Sunday, January 24, 2010

Mixed Signals From and About Gaza By Jamil Shawwa

I have been receiving mixed signals from Gaza, the clear and silky beach city on the Mediterranean shore adjacent to the Israeli shores. The signals indicate and I might be wrong or too optimistic here that there might be some sort of a relief for this poor city- read my previous pieces on Gaza in this site- that has been under siege not by Israel or Egypt as the popular and conventional politics indicate but by it's new residents, a political movement by the name of Hamas and by being Gaza, part of the Palestinian, Arab and Israel conflict. On the larger scale, Gaza is part of another world conflict, which is the struggle of the so-called terrorists groups that take Islam as hostage to cover for their least to say questionable motives and terrorist activities. Another angle that this city is part of is the rise of the Iranian influence in the Sunni Muslim Arab dominant Middle East and the positioning of Iran as the guardian of the paramilitary religious movements such as Hezbollah in Lebanon, certain sects of the Shiite dominated Iraq and the struggle we see in Yemen along the Saudi -Yemen borders with a fraction Shiite group called the Houtheen who struggles with the Sunni dominant governments of Yemen and Saudi Arabia. Iran's influence even extends to the Sunni Hamas, though Hamas is not part of the traditional Shiite alliance but part of the same movement that Iran is nurturing. On the other hand the rise of the liberal Sunni Islam democratic semi European Turkey to balance the influence of Iran in the Middle East. The Arab Middle East right now- The Arab countries have no say or anything- is being dominated or influenced by two regional powers, Iran and Turkey. Iran is taking care of the extremists, Turkey is managing the moderates, and the liberals, See it is not that easy at all. Back to the signs of relieves that I see for Gaza, the first is that Israel as of today's news has allowed the growers of flowers and strawberry to resume their exports from Gaza. This is a very generous sign taking into consideration that the Gaza run Hamas is on the book hostile to Israel and the peace process, although Hamas off record has accepted the peace process that is based on the Oslo agreement signed between the PLO and Israel in 1993, and this acceptance is clear through the fact that it participated in the 2005 elections that was based on that agreement. The other sign is information that I got from a source in Gaza- I'm really not and have not been in touch with almost anyone who is in Gaza except for a cousin or two- that people can not go anywhere, they can not travel, they are under siege except for two things, that they have tons of supplies, food, etc, thanks to the tunnel business, smuggling goods through the Egyptian borders by digging tunnels and sometimes very sophisticated tunnels that cars can get through, and that they have- now and since Hamas took over the city in the 2006 armed fight with Fateh- security. This source is telling me that people can walk, drive and go any where anytime day or night without the fear of being robbed, kidnapped, having their vehicles stolen or just harassed as the case has been when Fateh ruled the Gaza Strip. He also said that Hamas does not allow armed persons except its people and fought and fights other fractions that try to disturb the peace- so ironic, Hamas keeping the peace.
I personally have so far no way of verifying what that source told me concerning security in Gaza. The next sign of relief is the iron cast fence that Egypt- according to news reports from open sources- that is building along the borders with the Gaza Strip- I know it is weird as how a fence can be a sign of relief- which on the other side of the coin could be a start of political movement or indication of the need to shake the stalled situation and maybe push Hamas into accepting or rushing Hamas- who is not in rush for anything actually- to start or finish the dialogue on the Israeli soldier hostage in Gaza and reconnecting with the West Bank Fateh run territory and maybe reuniting the Gaza Strip with the West Bank through a corridor, something. We will see if any of these things ring true or is it as a potential friend said midlife crises I am going through so instead of hitting the Bottle, I am hitting the internet.

How do you like it?


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