Monday, October 22, 2012

Mitt Romney; A dangerous Choice For Jamil Shawwa

The more Mitt Romney gets exposed, and it takes guts to get him where he has no choice but to show the real him, and where he stands on policies and plans, the more we know more about who he is , and how he thinks, and how he looks at other people and other cultures. And the more we know, the more we get to realize how dangerous he is to America and Americans. Mitt Romney's style throughout the two debates with president Obama indirectly has focused on one thing , not a plan for America, not a clear choice policy to show how he can turn things around for America, but on "I'm the opposite of Obama, I'm the all American, I'm the blue blooded American and Obama is the “foreigner”. Romney's style and words have been so vague as to what he intends to do and how he is going to do it except for one thing he was clear in showing; he is the opposite of Obama not on policy but on heritages and looks. Romney rallied a base that consists of course of good Americans but also it consists of hateful Americans, those Americans that still look and call Obama a Muslim- as if it is a curse- they call  him a foreigner, they say that he was not born in America, and as someone who looks like him that should not be in the White House. The Romney campaign has been running ads and commercials warning employees that if Obama is elected,that they will lose their jobs. That campaign that is still running cannot be called anything but a smear and fear campaign that could mount to blackmailing the voters and if it was done by regular individuals, those perpetrators could be convicted in a court of law. During the whole campaign Romney never talked clearly on policy-I do not think any major newspaper could freely endorse Romney for the simple reason the *Ohio paper mentioned ; we do not know which Romney to endorse Unless you are a Republican voting along party lines, endorsing Romney is risky- but on who is in the White House now and who really should be there. During the  debate with Obama, Romney pointed at the president few times to make the above case, that Obama is “not one of us”, indirectly of course, he sounded like the death doctor Kevorkian who killed people claiming that he was curing them from chronic pain. Romney pointed at the president and said Foreign to describe his plan, the president’s plan, to move the economy forward, and pointed at the president while talking  about his “Welsh heritage”- he did not mention his African or Asian heritage, I looked at it as if he was trying to kill two birds with one stone, patronizing the president and showing his “un american” ,from his views, heritage, and then instead of using the politically acceptable terms of Middle Eastern and South American oil , he said " Arabs and Venezuelan oil”. Now, I'm not reading too much into this because I'm an  Arab American , I'm reading into this because I'm an all American and see how dangerous and ethnically divisive the Republican party campaign has been this elections. The strategists at the Republican party knew that if they have any chance to win this one, it would be by playing on the distinction, ethnically , between the two. Some among them still blame the McCain 2008 campaign for not “smartly playing” the race card.

* Cleveland Plain Dealer editorial board endorsing causioulsy Mitt Romney

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