Tuesday, January 12, 2021

America's Longest Day: Trump January 6 2021 Revenge and Terror

Never happened in the history of our country and probably not in any other country, and for sure not in any democratic country, that a sitting President ordered, incited, aided and abetted a mob of extremists called base and fanatic supporters who looked and acted like a bunch of thugs, imbeciles, domestic terrorists eager to blindly follow "the leader" trail of lies and deception and violently attack one of their government and country most prolific institutions and symbols of democracy, the Parliament, or in our case here in America, the January 6 2021 attack on the Capital-Congress. Trump was acting as Trump. 

Trump on January 6 2021 in a fiery speech in front of the White House, while Congress in supposedly routine session to certify Presidential elections electoral college results, flagrantly ordered his loyal mob gathered in Washington DC to march and attack Congress. It was his ultimate revenge for losing a fair and otherwise normal elections. Trump lied to them and said he will be joining in the attack; the mob believed "the leader" and marched forward and of course Trump was nowhere to be found. Trump was acting as Trump. Trump on that same day acted like Trump, the saboteur, the provocateur, the populist demagogue but this time his words of incitement rallied angry mob loyal to him and following to the letter his request to march on the Capital and forcefully disrupt otherwise a routine session required by the constitution. That day was anything but routine or normal. It was an attack on America, it was an attempted coup. It was a Treasonous act. 

Trump ordered his loyal ready to act domestic terrorists to attack America's Capital while his own VP Mike Pence presiding over the tallying of the electoral college vote; Trump ordered the attack while his own Republican party was there seated and ready to challenge the fair and square presidential elections; basically Trump - by now should not be a surprise to anyone- ordered the attack causing mayhem and death to many and risking the lives of his own blindly loyal VP, Congresswomen, Congressmen and Senators. Trump was acting as Trump. 

What Mattered and matters to Trump and What has always Mattered to Trump is the image not the substance; who cares in Trump's eyes about the substance as long as the image is intact. Trump revenge the way it was planned and carried out could not have been predicted, but it should have been easily predicted based on record, to even those who knew him best; it was the culmination of a fraudulent personality and character he cultivated over the years using fake but popular imageries like the apprentice (You're Fired) and Mafia tactics he lived with

 growing in New York City.  But that day and that attack, again, should have been prepared for by all types of security forces. It was Not. Even worse, some Capitol police as news reveals and footages showed are and were accomplices; Capitol police was ordered not to use force, National Guard was ordered not to respond on time. But still there were heroes among the capital police who risked their lives defending America in the face of relentless mob. 

For Trump the image what matters not at all the substance that is supposed at least most of the time to go with the image-among normal people or politicians of course. So the image Trump wanted to last after the huge November 3rd rebuke and defeat was revenge, revenge and nothing but revenge. Trump wanted to be remembered by his thugs occupying and destroying Congress. That moment was in Trump mind his imaginary inauguration. Trump was acting as Trump.

A revenge on America and its democracy; Trump knows of course he lost a fair and square elections but again what matters the most to him is not to lose his fake, deceptive, lying image he methodically cultivated over the years which was highlighted by lying about Obama’s birthplace of which has become the bedrock of his ambition to become president and the bedrock of a defiant and dangerous base of which we should now call deadly cult not just a Politician base. 

Trump proved on "calculation" day he is as dangerous for America as 09/11/2001 terrorists, and same as Jim Jones who ordered cult, his followers, to die;  the images of his domestic terrorists climbing the walls of Congress, breaking doors and windows, attacking and chasing scared police and seating flags of deception and despair bearing his name and images and what he "stands for" if any and where Joe Biden is to take oath of office noon January 20 2021; that is the image he wanted his base and America to remember him for, nothing else, not since losing reelection. 

The Message was a blatant coup attempt that was destined to fail and Trump Message was: If you do not seat me President for a second term, America, regardless of fair elections results, I will forcefully seat myself, Even if only for few seconds and hours, even if not real, it does not matter; Trump has been fake all along and even so in his mind, few more hours would not make any difference. 

The point Trump wanted to make is to showcase his base with his flags and name in the same place where Joe Biden is to take oath of office on January 20, 2021; there was no other way for Trump to be there on January 20th 2021 except and only if he directed his mob to storm, occupy Congress and plant his flags instead of the American flag and rival Joe Biden on the West Wing of the capital where presidents take oath of office. 

Trump will be impeached again and will have his trial in the senate after leaving office on January 20 2021 and will be removed postmortem and will be banned from ever again running for office. But the damage has been done. However, it will be fixed and America from such horrific experience will grow stronger. It took a Trump for us to wake up and not take our democracy for granted and not to believe and then worse, elect,  every dangerous demagogue looking to substitute their own inferiority complexes with packs of lies and mayhem. 

Trump today, Tuesday January 12 2021, said he takes No Responsibilities for the January 6th 2021 Rebellion he incited and called for and told his base to do and said he'll be there with them. Trump acted as Trump. 

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Now, The "Jacks" Erect a Fence and Beefup Capital Grounds Security; Only Now And only After Trump and his Domestic Terrorists Assaulted America and Ransacked The Capital; Oh Yes, but Of course We will Remember Trump Exactly as We remember the attack on Pearl Harbor and the 09/11/2001 terrorist attack on America. Nothing More, Nothing Less

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In the picture,  rioters supporting Donald Trump storm the Capital in washington DC, Wednesday January 6,2021. (AP Photo/Jose Luis Magana)

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