Sunday, May 23, 2010

The Fountain of The Female Jamil Shawwa

I am wondering here through the deepest waters of all, the unknown, the most dangerous area in the human psychic, the female power. I have to say and admit that I have never been more inspired than when in the company of female friends, companions and, believe it or not, the wife. The inspiration of course could be positive or negative but still an inspiration to do something or write. Millions and millions of people, thinkers, philosophers, Politicians, and even the worst forms of humans’ traffickers, pimps, through out history and until now and tomorrow have struggled to answer one question: where is the female power, where does it reside, where is the hub. What makes a female look so fatal that can make the strongest men succumb and surrender like babies in a candy store; maybe I just answered my question. Why women companionship to most men is the ultimate joy, and why some men if not most prefer a female conversation rather than a male, I understand the male and the female bondages but still when the female inters a room, the bondage- among men- disappears and the appeasement appears. Why do we stand before women speechless, why do we want to make them happy, and why we do not like to argue with them. The direct answer probably would be because ultimately the goal is the same, to conquer the unconquered, to reach the motherland, to land where everything is warm and friendly. Now, that was the obvious, that of course I will not deny or challenge, but there is more to the female than the obvious. Her strength comes from being a female, the opposite, maybe women apply the same logic here, but we are talking about the female power now. They say opposite attract, it is in everything, in physics, in the batteries when you put the positive and the negative, not that women and men either this one or that. The examples are abound and tremendous and overwhelming; the bottom line is that no one can really venture into this area except the female itself. The other day I was in a restaurant and I saw a mother giving her maybe six or seven years old daughter a twenty dollars note. The girl did not have any pockets so her mother asked but where are you going to put the money and the girl did not answer, she just reached to her shirt and tucked the money underneath. Amazing, I have seen women doing this all over the world; their safety net is their chest, or the top. I have seen it the Middle East where women would hide or keep their gold in their chests. However, how this seven years old girl knew where to keep the money, how did she know that this is the place to hide and keep; the answer is; it is natural to the female; she did not need to be taught. Her power is her body, and this is it, I think, women trust their bodies more than anything else does; it is their safety net, their intimate friend, their trusted companion.

How do you like it?


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