Monday, January 24, 2011

*"The Palestinian Papers"...A View from Jamil Shawwa

The leaked, it is so fashionable now to have things leaked, about the alleged “Palestinian Papers” in regard to Jerusalem and the refugees looks like that leak in the 1990s about a proposed Golan Heights deal, “The Rabin document” which states a preparation from the side of the State of Israel to withdraw from the Golan in exchange for full relations with Syria. First, again, Syria is nothing to worry about, it will oblige as needed as it did when the order came to withdraw from Lebanon in 2005. As for the Palestinians, you have to worry about few things; lack of credibility, lack of representation, lack of transparency, and of course the ultimate Palestinian stigma; cowardness. The issues of Jerusalem and the Palestinian refugees are so simple, and in my mind, they are resolved and they just need Palestinian politicians who are elected properly or bold enough to spell them out. All these leaks are just test balloons to prepare people mentally to things that might be coming their way. Usually such things happen and in that magnitude in societies where hypocrisy is paramount and where people like to fool themselves and where the defeat is called "Nakba" and "Naksa", and accordingly, there is one place so far on earth that fits that criteria; The West Bank and the Gaza Strip. I saw excerpts from that Al-Jazeera in English report that talked about that deal from the Palestinians negotiators. See, here is another problem, Saeb Erekat and Yaser Abed Raboh and others are no body, they have as most of the Palestinian politicians, no credibility and no substance and no respect. You listen to them, of course this includes Hamas, and one thing comes to mind, forgive my Korean, the bathroom. The solution is easy, go and talk to the people in the West Bank and Gaza, Jerusalem is an open city, no need to dismantle any settlements anywhere, which is administered by the State of Israel and the State of Palestine, each within and with modifications around the 1967 line. If settlements fall within the State of Palestine, then they are residents of the state and it applies to any Arab population that falls within the State of Israel. The refugees issue is resolved, No Return, it does actually defies logic, unless they go back to lands in The West Bank or the Gaza Strip. If the Palestinians have a bold leader that for once would level with them and spell it and talk about it with the courage and the humility that it requires, the Palestinians will no longer continue to feel the victims that they are not, will not continue to cry and weep and will stop cursing everything and every body. See, the Palestinians are so lucky right now, the world including the State of Israel want to give them a state in the West Bank and The Gaza Strip, although they are the most expert in trying to tell the world not to give them a state. Two idiots run the show in the Gaza Strip and the West Bank, the PLO and Hamas. Can you imagine any nation on earth as unlucky as the Palestinians, their history by large, is a history of idiots running their politics.

* Search here under Israel and Palestine for more related articles.

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