Thursday, September 13, 2012

The Ghost of Jimmy Jamil Shawwa

***Since 2010, I drew a comparison with Jimmy Carter, the Democratic president that got a one term, lost to Ronald Reagan due mainly to the US Embassy hostages in Iran following the Iranian revolution that kicked out the regime of Muhammad Reza Pahlavi. We have a situation in the Middle East that could snowball and become as serious to Obama as it was to Carter. Arab Muslims rioting, attacking US embassies and in Libya, a criminal group- not fully publicly identified yet- that news reports said that it had intentions to attack the consulate regardless of the video but took advantage of the chaos, attacked the consulate in Benghazi and killed a good ambassador that went in goodwill to talk to people that did not want to talk but wanted to kill- the riots are caused by the release of a low budget 14 minutes or so movie produced by an Egyptian American Copt who is wanted before Federal authorities for multiple fraudulent commercial activities, insulting the Prophet Muhammad. AP reported this afternoon that the US Attorney General is considering and looking into the film. My belief, is that the US might move on and charge this Egyptian with spreading hate that led to violence which could basically allow the US to sue. As of now, the situation in the Middle East is manageable and probably Obama has learned the Carter lesson; unless politics is driving for some reason in the opposite direction. Now, internally, internal US politics, since the election of Barack Obama,  hardcore Republicans , Mr. Romney's party, have been for the longest time trying to draw a comparison between Jimmy Carter and Barack Obama, to make a point that Obama is a one termer, or at least should be. First it was the economy but it's improving now or the signs show that it is on a recovery path . But now this one, even stronger comparison if it continues to snowball as I have mentioned. Few hours ago, Hillary Clinton issued a smart statement condemning the video and calling it reprehensible. So the big one now is to watch and see how events will unfold . But for the coming weeks, probably, the Gohst of Jimmy Carter will continue to spread its shadows over the Obama White House. Below is a link to my 11/03/2010 Carter comparison. Some of the notes above, I wrote today in a disucsion on
***Report Card to Obama from 11/03/2010

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