Friday, July 23, 2010

*Lebanon Summer 2010... by Jamil Shawwa

Lebanon since its creation and independence has had a shadowy government; a militia on the side that sometimes was more powerful than the state itself.

In the 50s, it was the Syrian National Party, in the late 60s and 70s it was the PLO, in the 80s and until now the Shiite’s Iranian backed and creation Hezbolla,

The situation throughout these decades has been very fragile and always resulted in clashes and the worst started in 1975 and ended formally in 1990 with Al-Taef agreement in Saudi Arabia. The problem in that agreement is that it recognized a special status for this Hezbolla as a resistance power and to whom; you guessed it, to the usual excuse- the Arabs use, for all their deficiencies- Israel.

While Israel withdrew from Lebanon, Hezbolla is still there, not only that but in 2006, Hezbollah triggered a war when its operatives abducted two Israeli soldiers on the border in South Lebanon. The situation now cannot be sustainable, I mean, it is just not normal, and it has been not normal in Lebanon for almost, as I mentioned earlier, sixty years.

The reason for this update is the calls in Lebanon right now to evaluate the destructive role of Hezbollah and turning  it into a regular political party rather than a mafia that terrorize the Lebanese people on a daily basis.

We also have the special international court that is investigating the assassination of the late former Lebanese prime minister Rafik El-Hariri in 2005 and the father of the current prime minister Saad El-Hariri expected decision to indict individuals that belong to Syrian intelligence, Lebanese internal security and Hezbollah in that assassination.

Hezbolla threatened that in the case of such indictment that they might move militarily against their own country. What next, anything, we could see another civil war, or we could see the end of Hezbolla or the end of both; Lebanon as we know it and Hezbolla as we do not want to know and want to erase from our memories as the rest of these groups that their job was and is to just distract and destruct.

How do you like it?


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