Saturday, March 28, 2020

A Message to Jackass: The More You Put In,The More You Get Out

Again, hoping or expecting President Trump in times of crisis or no crisis or for whatever reason, to be anything else but Trump, or to act like anyone else but Trump would be so gullible, so naive, so delusional and of course as idiotic as it can get.

Mr. Trump Presidency has been nothing short of every American man, woman, elderly, senior, child and all of the fifty States for himself, herself or itself- except of course if the Americans and states aforementioned belong to famous "base" defined as "angry" for whatever reason Americans , who live not in New York or California but in other part of the great USA-  and he's there just as a mere entertainer, showman, a placeholder, until a "real" President comes along or at least until someone who masters the art of being President, a healer in times of crisis, a uniter not a divider, someone who could show or at least pretends or masters the art of empathy and compassionatism, comes along. But see, we just cannot give up on whoever in the Whiter House to act as President, or act as we expect a President should act: Presidential. But again, maybe we are the gullible, the American people, maybe Trump as idiotic as he sounds and acts, might be telling us things other Presidents never dare to share in public. Maybe we are the naive, the American people, who are so used to things done and said in certain ways that we create molds of what we call "normal". Anything else that does not fit that mold, is considered "unheard of"or abnormal and Trump exemplifies what we call or consider "abnormal".

In the midst of this devastating crisis that was generated in China, but regardless of the place, for now at least, Trump waffles on the issues most of the time, his press conferences for the most part are a joke; he calls himself a wartime President but he is as so far from a wartime President as it can get; he enacts the defense production act but does not mobilize the county to act as one country not as 50 lonely and desperate states begging the federal government for help, each on their own and for themselves; a President who calls himself a wartime President but never calls on the military to take over building mobile hospitals, bring in the necessary equipment and set up tents all over the US to contain and then kill the invader disease killing humans daily.

President Trump whenever convenient likes to compare himself to George Washington.

During one of Mr. Trump daily disease briefings, the conversation somehow shifted, as it usually does,  to Trump, his Presidency, the "sacrifices" he has made since taking office, and how as he said "lost billions" since he was elected President three years ago, which is by any and all accounts impossible. But Trump shamelessly says things with a straight face, he exaggerates, not to say he lies, Trump loves to lie, but he might believe his lies and believe they are not lies. Then comes the George Washington Comparison, and Trump was found saying Washington conducted personal business while President however Trump is not allowed to do so; Trump goes on to say that Washington had two desks in the Oval Office next to each other, one for the Presidency and one for the personal business- need to fact-check these "nutty" stuff and see if they ever existed. But even if they did exist, the era is completely different and the comparison by itself in that regards is so retarded.

We, the  American people, have profoundly changed since Trump took office: We worry more about America, we are more concerned about America's status on world stage, leading nations to action,  about respectability, prestige, integrity, dignity, and the list of good stuff missing from Trump goes on and on. But we must give credit when credit is due;  Because of Trump, we are most engaged in the politics of our country than we've ever been. Trump is our daily and harsh reality-check.  Trump made us grow.

As for the disease "Chinese Connection", The shadowy Chinese Communist government acted as it usually does in such and similar situations, Cowardly and criminally,  it silenced back in December of last year the Chinese doctor who warned against the devastating ruthless invader, and then died of the infectious disease; the Chinese then instead of embracing Dr. Li Wenliang, told him to keep his mouth shut and accused him of spreading rumors, and betraying party and country. 

Nothing really has changed in America since Trump was elected in 2016 following the defeat of elitist and snobbish Hillary. President Trump by and large follows established policies or just steer things around to keep the debate going not about what is good for America but what is good for him. After 9/11, President Bush rallied the nation and lead the action to respond to terrorists attacks; in 2008, President Obama rallied the nation and got elected on a platform to save the economy and get it back on it's feet; before both Obama and Bush, President Reagan galvanized the nation around one purpose: Bring respect and strength back to America after Watergate, Vietnam,  and Jimmy Carter mishandling the hostages situation hijacked by dubious Shiite Mullas took over power in Iran after the Shah was overthrown with an American Nod and complete approval.

On world stage, President Trump in actuality has been following established US policies almost everywhere with a "Trumpist" twist, style and demagoguery. Trump style and techniques have been the same when confronting crisis: House of Saud killing Khashoggi, Israeli-Palestinian war and peace, China, Iran, North Korea, Iraq, Afghanistan and dealing with Taliban, Mexico Wall, illegal immigrants, Health and Obamacare, confirmation of Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court, asking Ukraine to dig up dirt on Biden and Son. Same style of ups and downs, back and forth, dancing to the tunes of the news, entertaining a base hungry and thirsty for "revenge", from something or things, and preserving a delusional "lost status".

Related Here and More on Trump Presidency:
A message to Jackass: Identify Texas and Ohio Murderers as Domestic Terrorists

In the picture, President Donald Trump and Vice President Mike Pence listen during a briefing in the James Brady Briefing Room, Tuesday, March 24, 2020, in Washington. (AP Photo/Alex Brandon)

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