 10, 2017

مصر السيسي اليوم: عليا الطلاق ويا شيخ الازهر والمدام (شفوي ولا تحريري) بقلم: جميل محمد الشوا

السيسي في الحمام  بيغني: طلاق طلاق مافيش احلى من الطلاق 

المدام في الصالة: يالهوي ياسيسي يالهوي،اسمها اية وشكلها اية يا بتاع البيادة بتغني طلاق لية،...

السيسي لسة في الحمام: طلاق شفوي ولا كتابي وواحد ولا تلاتة،

المدام خشت الحمام ولطمت: مابتردش لية، وطلاق اية،

السيسي: لية دخلتي يا عمري الحمام، دة كلام لمصر و للأزهر، مش ليكي،

المدام: برضة الطلاق كلمة في جتتي 
 تعمل قلقان وخضّة وانا برضه با مشير شفتك بتبص هنا وهناك، وعين ليا وعين عليا، يا مية من تحت تبن، يا تربية حسني المنوفي، والعمدة طنطاوي وشيخ الخفر عنان، الطلاق من اللحظة دي عايزاة تحريري،

السيسي هرب جري برة الحمام والمدام وراه، خد الموبايل وعلى الأزهر والمدام سمعاة: طلاق شفوي مافيش عايزة طلاق بختم النسر و رسمي،

شيخ الأزهر رد وقال: يافندم هية المدام وياك،

السيسي: اه واه واه،

شيخ الأزهر: با فندم دي عايزة وقت بس علشان المدام نقول لأة ونخلي عِمَم و دقون  تقول أه،

السيسي: ماشي، شغل المعتاد، وطلع الدقون والفتاوى، عايز حاجة، اي حاجة تشغل الشعب دلوقتي والمدام،

شيخ الأزهر: من العين دي يا فندم قبل العين دي  سيادتك يعني جيت في جمل، حنشغل الشعب بالهجص المعتاد، وهنلعب بوليس وحرامية و نطبع أقوال وفتاوي

.السيسي: باي باي بقى، المدام في الحمام بتغني: مش انا يا مشير, لما تشوف حلمة ودنك  طلاق شفوي يا سيسي مفيش. 



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