Thursday, June 03, 2010

If I were Jamil Shawwa

If I were Turkey, I would not have sent that ship to start with, and if I decided to send it, I would have coordinated with Israel.

If I were Turkey, I would have asked Hamas, to open a dialogue with its neighbor, the State of Israel, and I would have asked Hamas to recognize Israel as it actually does by the fact that it participated in the political process that resulted from the Oslo agreements and it participated in the elections under the auspices of the Palestinian Authority that recognized Israel and established normal relations with it and itself, the Authority, is the product of the Oslo agreements.

If I were Turkey, I would not have sent a ship in the pirate manners trying to put another country on the spot.

If I were Turkey and it has relations with Israel, I would have coordinated some sort of a humanitarian symbolic gesture.

If I were Hamas, I would have released the kidnapped Israeli soldier; I would have stopped and seized all terrorists’ activities and suicide bombing once and for all. I would have stopped the brain washing of the desperate and the innocent, I would have stopped coordinating with Iran, why Iran, not sure...

If I were the Palestinian Authority, I would have asked Turkey not to send the ship, or coordinate a trio, Israel, Palestine and Turkey and put the pressure not on Israel but on Hamas, My God, people, Israel withdrew from Gaza, and Hamas is the occupier now and not Israel.

This insane action is making Israel think ten thousand times before completing the withdrawal from the West Bank. Maybe I am ignorant; maybe this is what Hamas, Iran, Hezbolla and the rest of those who help them want or do not want, maybe they do not want to see a Palestinian State in the West Bank and Gaza. Democracy and peace blind them, eliminate the purpose of their existence. Ok, finally, I may have got it.

If I were the Arab countries, I would have advised Turkey to coordinate with Egypt and Jordan, which have diplomatic relations with Israel.

If I were the State of Israel, I would have warned clearly that I will not allow the ship to cross the waters, I think Israel did that but the message might have been lost in the midst of this craziness from the fanatics and the opportunists in the Middle East whom caused this incident to happen and caused the loss of lives.

Israel is not to blame here; it is the same people, the same countries, the same mentality that caused the Arabs to continue to be defeated for the past 60 years. The mentality of hypocrisy and self-elusion, and arrogance.

The strong do not try to trespass, rent a ship and try to cross into another country with no permission, the strong do not kill innocent people, do not send suicide bombers, do not burn flags, do not step on flags of other countries, do not open the radio high on all these meaningless patriotic songs that would charge the emotions and kill the mind.

The strong and the confident talk, discuss, negotiate, and confront using all the legal and diplomatic means. The weak are those who sneak, smuggle, and kill.

That ship marked the ultimate humiliation for Turkey and for those who participated. I am very disappointed in Turkey; I thought its democracy could be an example for the Arab countries that might be ready to open up their political systems to religious parties that call for secular political and social systems.

There is only one-way to deal with Israel which is dialogue and -I thought that everyone has learned it by now- negotiations, dialogue, unless you are afraid.

How do you like it?


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