Sunday, October 28, 2012

*Hamas: Enemy Number Jamil Shawwa

Away from the name calling that probably best describes Hamas and its “wars”; and in depth analysis in its today’s actions could sound a little more focused.
Why would Hamas all of sudden and in the verge of the biggest holiday following the pilgrimage season, fire rockets at the neighboring Israeli towns and cities.
What triggered this out of the blues, yet not an unusual action by Hamas. The Emir of Qatar just visited , and started projects worth around 250 million dollars As news reported that will enhance the much historically depressed Gaza Strip , the Muslim Brotherhood government of Egypt showed willingness to open the borders, people started to hope for some peaceful time to work and build, so again why.
There is no other than the usual political maneuvers that for decades sat back the Palestinians away from their dream state in Gaza and the West Bank. Hamas though while terrorizing its people in Gaza; it’s terrorizing the people of the neighboring Israel and in the same time helping the Israeli military to test its new Missile defence interception system called the Iron Dome- the Israelis have to defend their people, unlike Hamas that kills its people.
So according to Hamas actions and rockets, it is waging two wars, a war against the Palestinian  people in Gaza and simultaneously another war against the people of the State of Israel . By bombing Israeli towns, Hamas triggers a response which is the right of countries to defend their citizens which is what Israel doing. Again, based on its actions, Hamas is an enemy state not only to Israel but also to the Palestinians in Gaza. The time is now for the people of Gaza to revolt and throw out their enemies; Hamas.
Picture is courtesy of BBC

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