Saturday, April 20, 2024

مين هدول يابا بقلم: جميل محمد الشوا


مين هدول يابا اللي دمروا غزة و عزموا إسرائيل تدمر و تقتل عشرات الالاف علشان يعيشوا

مين هدول يابا، مين هدول اقذر خلق الرحمن اللي اسمهم نخالة وهنية وسنوار وبقية الكلاب الحاقدة السعرانة يابا؛

مين هدول الدقون العيرة؛ الدقون الملوثة بدم الشعب الفلسطيني؛ خدمات السنوار وهنية وجهاد والجبهات واللي على شاكلتهم لدولة إسرائيل لا تقدر بثمن؛ كل مرة اولئك الاشكال العكرة بيعملوا ضد إسرائيل، كل ما إسرائيل تقوى مليون مرة. ولكم التاريخ يشهد. نفس الحكاية من ٤٠ سنة. وين اليوم إسرائيل ووين فلسطين.

يابا، انا عارف مين اللي عملهم وجوعهم وسعرهم وعلى إسرائيل يوم ٧ عشرة ٢٠٢٣ فلتهم؛

بس الحق مش عليي عملهم، اللي عملهم وسعرهم وجوعهم وبعدين على إسرائيل يوم ٧ عشرة ٢٠٢٣ فلتهم مين غير اي خير لفلسطين فلتهم، بعمل اللي في صالحة؛ الحق ليس على اللي فلتهم؛ الحق على شعب مسكين إسمة فلسطين، مين يومه مسكين، مين يوم ماتسمى ضايع، بين الرجلين ضايع ، وهو بيموت ينافق وضايع؛ شعب ضايع لاهو عارف حاله هيك ولا هيك

شعب راضي بقتلة، مرتزقة، منافقين يحكموه؛ والسؤال الان ليش "ولاد الناس" بينه مبحكموش والجواب المعروف اللي اميركا وإسرائيل والشعب المسكين "وولاد الناس". برضة اكيد عارفينه: "ولاد الناس" بينة ولاد كلب.


Saturday, February 26, 2022

Biden, Elevate Vladimir Putin And Start A Cold War Part II

Vladimir Putin, the Russian President, On Wednesday February 23rd, 2022 "formally and officially" launched an assault Against Ukraine, "initiated" an invasion that has been in the making for years but the momentum for Putin to invade did not present itself until that day in February 2022, a day Ukrainians and the world will not forget. 

However, The United States and Ukraine provided Vladimir Putin the excuse, the cover, the pretext, the platform, the landscape to conquer nd invade "helpless, isolated" Ukraine. 

By not providing, in writing as Putin demanded, or at least publicly saying that Ukraine is not to be in NATO, Vladimir Putin eager to escape mass protests against his growing authoritarian style, jumped on the opportunity, capitalized on this particular game of politics superpowers created, and invaded. 

Those chances do not come so often, and if they do not come, you have to create them. And the latter what exactly superpowers do and good at, create conflicts and then resolve them overtime, sometimes over decades; who's counting. Not them. 

Today's Only Superpowers: US, China, Russia, understand the importance of keeping the globe occupied by conflicts, not necessarily at all destructive conflicts, just conflicts where diplomacy can function, politics and politicians' work. Conflict is the politicians and superpowers bread and butter. 

No matter how people look into this matter, Ukraine joining NATO, they will come to one conclusion: Provocative. Not needed. It's like Mexico joining a military alliance with Russia, allowing the Russians to deploy forces and weapons into the US backyard. The US will Not Accept. The US probably will do the same. The US will invade. It happened before and probably it will happen, as needed, again. 

Why Putin chose this day- explained in part below- this moment, in February 2022 to demand Ukraine and the US say no to Ukraine joining NATO, otherwise Invasion, which took place following months of Biden-Putin bickering, back and forth calls, meetings and conferences, multiple meetings in Moscow, Washington and Europe with various leaders, representatives and operatives from all sides.

The Bottom Line: NATO did not need, nor it does need, nor it will ever need to add Ukraine, and Ukraine should not have demanded to be part of NATO of which the reason has been to be protected from Russia. And here we are, just by dangling NATO for years, Ukraine never been officially considered by the North Atlantic Military organization and got a Russian invasion. And now, Ukraine as we will explain later must as it looks like make it clear at least if not aligned with Russia, it must be non-aligned with "anybody".

Putin "needed" an Invasion To absorb the growing resentment among Russians against his growing authoritarian rule and suppressing any kind of mass streets protests as well as confirming Russia's world stage power and presence decades after the humiliating fall of the Soviet Union.

China needed something, Ukraine invasion will do, to distract attention from its terrifying human rights records, especially against Muslims in China. The Chinese needed a distraction from the attention Hong Kong is getting because of how China, slowly, step by step exerts control, erodes freedoms, in the "capitalist island" that is supposed to be an oasis of freedom and business; the Chinese cannot afford have about 1.5 billion Chinese looking at Hong Kong's freedom and say why not us. Moreover, China needed a distraction from pandemic, and and how people, scientists, entities are looking at the origins of the pandemic and some directly blaming the Chinese of "doctoring" The global disease.

The United States needed a "case" to make for the importance of NATO after Donald Trump who himself launched the January 6, 2021, attacks on his own country and people, repeatedly during his twisted and corrupt presidency, belittled NATO, its relevance, its size, its cost, it's importance to keep peace in Europe and act as the only solid military deterrence around the world. The only global military alliance in the world. In addition, Biden wants to show minority of Americans who still blindly follow Donald Trump and his big lies the price of freedom, how lucky we are here in America to live under the rule of law, due process and all the other "freedom" we enjoy. Now, this might work, might erode the popularity among Republicans for Donald Trump. Might help to get Republicans back to their "senses", to get America back on track, back to "normal" opr even better. 

Biden also made an important point since becoming President which is the world is witnessing two entities "fighting" each other: Democracy led by the United States and Tyranny led by China and Russia where dictators "want" to believe and make you, the people, believe that in order to get things done and "legally" passed, dictators must rule, tyrants according to them, get things passed quicker, can prevail; dictators don't wait for parliaments, Congress, to pass things, to haggle, especially in times of crisis, the Chinese made their point clear during the pandemic when they almost immediately shutdown huge portions of their country very quickly without regard to anything, including humans, to fight the global disease. Trump tried deception here when he asked deceived devotees to kill American democracy, basically, to overturn legitimate elections, when he asked elected officials, to "find him votes" to win. 

But while Biden is correct about that fight, Democracies function when countries have strong elected leaders who are willing and have the guts to mobilize their countries to fight emergencies and offer viable, quick, fixes and solutions. 

Again, just a friendly reminder, Superpowers today in the order of importance and strength are: United States, China and Russia; the rest of the world are either allies, partners, followers, or just on the side spectators. 

Also, again, in order for politics, diplomacy and wars by proxy to work and survive, conflicts, according to superpowers, must exist around the globe. "Managed wars" are superpowers preferred tool to ensure alliance strength, results achieved. Basically, the US, Russia and China act as adversaries while in fact allies in creating, managing, and defusing conflicts. They will never admit to that "terrifying" fact.  

When it comes to military superiority, China is second to the United States, but does not act upon military strength, China's role, per process and agreement, is global economic strength and influence, to showcase economic success and its pinpointed role in keeping North Korea, Taiwan, open for conflict and diplomacy. The Chinese do engage as needed and almost always has a say in the club of the elite three.

When global, across borders conflicts arise, or solutions need to take place. The role in the Ukraine crisis, for example, for the Chinese has been and is the passive yet involved partner.  AP Friday February 25, 2022, and couple of days into the Russian Ukraine invasion, reported that Chinese Xi Jinping said that Vladimir Putin told him he is ready to end conflict if the Ukrainians accept non-allied status; basically, dropping the demand to join NATO which was the pretext for the Russians to invade Wednesday February 23rd, 2022

Russia on the other hand has been the active "US military partner" since the end of the World War II, US and Russia, the Soviet Union before the big fall, partnered in every military confit on earth sometimes directly in a show of force but not actual confrontation like the Cuba missiles crisis in the early 1960s or through wars in Africa, the Middle East, Latin America.

World Powers will be out of business if conflicts do not exist; so, the scenario was so clear, the sequence of events was clear, it is exactly and without exaggeration a scripted conflict, a managed war and conflict and a a calculated adventure: Putin invades, we put sanctions, and then the rest of the story as it will unfold sooner or later. As for Ukraine, the soliton was easy, to be a non-aligned nation, could have been like Switzerland, but it went along with the game. It is what it is. 

At the end of the day, and there will be an end to Ukraine invasion day, US, China and Russia will emerge winners, and Ukraine, all things considered, will lose for now.

However, there is something called "people power", No, it's not a joke. People power is the ability of thousands and even millions to gather, protest, demand things to change. Even in democracies, people see the need to go to the streets to demand change, anything they do not like and want to change immediately; people with all the social media around us, and things change in split second, have no more patience to wait for elections to change things. Boring, for them, to wait two or four years to elect someone and see if that someone can implement what they like and work with others in the same body, Congress, Parliament, to get votes necessary to pass things. Boring. People want change now.

So, when dust settles, US, China and Russia, will evaluate this "live- fire exercise", Ukraine invasion, as they did through every other "live-fire exercise", since 1945 and until now, where NATO mobilized forces after Russia invaded, and China observed and helped from the sideline and see how other conflicts they might create will look like, learn lessons and move on. The unfortunate thing about all this is people, ordinary humans suffer.   

Click On Links:  Joe Biden Meets Vladimir Putin In Geneva 

Wink, Wink, No Worries, Joe, Vladimir Knows The Code

The Spokesman: Russia Ukraine Invasion "Official Spokesman" Joe Biden Says Vladimir Putin Made Up His Mind, Will Invade Ukraine

Vladimir In Beijing For Olympics. No Way. Vladimir In Beijing For Politics, Photo Op With Xi Jinping And For Imagery; "East" Accuses "West" Of Fueling Ukraine Conflict, Creating A "Cold War"

The Spokesman: Russia Ukraine Invasion "Official Spokesman" Joe Biden Says Vladimir Putin Made  Up His Mind, Will Invade Ukraine

Ukraine And Nato:

US, NATO, Russia, Start Geneva Talks Over Ukraine; US "Insists" Not To Give Russians Guarantees It Won't "Add" Ukraine To NATO; Translation: Go Ahead Vladimir And Invade Helpless, Isolated, Insulted, Abandoned, And "Rich" Ukraine


Biden Plays "The Wise Guy"; Putin Plays The Villain In Ukraine Game: The Call Took Place, Russians Demand US In Writing Commit Not To Expand NATO Eastward


Two Hours Over Ukraine; Biden-Putin "Dramatic Call" Meant To Save Or Lose Ukraine?


Jamil Shawwa's Arab American Wire | # ***Ukraine *caught between a Rock and a Hard Place*: Lost Hope, Lost Identity in a Cruel Game of Politics or Rising Country Reckoned with New Identi... | Facebook


Again, By Not Stating Clearly No Interest In Joining NATO, Ukrainian Politicians Leveled The Field For Vladimir Putin And Provided The Platform, The Pretext, The Landscape, To Invade Their Country


While Russians Are Vicious. No Doubt About It. And This Might Sound Harsh, However At The End Of The Day, Ukrainians Wrote Their Own Destiny


Russin Invasion Begins; Vladimir Putin Orders Forces To "Enter" Eastern Ukraine; World Watches As Russia Slices And Dices Helpless Ukraine Caught In A Vicious World Powers Game Of Politics; Joe Biden, The US, NATO, EU Will Utilize The Usual Suspects: "Sanctions"


Vladimir Putin Invaded Ukraine: It Happened As You "Predicted" It Would Happen, Joe, So What else Can We Do Now Except For What We Usually Do In Such Occasions: Impose Sanctions, Roll The Dice And Wait For The Chips To Fall Where They May Usually Fall


Too Late, Ukrainians; A World Powers Game Of Politicos Has Begun And Already Ended For Ukraine Before It Even Actually Ends


War In Europe Not Seen Since 1945. Again, And Again, US "Authorized" Vladimir Putin To Invade Ukraine By Not Committing Not To Include Ukraine In NATO And Ukraine "Request" To Be Included In NATO

US, China, Russia: The Big Picture: Politics And Human Rights

Ukraine caught between a Rock and a Hard Place: Lost Hope, Lost Identity in a Cruel Game of Politics or Rising Country Reckoned with New Identity with No Crimea, With No Eastern Ukraine of Which Both Seized and Claimed by Power and Domination Hungry Russians and Vladimir

Biden And America And The World:

Biden’s Burden: A President Whose DNA Is "Good Old-Fashioned Politics" Is Confronted With An America Polluted And Threatened By Trump Insurgency And A Democratic Party Eager For Tough, No Hold Bars Politics; Add Insult To Injury: Ukraine Game Of Politics With Russia

Trump January 6 2021 Rebellion Against The Unidet States:

America's Longest Day: Trump January 6 2021 Revenge and Terror

And: July 16 2018: Trump And Vladimir Putin  

Trump: Elevate Vladimir Putin And Start A Cold War

In the picture, President Joe Biden, right, and Russian President Vladimir Putin enter the 'Villa la Grange' during their meeting in Geneva, Switzerland in Geneva, Switzerland, Wednesday, June 16, 2021. (AP Photo/Alexander Zemlianichenko, Poo)

Tuesday, January 12, 2021

America's Longest Day: Trump January 6 2021 Revenge and Terror

Never happened in the history of our country and probably not in any other country, and for sure not in any democratic country, that a sitting President ordered, incited, aided and abetted a mob of extremists called base and fanatic supporters who looked and acted like a bunch of thugs, imbeciles, domestic terrorists eager to blindly follow "the leader" trail of lies and deception and violently attack one of their government and country most prolific institutions and symbols of democracy, the Parliament, or in our case here in America, the January 6 2021 attack on the Capital-Congress. Trump was acting as Trump. 

Trump on January 6 2021 in a fiery speech in front of the White House, while Congress in supposedly routine session to certify Presidential elections electoral college results, flagrantly ordered his loyal mob gathered in Washington DC to march and attack Congress. It was his ultimate revenge for losing a fair and otherwise normal elections. Trump lied to them and said he will be joining in the attack; the mob believed "the leader" and marched forward and of course Trump was nowhere to be found. Trump was acting as Trump. Trump on that same day acted like Trump, the saboteur, the provocateur, the populist demagogue but this time his words of incitement rallied angry mob loyal to him and following to the letter his request to march on the Capital and forcefully disrupt otherwise a routine session required by the constitution. That day was anything but routine or normal. It was an attack on America, it was an attempted coup. It was a Treasonous act. 

Trump ordered his loyal ready to act domestic terrorists to attack America's Capital while his own VP Mike Pence presiding over the tallying of the electoral college vote; Trump ordered the attack while his own Republican party was there seated and ready to challenge the fair and square presidential elections; basically Trump - by now should not be a surprise to anyone- ordered the attack causing mayhem and death to many and risking the lives of his own blindly loyal VP, Congresswomen, Congressmen and Senators. Trump was acting as Trump. 

What Mattered and matters to Trump and What has always Mattered to Trump is the image not the substance; who cares in Trump's eyes about the substance as long as the image is intact. Trump revenge the way it was planned and carried out could not have been predicted, but it should have been easily predicted based on record, to even those who knew him best; it was the culmination of a fraudulent personality and character he cultivated over the years using fake but popular imageries like the apprentice (You're Fired) and Mafia tactics he lived with

 growing in New York City.  But that day and that attack, again, should have been prepared for by all types of security forces. It was Not. Even worse, some Capitol police as news reveals and footages showed are and were accomplices; Capitol police was ordered not to use force, National Guard was ordered not to respond on time. But still there were heroes among the capital police who risked their lives defending America in the face of relentless mob. 

For Trump the image what matters not at all the substance that is supposed at least most of the time to go with the image-among normal people or politicians of course. So the image Trump wanted to last after the huge November 3rd rebuke and defeat was revenge, revenge and nothing but revenge. Trump wanted to be remembered by his thugs occupying and destroying Congress. That moment was in Trump mind his imaginary inauguration. Trump was acting as Trump.

A revenge on America and its democracy; Trump knows of course he lost a fair and square elections but again what matters the most to him is not to lose his fake, deceptive, lying image he methodically cultivated over the years which was highlighted by lying about Obama’s birthplace of which has become the bedrock of his ambition to become president and the bedrock of a defiant and dangerous base of which we should now call deadly cult not just a Politician base. 

Trump proved on "calculation" day he is as dangerous for America as 09/11/2001 terrorists, and same as Jim Jones who ordered cult, his followers, to die;  the images of his domestic terrorists climbing the walls of Congress, breaking doors and windows, attacking and chasing scared police and seating flags of deception and despair bearing his name and images and what he "stands for" if any and where Joe Biden is to take oath of office noon January 20 2021; that is the image he wanted his base and America to remember him for, nothing else, not since losing reelection. 

The Message was a blatant coup attempt that was destined to fail and Trump Message was: If you do not seat me President for a second term, America, regardless of fair elections results, I will forcefully seat myself, Even if only for few seconds and hours, even if not real, it does not matter; Trump has been fake all along and even so in his mind, few more hours would not make any difference. 

The point Trump wanted to make is to showcase his base with his flags and name in the same place where Joe Biden is to take oath of office on January 20, 2021; there was no other way for Trump to be there on January 20th 2021 except and only if he directed his mob to storm, occupy Congress and plant his flags instead of the American flag and rival Joe Biden on the West Wing of the capital where presidents take oath of office. 

Trump will be impeached again and will have his trial in the senate after leaving office on January 20 2021 and will be removed postmortem and will be banned from ever again running for office. But the damage has been done. However, it will be fixed and America from such horrific experience will grow stronger. It took a Trump for us to wake up and not take our democracy for granted and not to believe and then worse, elect,  every dangerous demagogue looking to substitute their own inferiority complexes with packs of lies and mayhem. 

Trump today, Tuesday January 12 2021, said he takes No Responsibilities for the January 6th 2021 Rebellion he incited and called for and told his base to do and said he'll be there with them. Trump acted as Trump. 

Click on Related Here:

America's Darkest Hour: Trump Pandemic

A Message to Jackass: The More You Put In, The More You Get Out

A Message to Jackass: Identify Texas and Ohio Murderers as Domestic Terrorists

Click on Related Events Here:

Trump Acting as an American Nazi, An American Fascist, An American Anarchist, Incites Loyal Remaining Devout imbeciles to Turn Violent, Storm America's Home of Democracy to Sabotage Biden Victory

Now, The "Jacks" Erect a Fence and Beefup Capital Grounds Security; Only Now And only After Trump and his Domestic Terrorists Assaulted America and Ransacked The Capital; Oh Yes, but Of course We will Remember Trump Exactly as We remember the attack on Pearl Harbor and the 09/11/2001 terrorist attack on America. Nothing More, Nothing Less

On the Verge of Being Removed From Office Few Days Before His Term ends, Trump Finally Concedes Defeat, Commits to "Peaceful" Transition of Power, but only after he Finally Got His Revenge on America, Finally Assaulted America's Home of Civility and Democracy, Finally Incited Ready to Be Incited and Fooled Domestic Terrorists to Attack America

In the picture,  rioters supporting Donald Trump storm the Capital in washington DC, Wednesday January 6,2021. (AP Photo/Jose Luis Magana)

Saturday, October 10, 2020

America's Darkest Hour: Trump Pandemic

On Friday the 2nd of October 2020, Donald Trump who happens to be the current President of The United States during its darkest hour and I say darkest hour not because of pandemic but because of Trump handling or actually mishandling the pandemic was admitted to Walter Reed National Military Medical Center infected with the same pandemic of which for months he joked about, laughed at, exposed others to and downplayed- what a tragedy. His wife Melania suffered the same but the news and selfish, obnoxious Trump are not updating her pandemic and sorrow condition.

Trump who for months on purpose -as he told Bob Woodward on tape-downplayed the worst "event" that hit home in generations, the worst pandemic in decades, who kept telling Americans "not to worry", not to wear masks, not to stop socializing, do not test for disease.

On Sunday the 4th of October 2020, while still infected and contagious and still being treated at Walter Reed, demagogue Trump exposing everybody including the Secret Service decided to take a "drive" to "greet" his "twisted ' supporters waiting outside the hospital- no regard to human life or human dignity whatsoever, nothing less can describe such gross, selfish, theatrical, pretentious behaviour.

On Monday the 5th of October 2020, Donald Trump Still Pandemic Infected, Infectious and Contagious leaves Walter Reed Hospital, addresses mostly "his base" and Dismayed America telling them not to be Afraid and now he "gets it", talking about the pandemic.

Basically, Trump telling Americans-while getting the best around the clock medical treatment while still sick- so what to get infected regardless if you die or not, regardless if you have medical treatment or not, just go about with your lives as if no pandemic which killed over 210,000 Americans and infected millions exists or ever existed- so dangerous behaviour and the worst part there are still "humans" supposedly with some brains believe Trump, follow Dr. Evil medical advices to the T including but not limited to his "advice" to drink bleach to fight pandemic. During his terrible debate performance with Joe Biden, his Democratic challenger for President, Trump said he was talking sarcastically about the bleach thing; Trump was not and people followed his stupidity, drank bleach and died.

Based on facts and events and only facts and events on how Trump deliberately ignored Science, ridiculed Medicine, malicelely disrgarded comptenent medcial advices, obnoxiously downplayed the grave danger of the pandemic, consistently kept telling Americans Masks are not important or no need to wear masks-unless you choose to- or it's up to individuals to wear masks- this pandemic should be called Trump pandemic, anytime Americans recall those dark days, darkest hour, a pandemic that killed over 210,000 Americans as of writing these lines, should align it with the Trump presidency.

Trump continues to tweet Fake news comparing pandemic to Flu; in short Trump continues to be Trump- no surprise there, we have established this fact over years and generations. But again the problem is Trump is the president now, his style proved to be no longer just entertaining, not funny, but deadly and here is the rub, what more harm can Trump do to convince a majority of Americans not to grant him a second term.

Almost every aspect of his presidency in particular pandemic handling has been disastrous to say the least, so why re-elect a disaster.

Again and again, demagogue, populist leaders thrive when knowing their supporters love it when they lie to them.

In America, regardless of pandemic, there has been a population of voters who will vote along party lines, but the majority do not; the majority of "disloyal" voters- to borrow Michael Cohen's book title to make a point here- will vote for whoever relate to their day to day lives; and based on that assumption, Trump will not be reelected. The 2016 surprise will not be repeated for the simple reason: Americans witnessing daily how he has been divisive and how he has been handling the deadly pandemic; it cannot get any worse and the time is ripe based on Trump record only for Trump to retire at his Florida estate. So last but not least the pandemic is not a China pandemic, or kung fu pandemic as Trump and cronies like to say to shift the focus but a Trump pandemic that killed and still killing over 210, 000 Americans.

In the picture, President Donald Trump stands on the Blue Room Balcony upon returning to the White House Monday, Oct. 5, 2020, in Washington, after leaving Walter Reed National Military Medical Center, in Bethesda, Maryland. Trump announced he has pandemic on Oct. 2. (AP Photo/Alex Brandon)

Related here from March 28 2020:

A Message to Jackass: The More You Put In,The More You Get Out


Blurred Lines Not Blurred: What Has been Fake and What Has Been Real in America since 2016 is So Clear; Pandemic Under Trump reaches new horrific milestone, Claims 200,000 American Lives, the highest in the World

And from April 2020:

The Big Story: No Leadership, just Trump and cronies jerking around, meant U.S. ‘wasted’ months before preparing for outbreak pandemic

And From May 12 2020:

And From April 26 2020:

And From April 24, 2020:

And Now Hear This: Unless you Pay Me One Million Dollars: Dr. Evil, Austin Powers, Mini-Me, AKA President Trump "medical Advices" add devilish momentum to Pandemic

And From April 5, 2020:

Since Trump Claim of China Epidemic Travel Ban, 40,000 Americans, other authorized travelers, some this past week and many with spotty screening, arrived from China to U.S.

And From May 13, 2020:

Before We Ask What's Next, The Big Question: What Happened and How it Happend; How America Slipped Into Global Pandemic Chaos and Severe Lack of Response and Preparedness: Rhetorical Question no doubt and the Answers Reside in the Attached picture and Related Events

And From July 7, 2020:

Mary Trump's book offers scathing portrayal of a Monster, "Uncle Trump"

And From August 23, 2020:

Trump Sister Maryanne Calls Him In recordings, an Unprincipled Liar, Phony, Not to be trusted

And From June 21, 2020:

The State of Trump is Not Good: The Return From Oklahoma Marks an Undeniable Retreat and an Early November Vote for What Expected to be a Return to "Normality" in America

And From september 11, 2020

Bob Woodward's "Rage" Paints on Tape a Rage Free, Carefree Trump About Anything and Everything that goes on in America


NYC Poison Control Sees Uptick In Calls After Trump's Disinfectant Comments

And From September 6, 2020:

Michael Cohen Memoir: Ex-Fixer Casts Trump as a Manipulative Corrupt, an “organized crime don”; Paid Hush Money to silence his one-night stand porn star Stormy Daniels; Cohen says Trump Thought Blacks and Hispanics Were ‘Too Stupid’ to Vote for Him; Admires Russian Vladimir Putin

Saturday, March 28, 2020

A Message to Jackass: The More You Put In,The More You Get Out

Again, hoping or expecting President Trump in times of crisis or no crisis or for whatever reason, to be anything else but Trump, or to act like anyone else but Trump would be so gullible, so naive, so delusional and of course as idiotic as it can get.

Mr. Trump Presidency has been nothing short of every American man, woman, elderly, senior, child and all of the fifty States for himself, herself or itself- except of course if the Americans and states aforementioned belong to famous "base" defined as "angry" for whatever reason Americans , who live not in New York or California but in other part of the great USA-  and he's there just as a mere entertainer, showman, a placeholder, until a "real" President comes along or at least until someone who masters the art of being President, a healer in times of crisis, a uniter not a divider, someone who could show or at least pretends or masters the art of empathy and compassionatism, comes along. But see, we just cannot give up on whoever in the Whiter House to act as President, or act as we expect a President should act: Presidential. But again, maybe we are the gullible, the American people, maybe Trump as idiotic as he sounds and acts, might be telling us things other Presidents never dare to share in public. Maybe we are the naive, the American people, who are so used to things done and said in certain ways that we create molds of what we call "normal". Anything else that does not fit that mold, is considered "unheard of"or abnormal and Trump exemplifies what we call or consider "abnormal".

In the midst of this devastating crisis that was generated in China, but regardless of the place, for now at least, Trump waffles on the issues most of the time, his press conferences for the most part are a joke; he calls himself a wartime President but he is as so far from a wartime President as it can get; he enacts the defense production act but does not mobilize the county to act as one country not as 50 lonely and desperate states begging the federal government for help, each on their own and for themselves; a President who calls himself a wartime President but never calls on the military to take over building mobile hospitals, bring in the necessary equipment and set up tents all over the US to contain and then kill the invader disease killing humans daily.

President Trump whenever convenient likes to compare himself to George Washington.

During one of Mr. Trump daily disease briefings, the conversation somehow shifted, as it usually does,  to Trump, his Presidency, the "sacrifices" he has made since taking office, and how as he said "lost billions" since he was elected President three years ago, which is by any and all accounts impossible. But Trump shamelessly says things with a straight face, he exaggerates, not to say he lies, Trump loves to lie, but he might believe his lies and believe they are not lies. Then comes the George Washington Comparison, and Trump was found saying Washington conducted personal business while President however Trump is not allowed to do so; Trump goes on to say that Washington had two desks in the Oval Office next to each other, one for the Presidency and one for the personal business- need to fact-check these "nutty" stuff and see if they ever existed. But even if they did exist, the era is completely different and the comparison by itself in that regards is so retarded.

We, the  American people, have profoundly changed since Trump took office: We worry more about America, we are more concerned about America's status on world stage, leading nations to action,  about respectability, prestige, integrity, dignity, and the list of good stuff missing from Trump goes on and on. But we must give credit when credit is due;  Because of Trump, we are most engaged in the politics of our country than we've ever been. Trump is our daily and harsh reality-check.  Trump made us grow.

As for the disease "Chinese Connection", The shadowy Chinese Communist government acted as it usually does in such and similar situations, Cowardly and criminally,  it silenced back in December of last year the Chinese doctor who warned against the devastating ruthless invader, and then died of the infectious disease; the Chinese then instead of embracing Dr. Li Wenliang, told him to keep his mouth shut and accused him of spreading rumors, and betraying party and country. 

Nothing really has changed in America since Trump was elected in 2016 following the defeat of elitist and snobbish Hillary. President Trump by and large follows established policies or just steer things around to keep the debate going not about what is good for America but what is good for him. After 9/11, President Bush rallied the nation and lead the action to respond to terrorists attacks; in 2008, President Obama rallied the nation and got elected on a platform to save the economy and get it back on it's feet; before both Obama and Bush, President Reagan galvanized the nation around one purpose: Bring respect and strength back to America after Watergate, Vietnam,  and Jimmy Carter mishandling the hostages situation hijacked by dubious Shiite Mullas took over power in Iran after the Shah was overthrown with an American Nod and complete approval.

On world stage, President Trump in actuality has been following established US policies almost everywhere with a "Trumpist" twist, style and demagoguery. Trump style and techniques have been the same when confronting crisis: House of Saud killing Khashoggi, Israeli-Palestinian war and peace, China, Iran, North Korea, Iraq, Afghanistan and dealing with Taliban, Mexico Wall, illegal immigrants, Health and Obamacare, confirmation of Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court, asking Ukraine to dig up dirt on Biden and Son. Same style of ups and downs, back and forth, dancing to the tunes of the news, entertaining a base hungry and thirsty for "revenge", from something or things, and preserving a delusional "lost status".

Related Here and More on Trump Presidency:
A message to Jackass: Identify Texas and Ohio Murderers as Domestic Terrorists

In the picture, President Donald Trump and Vice President Mike Pence listen during a briefing in the James Brady Briefing Room, Tuesday, March 24, 2020, in Washington. (AP Photo/Alex Brandon)

Monday, August 05, 2019

A Message to Jackass: Identify Texas and Ohio Murderers as Domestic Terrorists

(Undated photo shows President Donald Trump).(Kyodo via AP Images)
Are we still under an illusion; do we still believe President Trump can change or willing to change and if so, change to what; are we or some of us still so naive, that we continue to ask the same rhetorical questions over and over again hoping for different answers or answers more tuned in to what we used to see in other Presidents; Presidents who probably, if not all, at least some or most, harbored privately same "vicious" feelings and sentiments Trump publicly blurs out.

Trump attacks all except for "the base": A population in the US consisted in 2016 of angry people from across ethnic groups but mostly from disgruntled, angry, working class and even some elite whites panicking that America changing so fast that the "white privilege" disappeared or disappearing. 

They are, the disgruntled whites, correct though, America will be a no ethnic majority country and no one can do anything to stop it including Trump idiotic anti-immigrants, anti-illegal immigrants, half way measures like a fake Mexico Wall, he promised deluded base to build to protect their nests and have Mexico pays for it which never happened nor will it ever happen; Trump ended up having the Pentagon obliged to pay for sections of the "promised" wall to make a point for thirsty base. 

So in actuality, no other reason for base to panic except for racism, wrong stereotypical upbringings, privileges in actuality and historically provided based on skin color or shade and meant to  automatically grant people special status, a front row seat, an A-list, or a bathroom seat.

But again the "coalition" that elected Trump in 2016 to the White House consisted of other than just "angry" whites; it consisted of all other "angry" Americans otherwise Trump would have never been able to get elected.

Americans were in an angry mode,for some reason, again,  angry about traffic, high bills, anything, while the economy has been doing well. Trump Americans were rejecting a Supreme Court that could have become too liberal; angry that Hillary Clinton who many including hard core Democrats did not want to see her husband better known as "Slick Willie" back in the White House ever again regardless of Bill Clinton surged popularity. 

So in reality anger was the motivation for change; rejecting elitism that Hillary exemplifies, rejecting having a third term, Hillary, for a black President that we elected twice.

Trump demagoguery against everything that was "non-white" rallied even non-white people; blacks, Asians, Hispanics, and others who historically either believe whites should have privileges or thought like Mike Tyson (we gave Obama a chance, why not giving Trump the same chance). Trump however was so vicious in his rhetoric, words, attacks, style that even some ardent Republicans could not tolerate or could no longer accept and tolerate. Mitt Romney and John McCain represent the best of those Republicans. But again Trump attacked and attack Republicans who oppose him or shed light on his politically motivated stupidity. 

Again, the role of an angry vehicle fits Trump; he loves to entertain, he will gladly tolerate to be called all the names in the book including a documented jackass for the role of President which millions believe is the ultimate privilege in the US or the ultimate American success story. Trump was raised to focus on that one goal; the ultimate goal, to be President; for Trump it does not matter at all what means to use or if you look or sound like a jackass, you still have a base that will fly you to the "moon", in this case to the White House. so before the angry base disappears go ahead and run and become President and let the chips fall where they may.

Again, there was no better timing for Trump to become president  other than that 2016 time with "unpopular" Hillary running after President Obama concluded his second term.

However, the hate Trump incites, promotes, as demagoguery as it is, since took office, against American media, against American institutions like the FBI, CIA, Federal Reserve, Congress, American female lawmakers telling them to leave America, blacks, Latinos, whites who oppose him, his "Russia elections collusion", refusing to stand up against white nationalists killing American people, killing fellow Americans, out of hate, and arguably as a direct response to Trump's rhetoric like what we have seen few days ago in Texas, Ohio, California, is making Americans realize that his rhetoric is hitting home, his style destroying schools and families, killing children, families, women, elderly, whites, blacks, Latinos, Asians, Jewish, Muslims, Christians; basically hitting and touching and hurting every American across the US.

The price is too high even for a base that likes Trump.

Trump rhetoric is making Americans scared to go out, to movies, to parks, to festivals, to malls; basically affecting every American everyday life.  Americans realizing Trump making vicious fanatics ready to act, creating criminals or helping ready minded criminals eager to act and attack; attack and kill their children, the base children, and others; no one anymore safe or immune with Trump in the White House. 

Americans now across the board including some "Base" ranting about everything that is "non-white" under the sun no longer finds Trump the "entertainer"; the "apprentice"" but a person if reelected, things will only get worse; Americans  angry at Trump and Ohio and Texas massacres committed by allegedly Trump supporters, extremist white nationalists, could be the huge turning point for an entertainer who thinks he makes "base" happy and energized no matter what he says and that base will reelect him back to the White House no matter what because there is no other choice or alternative for them but to have Trump as the last "white hope". Trump act finally caught up with him and base now is as scared as the rest of America.

So can an intentionally acting jackass change act now: The answer is too late in the game besides it is not something Trump finds entertaining or wants to do; Trump cannot be other than Trump; he cannot be serious, dignified, discuss serious things, talk compassionately; Trump cannot project himself as a father figure or someone with high moral standards; it is simply not Trump. 

Trump,  however,  will continue to go back and forth up and down but will never be anything else but Trump that a "base" of American voters, no longer exactly exists, in 2016, elected him as President of  United States succeeding the first black American President.

But Trump is and has been a much needed wake-up call for America and Americans  however 4 years of a Trump wake up call is and has been more than sufficient to get the message through.


What's next for this different kind of American: Everything points to one term in office but again weird things happen in America and they happened in 2016

9 killed in Dayton, Ohio in second US mass shooting within 24 hours; killer killed

Who's the terrorist in America; Who incites hate in America; who writes manifests against immigrants in America; who murders Americans in America; who loves America more: Texan Murderer Patrick Crusius or the four American female lawmakers Trump attacks and calls to "send them back to their countries"

Murderer, a 22 year-old- white male, homegrown terrorist,Patrick Crucius, kills people at Walmart in El Paso; deranged beast in police custody; 18 reported murdered in cold blood; Trump violent rhetoric the root cause?

California Garlic Festival Killer, killed: 3 killed in shooting, including 6-year-old

Trump from the banks of the Ohio River builds a 2020 case for aggressive base: President says “The Democrats spent more time attacking Barack Obama than they did attacking me”, avoids racial controversies

Mr. Trump Borders: Immigration and Immigrants between Politics and Morality

As Trump dives into racial politics, suburban women recoil

She is mad at Trump but will black America follow; will black America show and display anger at the ballot boxes November 2020

Trump broadens attack on black America, says, Baltimore majority-black district represented by civil rights leader Elijah Cummings “disgusting, rat and rodent infested mess”, calling Cummings “brutal bully”

Hey, You, Yes You, Wake Up, Trump President

Saturday, February 23, 2019

مصر السيسي اليوم: شالوا دستور وحطوا دستور بقلم: جميل محمد الشوا

السيسي نده بعلو حسه، تعالوا حالاً يا ترزية عايز دستور وعايزة حالاً بالاً ومن غير تاخير ولا تلكيع،

عايزة دستور حلو ومزأطط وكده يعني لا واسع ولا

عايزة دستور مبطبط ومتلمع ويوماتي متشمع ومنتوف،

عايزة دستور على المقاس ومتوتك من ورا ومن قدام،

عايزة دستور لما اندة يرد ويقول شبيك يا سيسي ولبيك،

عايز دستور لما المدام تشوفه تقله تعال وتعال دلوقتي حالاً جنبي يا دستور،

عايزة دستور لما المصريين يشوفوه يقلولوا الشر برة وبعيد يا دستور،

عايزة دستور ملين ولين ومتحبش وكدة يعني دمه خفيف وينفع في وقت الضيق،

عايزة دستور يقول أنا على المِيت مليون دستور وخازوق وساطور وعليك ياسيسي ولا بنت بنوت،

عايزة كده اوزي لباني مستوي ومتبهر وعلى السفرة جاهز يتاكل ووقت اللزوم يتكسر ويتأرإش،

إندهوا عبعال وبقية الصيع والضيع واللي على الشعب الغلبان جبارين ومفتريين،

إندهوا حرامية ٥٢ والحاقدين وباشوات بعد فاروق وباشوات فاروق وحمير ناصر والحشاشين،

إندهوا الخرنچات مرسي والإخوان واللي ركبوا يناير ٢٠١١ وأي حد شايل جنح وجنايات،

بس إوعوا تصحوا وتندهوا وتشوروا بقية المصريين وبقية الميت مليون وبقية أي مصري ومصرية يزعق ويقول إصحوا يا مصريين، ده مش دستور ده الجيش والسيسي خازوق وخابور.


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