Wednesday, May 25, 2005

Why did we elect George W. Bush? One Year after..

We the American people have elected George Bush twice mainly for the same reason; he is one of us, a regular guy, no complications, not much polishing around to show off as someone he is not. We have defeated Al Gore in 2000 because, among other reasons, he came across as an elitist, and sometimes as a bully thinking that he deserves the position just because who he is and because of his career. He came across as a bully when he walked towards George Bush in one of the debates, he looked threatening and annoying. We did not like it. Bush came across in that debate as your regular all American guy that will do his best to protect his home from the enemies either at home or abroad. We also defeated John Kerry almost for the same reasons; as we did with Gore, add to the list being married to a woman that felt cold and disconnected. Remember how she forgot where she was, which state, and then made the face as if they are all the same to her. Kerry also sounded as a preacher more than your regular guy. Add to that his running mate, John Edwards that really did not cut it for him neither in the south nor anywhere else, and Kerry's association with the Hollywood crowd and ignoring the base. Bush managed to have a wide base of people ranging from the corporations to the regular Joe with six packs. He tapped into the religious feelings of the people, deep into their very souls. We also are at war and this is another reason that many people felt strongly the need to stick with their guy. Clinton before Bush came across as your regular guy. It is the persona that got these two elected and reelected. This is just an observation, it's neither a Republican nor a Democrat’s: We also did not like the fact that Kerry and Edwards were so ungracious that they mentioned Dick Cheney's gay daughter. It was a cheap shot.

Note: During the Democratic Party primaries, Time Magazine put Kerry on its cover and if I recall questioned whether or not he can win. I sent a comment on that cover to Time, was not published, where I gave my opinion on the cover and on Time covers in general. I said that the way Kerry paused show either he was constipated, did not like the Time photographer, he was looking at his wife or he knew that he is not going to win. Now you know why Time did not publish the comment.

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