Wednesday, April 13, 2011

The Trial of Pharaoh, Seven Thousand Years After, by Jamil Shawwa

Mubarak of Egypt’s bad luck brought him to govern in the era of the Internet, and facebook, and Twitter but mostly in the era of freedom and in the era of the Arab countries turn to breathe and feel what most of the world has been having for some time; democracy and human rights. Mubarak otherwise would have gotten away or at least would have not fallen the way he did. His predecessors were luckier, will, maybe not Anwar El-Sadat, he was assassinated, but at least to some it is better than to be overthrown by the same people that the Egyptian leaders for thousands of years never respected, never took into account and never felt that they even deserve any kindness or consolation. Mubarak’s  bad luck made him the sacrifice for the Egyptians thousands of years of suffering, and humiliation.  He is probably the least evil or the lesser evil among many. One of the worst was Gamal Abdel Nasser, whose stupidity and demagoguery made him wage a war that was in its idiocy worse than the war of 1948 that the Arabs waged and lost but still did not learn. Mubarak and his sons are on trial, dragged to jail, waiting for their prosecutors, 80 million strong, the population of Egypt, and millions of other Egyptians through out the history of Egypt and since those poor Egyptian slaves that built the pyramids,. The defence attorneys are few, they are disappearing, the Pharaoh fell, and the friends and the pretenders are gone. Ramses, and all the other Pharaohs are crying Hosni Mubarak and are cheering him in the same time, they did not have to go through what he and his family will go through. They do not want to be in his place. Mubarak however showed class when he left, I  predicted that he will leave, but did not predict that it would be that way, a revolution that no one, at least not us the ordinary people thought of, I still  encouraged it not only for him but for all the non elected Arab leaders. I personally understand how the Egyptians feel, and lived in Egypt and used to see the humiliation in their faces every day, everywhere, in police stations, in the streets, in the cafes, in the overcrowded buses, in living in grave yards, in the lines for a loaf of bread-if they could get even that and was not filled with screws and other stuff- in the lines for cigarettes, human lines were Egypt’s daily routine. But Mubarak did not invent that system, Nasser did, still, Mubarak shared the responsibility. But I do not encourage humiliating him, not Mubarak, show him grace, if you need to put him on trial, let it be, but do not try him on behalf of all the Pharaohs and do not try him on behalf of hundreds of millions of Egyptians through out history that have never been respected in their country. Treat Mubarak as Russia treated Gorbachev, let him live in peace for the remainder of his life. He did not kill his people as Saddam did, or Qazzafi the psychopath, or the king of Bahrain or the president of Yemen, or the butchers of Syria. He represented a system he did not create, he did not reform or change it and he bears responsibility, otherwise the rest would say the same thing, we did not create the system but found it. He just played a game and thought that he will get away with it, but once all was done, and the game was over, he left, he did not fight.  Let the last pharaoh rest in peace. There will never be again another pharaoh.

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