Saturday, October 10, 2020

America's Darkest Hour: Trump Pandemic

On Friday the 2nd of October 2020, Donald Trump who happens to be the current President of The United States during its darkest hour and I say darkest hour not because of pandemic but because of Trump handling or actually mishandling the pandemic was admitted to Walter Reed National Military Medical Center infected with the same pandemic of which for months he joked about, laughed at, exposed others to and downplayed- what a tragedy. His wife Melania suffered the same but the news and selfish, obnoxious Trump are not updating her pandemic and sorrow condition.

Trump who for months on purpose -as he told Bob Woodward on tape-downplayed the worst "event" that hit home in generations, the worst pandemic in decades, who kept telling Americans "not to worry", not to wear masks, not to stop socializing, do not test for disease.

On Sunday the 4th of October 2020, while still infected and contagious and still being treated at Walter Reed, demagogue Trump exposing everybody including the Secret Service decided to take a "drive" to "greet" his "twisted ' supporters waiting outside the hospital- no regard to human life or human dignity whatsoever, nothing less can describe such gross, selfish, theatrical, pretentious behaviour.

On Monday the 5th of October 2020, Donald Trump Still Pandemic Infected, Infectious and Contagious leaves Walter Reed Hospital, addresses mostly "his base" and Dismayed America telling them not to be Afraid and now he "gets it", talking about the pandemic.

Basically, Trump telling Americans-while getting the best around the clock medical treatment while still sick- so what to get infected regardless if you die or not, regardless if you have medical treatment or not, just go about with your lives as if no pandemic which killed over 210,000 Americans and infected millions exists or ever existed- so dangerous behaviour and the worst part there are still "humans" supposedly with some brains believe Trump, follow Dr. Evil medical advices to the T including but not limited to his "advice" to drink bleach to fight pandemic. During his terrible debate performance with Joe Biden, his Democratic challenger for President, Trump said he was talking sarcastically about the bleach thing; Trump was not and people followed his stupidity, drank bleach and died.

Based on facts and events and only facts and events on how Trump deliberately ignored Science, ridiculed Medicine, malicelely disrgarded comptenent medcial advices, obnoxiously downplayed the grave danger of the pandemic, consistently kept telling Americans Masks are not important or no need to wear masks-unless you choose to- or it's up to individuals to wear masks- this pandemic should be called Trump pandemic, anytime Americans recall those dark days, darkest hour, a pandemic that killed over 210,000 Americans as of writing these lines, should align it with the Trump presidency.

Trump continues to tweet Fake news comparing pandemic to Flu; in short Trump continues to be Trump- no surprise there, we have established this fact over years and generations. But again the problem is Trump is the president now, his style proved to be no longer just entertaining, not funny, but deadly and here is the rub, what more harm can Trump do to convince a majority of Americans not to grant him a second term.

Almost every aspect of his presidency in particular pandemic handling has been disastrous to say the least, so why re-elect a disaster.

Again and again, demagogue, populist leaders thrive when knowing their supporters love it when they lie to them.

In America, regardless of pandemic, there has been a population of voters who will vote along party lines, but the majority do not; the majority of "disloyal" voters- to borrow Michael Cohen's book title to make a point here- will vote for whoever relate to their day to day lives; and based on that assumption, Trump will not be reelected. The 2016 surprise will not be repeated for the simple reason: Americans witnessing daily how he has been divisive and how he has been handling the deadly pandemic; it cannot get any worse and the time is ripe based on Trump record only for Trump to retire at his Florida estate. So last but not least the pandemic is not a China pandemic, or kung fu pandemic as Trump and cronies like to say to shift the focus but a Trump pandemic that killed and still killing over 210, 000 Americans.

In the picture, President Donald Trump stands on the Blue Room Balcony upon returning to the White House Monday, Oct. 5, 2020, in Washington, after leaving Walter Reed National Military Medical Center, in Bethesda, Maryland. Trump announced he has pandemic on Oct. 2. (AP Photo/Alex Brandon)

Related here from March 28 2020:

A Message to Jackass: The More You Put In,The More You Get Out


Blurred Lines Not Blurred: What Has been Fake and What Has Been Real in America since 2016 is So Clear; Pandemic Under Trump reaches new horrific milestone, Claims 200,000 American Lives, the highest in the World

And from April 2020:

The Big Story: No Leadership, just Trump and cronies jerking around, meant U.S. ‘wasted’ months before preparing for outbreak pandemic

And From May 12 2020:

And From April 26 2020:

And From April 24, 2020:

And Now Hear This: Unless you Pay Me One Million Dollars: Dr. Evil, Austin Powers, Mini-Me, AKA President Trump "medical Advices" add devilish momentum to Pandemic

And From April 5, 2020:

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And From May 13, 2020:

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And From July 7, 2020:

Mary Trump's book offers scathing portrayal of a Monster, "Uncle Trump"

And From August 23, 2020:

Trump Sister Maryanne Calls Him In recordings, an Unprincipled Liar, Phony, Not to be trusted

And From June 21, 2020:

The State of Trump is Not Good: The Return From Oklahoma Marks an Undeniable Retreat and an Early November Vote for What Expected to be a Return to "Normality" in America

And From september 11, 2020

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And From September 6, 2020:

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