Sunday, October 08, 2017

America Obama and Trump No Racist Country

Hey, let's get serious and try even for a moment to stay away from divisive politics, stupid but usual and consumed rhetorics, and say things as they actually are on the ground, on America's grounds, in its cities  towns and on it's streets, on its hills and mountains, and in its valleys and rivers, and in its south and north and west and east; America is not now a racist country. 

America had  very dark periods of it's history- and tiny pockets of racism still exist sporadically- it kidnapped and enslaved humans and it did wrong and at home preached completely a different message than it did abroad; abroad, the message was freedom and human rights for all, but in America the message was freedom and humans rights only for some, the privileged some but not others: Not blacks, or Asians or Hispanics, those were considered subhumans who, very wrongly so of course - cannot rise to the occasion and achieve or actively participate in the  'American Dream'.

Americans themselves- and this is the genius of evolving and pragmatic America- proved  America was on a wrong path; we didn't really need anyone from outside to correct our wrongs and make us more human and more correct. 

We in fact have become so politically correct that we've got sick of it, that in 2016 we revolted-correctly or wrongly- and brought a completely and utterly a politically incorrect-according to current or at that time standards-sounds far yet so close- President to the White House; we got sick of being too polite, too liberal, too tolerant and we needed to vent and we  brought Trump. America vents through ballot boxes and not through bullets or violence as a country-we tried the civil war following independence, we liberated the slaves, the humans we kidnapped from their motherlands and we learned a grand lesson. 

Trump, who on the surface appears to be racist but he is not, is just a clever operative, a cheerleader, a venting machine or vacuum if you will to suck off anger and frustration that people feel from time to time and needs to release but in a democracy like ours, we bring people like Trump to peacefully vacuum off anger and frustration and then we go back on the straight path- not assuming though that Trump was a wrong path-  but we have not done so probably since Lincoln the slavery abolisher and liberator waged a war to unite the country under the federal flag and then an assassin killer's bullet silenced his path but did not end it. 

America will not go backward but only forward-America cannot afford to go backward even if some longs to certain periods of uncertainties; we are about business and pragmatism and are not slaves to our emotions and sentiments. However the same America likes to go back and forth, elects liberals and conservatives, put limitations here and there but at the end of the day as it has been since the independence of the Republic and the formation of the union, always moving ahead and moving forward even if at times looks like moving backward.

Again, the white-black issue in America is very complicated and the sentiments on both sides run high but silence does not mean acceptance or condoning-and it (silence) applies to both whites and blacks. However, this is the same America that elected the first black President: Whites, Blacks, Asians, Hispanics, Jewish, Muslims, Christians, Hindus, Buddhists, elected Obama twice-Such country cannot be called racist however the road still needs to be leveled, but perfection will never be achieved and does not anyway anywhere exist

In this picture, President Barack Obama (R) and Michelle Obama (L) greet President-elect Donald Trump and wife Melania at the White House for tea before the inauguration on January 20, 2017 in Washington, D.C. Trump becomes the 45th President of the United States. (Photo by Kevin Dietsch/UPI (AP Images)

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America in Black and White

America in Black and White

America Black and White

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