Saturday, March 12, 2016

Do it the only way; Bring it on; Do it the American Way: Bring the worst to the surface and then defeat it

America likes to expose things, America likes to unleash things and America will bring the worst to  surface and then it will defeat it.

Internally and externally, we have been vigilant enough, smart enough, clever enough and resourceful enough to make things happen, to change things, to accept things that we did not accept before and to make sure that the majority, a simple majority sometimes, of Americans are in line and on board.

During the WWI and WWII America waited until the worst happened, it could not intervene before because Americans were not convinced that America belongs to the rest of the world. Before that, America had to go to war, a civil war, to convince Americans that racism is bad and that slavery is inhuman and that it is a crime against humanity.

Americans needed to be in the Middle East, to guard the religions and to guard the oil and to manage closely the Israeli-Palestinian peace process and then terror started; America had to go there, terror struck America on 09/11/2001 and we mobilized the world, we removed Taliban and we removed Saddam and we started the Arabs on a path to clean themselves and reform themselves and democratize themselves. We then had the Iranians, and we dealt with them but not before the Shiite Mullahs declared their fake and dubious intentions to build nuclear bombs and used their usual deceiving rhetoric to threaten our allies and of course pretend that they champion causes, the Palestinian cause, what else, and that they are against the Israelis. America negotiated its way, dealt with Iran, dealt with the Arab Spring and Americans based on events were 100% convinced that America needed to intervene, and Americans were right, America needed to intervene, America needed to be there, America needed to be in the Middle East and the circumstances had to be there and had to be right and had to be current and the danger had to be present.

America now is dealing with a new danger that requires it's presence and requires its leadership and requires it's style in conflict resolution, ISIS, terrorists who are not known to most people, were all of sudden and coinciding with the Arab Spring in 2011, start appearing in the Middle East, killing people, committing crimes against humanity and committing what America is close to declare, a genocide, and ISIS has to be confronted and the Muslim Shiite and Muslim Sunnis conflict had to surface and the Arabs must deal with their shortcomings and their arrogance and their lack of flexibility and as some might agree with, their historic stupidities.

Internally, American had to bring racism and hatred that exist among Americans, some Americans, here and there, south and north, east and west, to the surface and had to confront it once and for all and had to deal with it; electing a black president, twice, was not good enough. But this time, there will be no civil war in America, this time, we have Trump. This time we hired Trump to drive the vehicle of racism and hate to it's planned destination, we have Trump to expose the worst in America and brings it on, and stretches enough to last through November so it can be defeated, the American way, the only way, the Ballot boxes way. So come on, brings it on, bad or good, brings it on, and we will deal with it and will either accept it, change it, embrace it, or defeat it.

Check related: Bring Trump and Lose The White House: Angry and Mad as Hell Make a Statement

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