Saturday, June 20, 2015

Blacks in America: Rise and Shine and Seek Justice

The plight of African-Americans is not only an American thing or an American phenomena; the plight of blacks exists all over the world where blacks are not a majority. It is their destiny to have been throughout history signaled out, pointed at, accused of stuff that never took place. The plight of blacks is the most serious probably among all other types of discrimination and all other types of stereotyping because it is the easiest and it is the quickest to be noticed and be signaled out and be wrongly judged.

The first thing you see when you look or pass by another human is the color of their skin and the degree of the shade of their complexion and their facial structure; we humans in our vast majority do not see anything else- a very sad fact.

But the most serious stigma that has been attached to blacks all over the world is the need, the impression that they have daily to apologize for being black, to live in guilt of being black and in being different. No more, blacks must rise and they have and the best example is the the man that sits on top of the world, the man that resides now in the White House, the President of the United States.

In America, we are practical and we are in our majority smart and we will bring to office whoever can convince us that he or she is the best.

However, the issue here is not the exceptional leaders among us that can come from all walks of life and can rise and can excel and can be seen beyond their complexion or their looks. We here in this article deal with the majority of humans that have been in this country enslaved, brought from their original lands in Africa to work as slave farmers to land owners in the South of the United States. We are dealing here with the sons and daughters of former slaves. We are dealing in America with those that cannot see themselves beyond the color of their complexion and only see the society from their angel and reflect their self-image on others. We are dealing here with blacks that daily feel the need to apologize and forget and forgive even the worst crimes against them just to be accepted and be considered' good humans' and not 'angry blacks'

The time is now for the African-Americans to get upset and to get angry and believe in their Americanism and believe that the term All American also applies and belongs to them.

Today and yesterday, family of victims of a deadly shooting at a church in South Carolina said that they forgave their killers, their butcher, Why, why blacks continue to be submissive; the time to rise peacefully is now, rise and seek justice.

Blacks in South Carolina in particular can make a difference and can have courage and can rise and through the ballot boxes can make a difference and through peaceful protests can correct history.

African Americans can no longer afford to continue to be apologetic for someone else's crimes, blacks cannot continue to live in humiliation; they must rise and must seek justice through the justice system

Particularly after the death of the great American leader Martin Luther King Jr., African-Americans in the United States have been manipulated by mega churches and religious leaders who only cared about building their own wealth and ignored their depressed communities.

Blacks in America must break the chains of following manipulative religious leaders, demagogue televangelists, mega churches that do not contribute to their communities and focus on building an identity that revolves around being strong all American citizens.

Reclaim who you actually are, African-Americans, reject your crooked leaders, your fake religious mega-church manipulative and look within and find the light and the guidance on your own and look in the mirror and see who you are and rise.

In the picture, Allen Sanders, of McClellanville, South Carolina, brings a bucket of flowers to place at a sidewalk memorial in memory of the shooting victims in front of Emanuel AME Church Saturday, June 20, 2015, in Charleston, S.C. "We're just going to have to love one another," said Sanders. (AP Photo/David Goldman)

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