Friday, September 07, 2012

An Evening with Barack Obama Jamil Shawwa

During their national conventions in Tampa Florida and Charlotte North Carolina to nominate their nominees for president, The Democrats sounded Republicans and the  Republicans  sounded Democrats. Historically, the Democrats were more on social and less on defense and power, and the Republicans were less on social issues and more on defense.The Republicans at their convention did not even mention troops or Iraq or Afghanistan, as if they were ashamed of the progress on war on terror and the demise of Bin Laden, thinking thanking the troops would mean an automatic recognition of Obama's effort. The Democrats took the opposite direction, they linked the progress America made on the war of terror with the progress it made on the economy-today's unemployment report and yesterday's Dow surge helped their argument. And although Bin laden is gone, the war on terror continues and in progress, same on the economy and the bailout of GM and the auto industry. Although is done and GM is moving and profiting, the job on the economy is still not where of needs to be but progressing. All the speeches and especially those of Bill Clinton and Joe Biden highlighted the theme which is forward and personally I think that the case was made, and the defence attorneys have leveled the field for the lead attorney, Obama, to take the ball all the way and score a touchdown  unless something drastic happens in the coming couple of months or Obama falters in the debates or the message gets for whatever reason, sidetracked. 
Here are the highlights from Obama's acceptance speech yesterday in Charlotte North Carolina:

10. Obama talked as a leader and not as a politician tonight.
9.Obama asserting leadership by saying he is no longer just a candidate, he is the president..
8.I will never turn Medicare into a voucher, Says Obama
7.America is Christians, Jews and Muslims, says Obama.
6. Made in America is back in business says Obama.
5.We reinvested a car industry that is back on top of the world; Says Obama
4.We will maintain America as the strongest power on earth, says Obama.
3. Al Qaeda is on a path of defeat and Osama Bin Laden is dead, says Obama.
2. We reinvested a car industry that is back on top of the world; Says Obama.
1.Clinton and Biden leveled the field for Obama; so smart strategy, now Obama is talking point by point on how he is going to keep moving the country forward.

How do you like it?


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