Friday, June 08, 2012

Gregory the Jamil Shawwa

Gregory the Greek told me while leaving the house, after installing two ceiling fans that took him six hours to finish- I did not pay by the hour, I paid by job completed: Thanks God, I’m in America, Greece is like a third world country -Gregory’s words not mine- he continued to say that the same thing- Europe bailing out Greece- happened few times in Greece’s history, he mentioned 1946, when the US lifted the economy there through building military bases and employing people. 

Gregory continued blasting the Greek political system and society and said that the Greeks are doing nothing, they have no resources, that their economy is going to continue to collapse, and that they have to depend on someone else to survive. 

Gregory was tired- once done with his work and did not want to talk anymore in his way out. I tried, but then he looked at me and said, c'mon you came originally from the Middle East, you know how it is. I did know exactly what he meant and I did not answer or knew how to answer. 

The Middle East is very rich, and I believe Greece and Turkey are the same; its is just the usual corrupt politicians in Greece, or incompetent, to say the least, and in the Arab countries, in the Middle East, it's the dictators that thought that their people are nothing but animals, or sheep, or subhuman and did not put the policies to develop, and some dictators deceived them with socialism until production halted, and the unemployment skyrocketed- then the Arabs decided last year in their respective countries in the Middle East to revolt and throughout the dictators; a process that is bringing results incrementally. 

Gregory said again, hey man, forget it, thanks God I’m in America and not in that terrible corrupt Greece, and then just left. I could not get more information but probably I got the bottom line; the dissatisfaction, the disappointment in politicians who never cared to build a strong, evolving and renewable economy- I like the word Renewable, I keep using it left and right, it became like the other word that I love; But.. 

Gregory felt that the job probably was more than what he bargained for or thought it would take, and I did not give any tips; you do not give tips in America for plumbers, electricians, and so forth and so on; just the set upfront agreed upon fees, usually. 

Another Greek, a plumber this time, told me before that the Greeks are “Crooks”, that they want to bleed Germany to death from aid and that they want to revenge Germany’s atrocities during the Second World War! Costa, real names as Gregory, might have been out there, much more than Gregory but still, there is a problem in Greece and Europe. 

In the USA, Europe has become a punching line, and a butt of jokes on late night TV shows, it has become like dogs chew toys in politicians campaigns; just google and check what and how Mitt Romney the Republican presidential nominee to be,is talking about Europe; with disgust and humiliation and a condescending tone. 

Today, president Obama in a speech, warned Americans from what he described as “economic headwinds from Europe”. What is next, Europeans are talking emotionally but they are not talking pragmatically, and this is the main difference between America and Europe, here we talk how can we do it, and not why we cannot do it, in Europe, they talk about nationalistic narrow minded interests, and nationalistic historic sentiments; the British are actually and geographically still think that they are an island in Europe and still afraid to be invaded by someone; Germans! the French are trying to stay alive by aligning themselves with Europe's Iron lady, Frau Merkel of Germany who might lose the next federal elections because the Germans are tired from paying for the rest. the Italians are screaming, the Spanish are warning of a similar Greek crisis, the Greeks are drowning, the Scandinavian countries look at all as if they are not part of Europe; in a word or so, Europe is a Mess, a big Mess. The solution, how would I know; but I think Europe cannot have it halfway; either full fiscal integration across the board with a strong European Bank or this, what we are seeing right now and what Gregory the Greek is predicting.

Check: It is the Old Greek Ploy Thing By Jamil Shawwa

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