Wednesday, August 03, 2011

Brag, Obama, brag!!! By Jamil Shawwa

In business, experts say,  that you must brag about your successes, you must share your ideas, you must be out there and let people know how good you are, or not, but be there, expand and try and see how it goes. Do not be shy or modest, it does not help. If you are good, then brag about it, and if you believe that you are good, then better, brag more.  In politics and in love, I guess, the same applies, actually, in politics, you need to brag it more and there more urgency to brag and show off. You need to be out more, and  in democracies, bragging is not a choice if you want to survive, bragging is a must,, Modesty in politics does not take you anywhere, or maybe it could take you to a term, or it could give you sympathy, but not much more. Since making history in November of 2008 and becoming the first African American president of the United States, Obama did not set still and accept the honor for itself, just being elected president and making history; he understands that was just the tip of an iceberg and that he needs to do more to cement his legacy in the US history, not just being a coincidence, or a footnote or because America felt guilty and needed to elect a black president. Obama has completed phase one of his task, got elected, he lost part of the midterm elections, had the republicans won the house, but managed to keep the senate under his control, the democrats. Outside the US, he has established America’s supremacy not through regional alliances but through working within world bodies and collective overall win -win situations. He is managing Iraq; stumbling in Afghanistan but in the same time got the worst terrorist, Osama Bin Laden, to the ultimate justice that Bin Laden wrote for himself. Now the game is changing as it always anyway does close to elections date- *George Bush senior did not learn the lesson or he was too bored of politics that Bill Clinton won in 1992, Obama needs to look inward more, and focus on keeping America’s wheels well lubricated and oiled, and the next generations feeling safe and optimistic about the economic future of the United States.  America cannot continue to raise its debt cediling, and cannot function if the time is wasted in just the game of politics rather than in the game of getting solid, measurable, on the ground, actions that the American people can feel. Here is the name of the game if Obama wants to get a second term, and not just being elected by accident, and not for being elected because America felt guilty, or because Bush and the wars screwed up the economy in 2007. He needs to Brag. Brag about what you have done, show the American people your efforts in health care, law now, and talk about Congress, and the maneuvers, brag about lifting the US economy from the near collapse to stability; not success yet, just stability. Obama, Brag your lungs out, do press conferences, go all over America and start from this moment to build a legacy and grassroots movements that on their wings, you will fly to the White House for a second term. Obama needs to look inward moving forward, politics inside, and you must be successful inside, even if you need  to take care of the world, you still must relate it to the average American, otherwise, you need to kiss the second term goodbye, and you need to kiss the legacy another bigger goodbye. Brag Obama, Brag.

*         Other reason to George Bush senior loss is the Ross Perot factor. Google for more information.

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