Sunday, February 26, 2012

Syria Today 02/26/2012….A Tale of Two Syrian women…. And a Butcher’s Jamil Shawwa

These two Syrian women below represent Syria today; the first is for A Syrian woman carrying her referendum voting card with two circles, the green to indicate an approval for the new constitution that the Syrian president Bashar Al-Assad- picture in the back- proposed, and a grey circle that indicates a non-approval. The second woman is carrying the freedom banner; the banner that will prevail in Syria, soon. As for the referendum, Al- Assad will continue to cook the books and rig the ballot boxes and forge the will of the Syrian people, but might fake it even more this time; might not get the famous pre Arabs Rise, 99.999% approval rating. But forget Al-Assad for few moments- he is a tiny historical footnote that will disappear soon, and look at their eyes; the eyes of these two un-known Syrian victims of Al-Assad; in the first, the one carrying the card, you see pain, and fear and tragedy. And in the second you see hope, victory, and triumph. Syrian women, throughout history, have been famous in hiding their pain from their butchers and "their husbands " and appear joyful, while inside, they are torn apart.

Now that I have presented in a professional and unbiased manner that piece of news, it is time for me to show a side, a professional side too but custom tailored and fits only Al-Assad; the dictator and murderer that he and his family, tribe and party- Al-Ba’ath -have been in a continuous state of rape to everything that exists in Syria. I’m only talking record; his record. I want to see the results of this referendum. On the other hand, let me put it this way, Al-Assad as I have been saying since March of 2011 and much before actually, since 11/02/2005, check ArabAmericanWire that Al-Assad is gone. He and his family and his party and his militia, and his gangs, and his mercenaries, and his killers and his rapist, are finished. The process now is for a transition and he is playing a game, maybe, according to some news reports, with the so called friends of Syria to transition. Let us see, who knows, maybe Al-Assad will leave without committing a suicide, like the rest of his party elites have been doing since 1963 when the axe falls.

How do you like it?


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