Thursday, November 22, 2012

*Hamas and The People of Gaza, Possible Cross Road, Part II

Hamas is like Taliban in Afghanistan, a terrorist organization, that's main goal is to advance its own agenda and not the advancement of its people. Hamas job has been to delay an establishment of a Palestinian state, in Gaza and the West Bank, and to kill the people of Gaza. Through its rockets diplomacy and negotiations through terrorism, Hamas is somehow being considered a party to deal with. For now, and meanwhile, Hamas continues to destroy, through its rockets, the people of Gaza and its infrastructure. Hamas and its leaders have no interest in anything called the Palestinian people. Now, politics is not a benign game, so these terrorists of Hamas could eventually turn into politicians and work a deal with the State of Israel, as Taliban is doing, on and off, so far in Afghanistan. But again, it will continue to destroy Gaza in the process. The other possibility is the complete destruction of Hamas which it seems is not right now on the US or Israel's agenda.
* I first published this perspective, on my page on Facebook  before the announcement of The Egyption brokered truce between the State of Israel and Hamas in Cairo yesterday during the visit of the US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton.

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