Thursday, March 31, 2011

The Maestro…..the Obama doctrine…... by Jamil Shawwa

Everyone right now talks about the two doctrines, well, maybe not everyone but those that are nosy like me. The Bush doctrine was based on “either with us or against us" no other choices. That doctrine came to life after the terrorist attack on America. At that time, in my opinion, the US did not have any other choice. We needed to confront that wave of terrorism and we needed to act immediatly. We did not have to negotiate, convince, or wok to find common ground. We still managed to form a huge alliance much bigger than we did in WWII when we confronted other groups of criminals against humanity. Now the situation is different, we do not need to use the Bush doctrine, we are doing a fantastic alliance building against a psychopath in Libya. The Maestro is taking position and is taking center stage, the orchestra is ready, he has to lead, there is no other choice, but he cannot lead alone, the orchestra has to match, has to play the right tunes, and has to deliver the right rhythms. America will continue to be the leader in world affairs, and in the Middle East, there is nothing but the US. Having said that, it is not a blind leadership, but a smart one, it is a leadership that based on many pillars, the UN is one, NATO, and within those two, we have the European alliance with Russia's tactical silence and the Asian's with China's always accommodating. England right now is managing the political efforts to topple Qazzafi and it is working very well. Cameron and Hague are transforming England back to world stage after years of irrelevancy. They are polishing the old empire, and they are renovating a role that is important to be palyed right now in the Middle East. France and England are the leading players in the orchestra with the Maestro making sure that they deliver the best they can. Qazzafi is already gone in my book; it is just a matter of time. But the doctrine will not go, this is the new role of America in the world, to lead with partners and with groups and with alliances, it has been like this but now America is giving more respect to those important partners and the partners just love the new American style. America’s strength resides in its ability to move and maneuver, in its ability to create win-win situations, and in its ability to preserve the balance of powers and in its genius in inventing ways to inspire others. Behind all this is a talented maestro that needs to continue to show his talents daily, or at least until November of 2012. If he is reelected, very possible, I do not see so far any other viable candidate on either side, Obama’s doctrine will flourish in ways that will make the 21 century another American century.

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